Apr 19, 2006 22:55
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why? Well, I can certainly think of a lot of professions I would NOT choose, but since that's not what this is about, I'd likely be a writer of some sort, more books than journalism. It's currently what I'm doing with my life; or, at least, what I'm going to school to do with my life anyway. I've loved to write for a really long time now, and I find it hard not to see myself doing that, no matter the incarnation.
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why? I think that I would want to teach Charms, just because it seems like it'd be one of the most useful classes you could have and that they're really something you could use in your every day life. I've always felt throughout school that if I were learning something I could really use, I'd like the class a whole lot more. This is probably why I've always done well in English and not so hot in my science courses.
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not? What are you, kidding me? I have this intense allergy to anything that could kill me. I mean, I'd break out in hives, I'd start hyperventilating...it wouldn't be pretty.
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why? Okay, I'll give this question two answers: what I think it WOULD be, and what I would want it to be. Now, what I think it would be is a sloth. No, that's not very flattering, but well, if the shoe fits. I even once wrote an essay on sloth (the sin). Now, what I would want it to be would be something with wings; something that would make it capable for me to soar above the treetops and, for once in my life, have great eyesight. That kind of blissful freedom would definitely be ideal.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why? You know, I'm not really sure, because I can kind of feel myself in a lot of them, but I think the person I would identify with the most is Ron. He wants the spotlight, would love to have the spotlight, but whenever he manages to get it, even for a few minutes, or no matter how hard he tries, he either screws it up or someone else shines brighter than he does. I know that, no matter how much I might love being on stage, there's always someone (a lot) better than me, but damnit, I keep trying anyway.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised? I know this may sound incredibly cheesy, and I'm sure it's probably been an answer given over and over before, but I would definitely see my girlfriend beside me, and there would probably be a nice little house or even an apartment in the background. And, well, probably a cat or two. Since I haven't seen her in over a year now, it's only understandable that she would be in the mirror.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it? Well, first I would pay off all my school loans. After that, I'd give my parents enough money so that I know they'd be good to go, and then I'd take my girlfriend and we'd go traveling. I wouldn't want to just bounce around from place to place, though. I'd love to live in the countries I visit for at least a year, though two or three would be ideal. And I'd do that probably do that until either the money ran out, or my body just couldn't keep up with that lifestyle anymore.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now? God, I had about twenty different dream jobs as a kid. I mean, I wanted to be a veterinarian, or a psychiatrist, or a singer, or any other number of things, and a lot of that had to do with my parents constantly telling me that I could be anything I wanted to be. (I think, for a time, I even thought about being an astronaut.) But once I hit middle school and started writing more, I really felt like I fell into my niche. I have a love for words, and I have a love for language, and I really feel like I'll be able to make something of myself if I pursue that vein.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it? I think I would invent the charm of Pluvia. It would create a little rain cloud wherever and whenever you needed it. Think about how much water that would save if you were say...watering your garden, or your lawn. It'd be incredibly handy to have during the summer months, especially if there hasn't been much rainfall. The cloud wouldn't be very big (so it's not like you'd be causing a perfectly sunny day to all of a sudden become a downpour), and one could control it easily.
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus? This...is going to be a large, vast amount of cheese, but it's really something that I'm frightened of. I would probably see my own grave, overgrown and unattended to because no one's visiting or taking care of it (Scrooge anyone?). But really, the fear is dying alone, or not leaving a lasting enough mark on someone that they would care enough to visit. A way to make it funny, though, would be if there were like...TOO many people there. I don't know why I'd think it'd be funny, but I would, especially if they were all scrambling to be the one mourning right at the headstone.
- What do you look for in a friend? I look for someone who I can laugh with. If I can't laugh with a person, there is no way in hell we're going to get along. Also, someone who I can share comfortable silences with. I don't need (or want) to be talking all the time, so if we can just sit together and do our own thing without the constant need for there to be noise in the air, that would be great. And, you know, it'd be kind of nice if I could fangirl with them over stupid things.
- What trait most annoys you about other people? How...mm...wishy-washy people can be. Like, a hurdle gets tossed into their path to one goal or another, and they suddenly decide that it's not worth their time or effort to see that goal through. That, and in the sense that just when things with a friend are getting bad, or just when things aren't all sunshine and roses, they think that being that person's friend anymore just isn't in their best interests. Just because we don't make vows when we become friends with a person like we do in marriage doesn't mean that they aren't there.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
- Right off the bat, I'm a listener. I may not give the best advice in the world, but I can listen to the problems a person might have. I'll let them talk it out, and get it out of the system, without tossing in random stories about myself or trying to give lame, asinine advice.
- I think I'm capable of cheering people up. There's a few friends who have told me time and time again that I've helped them through some rough spots just by saying or doing something really goofy or really poignant. There's one friend of mine in particular whom I've really helped through a few really, really hard times.
- I'm really open-minded about things and really, REALLY don't like people who aren't. Yeah, hi. It's after the year 2000. Please to be not thinking this is the 1800s anymore, people. Okay, love you, buh-bye.
- I believe that you are nothing if you don't have your word, which is why I find doing anything that can be self-damaging to how people view you is just stupid. There's no sense in trying to manipulate people into doing something you want from them now because chances are that it'll come back and bite you in the ass at a later date.
- People tell me I have a really great, if vaguely twisted, sense of humor. But then again, whose sense of humor isn't at least a little bit twisted these days? (Then again, not everyone goes on about how the epitaph on their father's tombstone should simply read 'Oops'.)
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
- Can I list 'procrastinator' five times? No? Well, I'll still list it once, anyway. I mean...it's taken me about a month to finally get this application done. I get incredibly distracted very easily.
- I can also kinda be a snarky little brat. My parents try to tell me that my mouth will get me in trouble one day, but until that happens, I'll probably keep going anyway. Actually, I'll keep it up even after that. I mean, I once wrote an entire essay on how much I don't like Hemingway. In a writing class. I'll leave you to figure out how well that went over.
- I occasionally have a tendency to be incredibly apathetic when it comes to myself and things that are happening to me (not when something happens to my friends; then I become Mother Hen). I just...lay around and not care about the fact that if I don't get off my ass and do something soon, I'm going to be in some sort of trouble by the time I get back to classes this fall. Meh.
- Um...I'm weak for my shinies, and by my shinies, I mean my blades. My current count is one short sword, one small knife, one decorative hunting knife, one katana, and two daggers. And the collection is still growing; I'll probably wind up buying another one at the local renaissance faire this summer, if I have the cash. I think I'd probably cry if something were to happen to them.
- I'm going to count not being able to figure out five weaknesses a weakness. Though really, I kind of stretch on the strengths, too (and figuring out those made me feel self-centered). I'm a better judge of other people than I am a judge of myself (though I'm not the best at that sometimes, either). I just have a hard time picking myself apart, I guess.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: The ability to stand up for your convictions without backing down, but also the knowledge to flee if the situation calls for it.
- Loyalty: There's loyalty to others and loyalty to yourself. Loyalty to others is standing strong beside them through thick and thin, despite opposition. Loyalty to yourself, however, and to your beliefs comes first; you cannot compromise yourself in the name of loyalty.
- Intelligence: Knowing what you do and then applying it to what you do in life. You could have all the knowledge in the world, but if you're not using it to do anything, your intelligence is still going to be on par with Joe Schmoe from Nowheresville.
- Ambition: The drive and desire the get what you truly want out of life. Reaching for the stars, as it were. Without ambition, we're simply lumps of flesh taking up space.
- Name: Vivian
- Age: 20
- Where did you find out about us? kinneasirvine sent me on over. ^_^
sorted: gryffindor,
term iv