Dec 19, 2005 15:50
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
Hrmm. I have thought about this before, and didn't come up with much of an answer. I suppose that I might like to work in a Muggle liasons department. Not the Misuse Office, but one where its sole purpose was to help gain a mutual understanding between the Muggle and wizarding worlds.
Of course, I could always go work for the Department of Mysteries. That would be exhilarating! Just look at all of the cool stuff they keep in their offices! I'd love to own one of those time control dealies (The bubble dome where the bird flew as it went through the phases of life.) or perhaps I could be the Keeper of Prophesies. I could even have an in-department nickname such as: She Who Knows All or She Who Knows What Is To Come OR In-House Fate (As in one of the three mythical Fates, who wove/knew the future of every being.). It could work.
If all else failed, I could always be a librarian. I always want to spend time with my books. Books are one of my first true loves. (It shares the honor with writing, learning new things, and computers.) I could enjoy my passion, and feel enriched knowing that I have shared it with others.
I suppose that if all of those fail, I'd be a teacher of some sort. I'd choose this option for pretty much the same reason that I'd be a librarian. I'd get to be apart of the learning cycle.
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
There are quite a few I find absolutely interesting! If I had to choose, I suppose that it would have to be between Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology. (I'm leave it a little open to allow for a back up plan in case one position is filled.)
I'd teach Care of Magical Creatures, because I was always fond of animals as a child. I still am actually. A few of the magical creatures listed in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them have my particular interest, so why not go into a field that pays me to learn and share knowledge on something that could be fun? Of course, I'd need to brush up on protective spells and such beforehand.
I would teach Herbology, because I love plants. I've always had a garden of some sort of greenery around the house. The current green resident is an unnamed bamboo that I refer to as my pet.
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
Hrmmmm. That is certainly something to think about. It would be a great opportunity to grow as a person, or lose an appendage, but I cannot help but think of the danger included. After what happened the last time it was held, I would be wary to follow suit.
Despite the worry about whether I'd embarrass myself or be killed, I probably would place my name in the Goblet of Fire. It's hard for me to turn away from a challenge at times, especially when they present the opportunity to let me grow a bit or stomp all over a rival. I can be a bit competitive to a fault at times.
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
I would have to be a black panther, or another large, wild cat. Perferably a dark colored one. Why? It's not because I am dying to be cliché.
Sure, there are a lot of nifty animals in world, none of which include slugs (Blech.), but being a wild cat would give me "permission" to be the free and fierce creature I spend most of my time wanting to be. If it were not for the "rules" of Society and the need to present a nice face and a pure heart, I'd more than likely would give in to my natural instincts, whatever they might be. It could be anything from running around screaming and laughing, my arms flung carelessly behind me simply because I feel like it no matter where I happen to be, to, well, let's just leave that part on a need-to-know basis, shall we?
I will forever equate large cats with freedom, a connection to human beings' primal past, and power, even though they are hunted for their beautiful furs and lose more and more of their habitats daily.
It's either that, or a bear. Several of my favorites come to mind. I think Black, Grizzly, and Polar are at the top of the list. I love fish and I've always been fascinated by the hibernation process.
Not to mention, both animals can be fiercely protective of their offspring. I tend to be that way about people I adore, so I would want to take a form that captures a huge part of who I am.
- If you could be written into any HP Series book as a new character, which book would it be, and who would your character be? Why did you choose that book/character?
I wouldn't mind being written into Book Five. I'd love to be a Ministry employee who would help funnel information into the Order. I could even come by Grimmauld Place and do two things: tell Sirius' mother to shut up and keep Sirius from going to the Department of Mysterious. I'm still upset about that, and am in complete denial. I just know they'll find Sirius one day, and he'll be fine.
- What is your favorite magical spell/charm? Why?
I love the flashy Charms and Spells, but I am going to have to be practical about this. My favorites have to be Healing Spells. They'd always come in handy, and it doesn't hurt anyone to know how to seal up a gaping wound.
- Name three reasons why you would like to be sorted into each House.
Okay. . . Let me think. . .
1. I can work a situation to get what a want most of the time.
2. I may or may not have a spot of "questionable" tendencies.
3. More than once I have been labeled "devious," "evil," or a general "troublemaker."
1. Well, I love books and am the Queen of Research. If I don't know something, just give me a minute to locate a library (or web page) and I'm set.
2. Blue is my favorite color. Lame, yes, I know, but true.
3. I'd always have someone I could ask to help me with my homework. What with a House full of clever people and all.
1. Loyalty is one of the traits I value above almost all others. I want to be able to trust my friends and they me.
2. I get into a right tizzy when I, or someone I care about, feels threatened or treated unfairly.
3. The nifty Hufflepuff scarf and Quidditch robes, of course. = D
1. Though I don’t feel particularly brave, I am usually ready to take action if I need to.
2. Part of me likes the idea of people being chivalrious.
3. Everyone knows that red and gold are classic colors, why not flaunt them?
- You've received your O.W.L results. What are your results? (You have to have failed or done poorly in at least one subject)
I'd have done well or fairly well in the basics, Care of Magical Creatures, Transfiguration, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, etc., but I know without a doubt that I'd have bombed Arithmancy. I do okay in math when I have a good teacher who takes the time to go through the work with me and helps me to understand it, but it just sounded overwhelming and like it had too many confusing numbers and equations when Hermione simply talked about it.
Normally, I might stand a shot in Divination, but the teacher is a bit off, to say the least. So, I think that I'd likely be on the fence there, too.
- If you could have any superpower - but only ONE - what would it be?
The power to be invisible. I could finally sneak around and go the places that I normally couldn't, either because I am not allowed to or cannot afford to. I'd get a chance to travel, see plays, and anything else I can think of.
In addition to being able to enjoy the new ability to slip onto planes unnoticed, I'd be able to simply disappear for a while when I can't deal with human contact.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
Well, I liked Hermione right off the bat. She's smart and a know-it-all. It's no surprize, since I've always been "the smart girl." It’s what I’m known for, so I can understand the library and book love. I can literally sit in a library for hours on end reading books or stories online.
I also may or may not have also shared her enthusiastic hand-raising habit.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
I would see myself being secure financially and emotionally. I wouldn’t have to worry about bills, stress, wank, where I am going to live, how I am going to get from Point A to Point B, or anything major. Once that was established, I suppose there would be a child or two in the Mirror as well. No reports on a man, though. I will let you know as soon as he puts in a Mirrored appearance.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
BILLS!!! I’d pay off every bill owed by the people living in my home, and still have money left over. After I’ve done that, I’d buy a house, a new car, go to school, and put the rest away. Of course, I’d have to figure out some way to make the money multiply on its own. I’d probably look into stocks or bonds or those bank accounts that allow your money to earn interest.
- Which HP book is your favorite and why?
You know, I have always disliked this particular question. How is one supposed to decide?!
I guess I’ll pick Book Five. It showed more depth in the writing and the characters themselves. The reader gets to watch the student move into or out of their adolescence. I also got see more of Sirius(!), even though he did get a bit whiny. But, I don’t think that I can honestly blame him. He was always couped.
Oh! There is the introduction of Tonks, the Order, and the headquarters. I loved all of that as well.
- Which HP book is your least favorite and why?
Book Six, hands down. It was filled with a ridiculous amount of "teen drama" to the point where it almost didn’t seem realistic. Then, there is the ending of the book. It had me sobbing and running through paper towels like a faucet. *shakes fist in Ms. R.’s general direction*
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
I always wanted to be a writer. It’s what I would talk about and do endlessly, even though I knew writers didn’t make any money until their books or stories sold. The desire is still there, but I find myself wanting to branch out into computers as well. I’d love to be an "IT girl" and a writer.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
Dear goodness! That sure is a mouth full! Let’s see.
I would make it a potion, because I like the feeling of combining ingredients to come to an end purpose. It would be a sort of restorative, only it would be for the body and soul.
The user could drink it or rub it on, and blemishes, cancer, age lines, cellulite, varicose veins, and any number of problems would disappear. If it was ingested, there would be the added bonus that it would make the user cheerier and would ease any current heartaches (bad test scores, horrid exes, family issues, loneliness, etc.) to distract them from the slighty *cough* unpleasant taste. I mean, hey, you can’t have it all, and everyone knows the saying, "The worse it tastes, the better it works."
I’d call it "Danielle’s Fancy Smancy Cure-All Do-All."
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
It would turn into Death come early. I would go the slimy monster route, but I believe I am slightly more afraid to leave this planet with unfinished business than to be eaten alive.
It would turn out to be a hidden camera show reveal. Those never fail to leave me rolling with laughter.
- What do you look for in a friend?
I look for people who are loyal, honest, and have something in common with me. Not just a roundabout something, but something we both get excited about and have the tendency to squee about. If it causes us to hug one another often and bounce about, that friend is placed on speed dial.
Oh, I tend to like people who don’t mind being "weird" or having "weird" obessesions. Those obsessions can be anything from different fandoms to a fixation on a mythical being. There is also the plus of not having to explain my fictional character love to these sorts of people. They already understand.
- What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
Overall independence. I don’t like having to explain myself to anyone about where I am going or why I spend the money that I do. I also do not like being in debt to anyone in any form.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
Backstabbing. I loathe people like this, and I have been unfortunate enough to befriend people who behave that way. I blame my trusting nature and my desire to believe what people tell me. I feel that if I am honest about who I am and what my intentions are, that I should be paid the same courtesy. It’s too bad that too few people believe in this concept anymore.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1. My ability to figure things. I love the learning process, so my mind has always been important to me.
2. My loyal nature. I like to know that I am willing to stand by the people I care about.
3. My organizational skills. They can be a bit lax, but I certainly can fire them up when need be.
4. My leadership ability. If a group I come into has no leader or needs new direction, I tend to speak up about needed changes.
5. My people skills. True, I do tend to avoid some sorts, but I can usually get along with just about anyone.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1. My loyal and trusting nature, hands down. Though it is one my greatest strengths, it is also my greatest weakness. I have been loyal to a fault on more occasions that I care to count. I have gotten into trouble or had my kindness taken advatage of due to this part of me. I believe that it is the Cancerian in me.
2. I talk too much. I can be quiet and observant, but once I get going, I tend to babble. Luckily, I have had a few friends that babble, too. Otherwise, I’d annoy everyone.
3. I can be rather prideful. I have rejected help and pursued revenge in the name of my pride.
4. I’m a packrat. I like to keep everything that has sentimental value to me, right down to product packaging. Once again, I am simply going to blame my Cancerian nature for this. One of these days, I am going to have to let all of these bottles and whatnot go.
5. I can be argumentative. I have been known to start arguments just for the make up time and to blow off steam at a person that has wronged me in some way. The wrong might have been a week or more old and I simply didn’t say anything. If I had more spaces, I’d add my internalization of feelings, which feeds my argumentative side to the list.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage:
A willingness to take the risks no one else dare to take, especially when everyone else tries to convince you that you are wrong and/or crazy.
- Loyalty:
The ability to stand by people or ideals in the face of antagonistic situations and/or people.
- Intelligence:
Both retaining and making use of a collective body of knowledge won through hard work and keen senses.
- Ambition:
Having the desire to go after what you want, without allowing any number of obstacles to block your way.
- Name:
- Age:
- What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
I suppose that I would fit least into Slytherin House. Though I can be crafty, it's the overall feel of the House I've gotten reading the books. I do believe that I embody bits of all the Houses in my personality, but I think that I wouldn't fit in as well with people who go on about Pure-blood pride or come off as rather harsh and so forth. It's just not my way.
- Where did you find out about us?
Actually, I saw that media_darling had been Sorted here via the banner on her User Info Page. I decided to come over to take a look, since I found it interesting that she had been Sorted into Gryffindor.
sorted: ravenclaw,
term iv