What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
Hmm, I really am not sure. I do not think I have seen enough of the options to make a decision, but of what I have seen, I would probably be a teacher of some sort. If not that, something active that also requires you to use your brain, not just tedious grunt work. Perhaps an investigator, MAYBE a reporter, though I do not think I am adapt at reporting. Maybe an auror. I really need to see a job listing or something...lol. Recently I have been considering the unspeakables and despite the fact that we know absolutly nothing about them, something about the profession appeals to me.
If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
I think I would teach Transfiguration. There is no real reason why that as suppose to any other subject, I think I would enjoy all the subjects from a students point of view (given a proper teacher) so teaching it is along the same lines. The subject is very interesting and I could very much see myself pulling a Marauder's and secretly becoming an animagus which also makes me relate to McGonagall so that may be part of the reason I favor the subject.
This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
Absolutely, after all, placing your name into the Goblet is only saying that you are willing to participate. Once you drop your name in, the Goblet decides if you are competent enough to compete. If I was not chosen, I would be happy for who was and support them throughout the competition, if I was chosen, then I would trust that I was chosen for a reason and draw my strength from that fact.
If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
Many people have described me as either a cat or a monkey. I having been dancing and doing acrobatics since I was 6, so usually my motions are very flowing and cat like yet in the same aspect I have done circus arts, so I am prone to climbing on things. Attitude wise its the same split. I can be crazy like a monkey or I can be very sophisticated like a cat.
If you could be written into any HP Series book as a new character, which book would it be, and who would your character be? Why did you choose that book/character?
OOooooo, I think it would either be an add on to the end of Azkaban or the beginning to Goblet. I have a highly overactive imagination and often work myself into my favorite stories and in this case I imagined myself as about 14 years older than Harry and 9 years younger than Sirius (I think that math works out). I picture myself the daughter of the old Hogwarts healer who has to go stay with her mother for a bit when her father is away from home on buisness. While there I end up befriending the Marauders and even once they leave school I am like a little sister or something to them. I would want my character to be one of the members of the Order of the Phoenix of course, and be one of the first people to see Sirius again after all the events of PoA. Sirius is my absolute favorite character, so I really wanted a character that was close to him. I do not think she would have ever thought he really betrayed James and Lily but since she was just a child when that all happened, no one would have listened to her.
What is your favorite magical spell/charm? Why?
Hmmm, I like a couple. I like the Patronus Charm, especially after seeing that it has more uses than just fending off dementors. I also like the Locomotor charm, as it would make carrying drinks and food at work much easier (I am a waitress). I really do not have a singular favorite so far, I think many different spells are wonderful and come in handy at certain times.
Name three reasons why you would like to be sorted into each House.
This, is by far the most difficult question for me, and by the time I am writting this, I have answered every other question on the application.
*I love the challenge of going blindly into something unknown.
*I stick to my morals and if someone is doing something wrong I will take the appropriate action.
*I will always be the first to come to someones defense and will not back down no matter the odds against me.
*I try to be very honest about everything.
*I am loyal to a fault and would never betray a friend.
*I am fair and like to see all sides of a situation.
*I love learning new things.
*I value common-sense.
*I try to learn from mistakes.
*I try to be the best I can at the activites I love.
*I do like to be praised occasionaly for my hard work or accomplishments.
*(I have to be absolutly honest and say that I have been sitting here thinking on a third reason for a long time and I cannot think of one)
You've received your O.W.L results. What are your results? (You have to have failed or done poorly in at least one subject)
I will just list all the classes because I am not sure at this point what I would have taken and what I would not have. It would have depended on the teachers.
Ancient Runes - A (I already study runes to a small extent and only have troube with them cause I am not consistent)
Arithmancy - A (Although I would enjoy it, I have always had trouble with numbers)
Astronomy - E (I have always loved Astronomy and have studied it for years)
Care of Magical Creatures - A (I think I would confuse some creatures)
Charms - E (I docked myself a point just cause I was not positive I would get an O)
Defense Against the Dark Arts - O (Based on what we see in the books an movies, I would have done very well)
Divination - A (Only so low because I think most of the time you cannot control divination, but I would understand the theories well)
Herbology - A (I have a basic understanding of plants, but no real passion for them)
History of Magic - P (Just like world history, there are sections which I find absolutly fasinating and I know everything about, but generally I find learning dates and such absolutly boring)
Muggle Studies - O (Well I know everything about the muggle world)
Potions - E (I would be very good at following the directions given to make a potion, but the processes confound me)
Transfiguration - O (Just a guess, I think it would have been my favorite class)
If you could have any superpower - but only ONE - what would it be?
Always a tough question for me. I always go back and forth between transporting, invisibility and flying. I am going to go with transporting, just cause I was thinking (just yesterday actually) how wonderful it would be to travel to foriegn contries without worring about affording the flight and hotel. You could go there just as easy as you could go to the local supermarket.
What HP character do you identify with most and why?
Either Hermione or Ginny. I am a book worm just like Hermione, and I find myself always wanted to take on all the activities and classes that I possibly can (I really needed a time-turner back in High School), however I am not nearly as by the rules as Hermione is (even once she starts breaking them she still sticks to them too much) and I would be joining Ron and Harry with the last minute studies, not lecturing them on why they should have done it sooner. I think Ginny appeals to my more active side, I would probably try out for Quidditch as well and could see myself as a good seeker. I can relate to being the youngest out of several boys (I have a sister, but she is 18 years older than I am and we were never very close). She also has a lot of spirit and wont stand for anyone picking on her or her friends, OR telling her what she should and should not do.
What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
Myself, probably with my true love, and or close friends who care for me and support me.
If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
I would pay off my debt, buy a reliable car, buy myself a condo in Chicago, take a trip to various countries. I am going to estimate that all that puts me back about 300-400 thousand. The rest of the money would go into a savings account. I think with the amount of intrest that would bring in every year would be more than enough to support me and my various habits and adventures for the rest of my life.
Which HP book is your favorite and why?
Prisoner of Azkaban. I loved the story of the Marauders and getting a glimpse at how troulesome they were. My favorite part of that book is when Harry first comes face to face with Sirius in the Shack. That scene is just so exciting; thinking Lupin has betrayed them all, attacking Snape to listen to the story, the prospect of Harry moving in with his godfather, just in general all the suspense and excitment of it.
Which HP book is your least favorite and why?
That is a tough one, I like all the books very much. I guess I will say Order of the Phoenix because not only do you have to suffer through the horrible workings of Umbrige, but also because Sirius dies in that one. Yet its funny cause I love the book at the same time and think of it as my second favorite because you get to see more of Sirius and see him stand up for Harry against Snape.
What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
Well, I use to always say that I wanted to be, a combination: Actor, Dancer, Singer, Astronot, Model. My parents told me I use to say President to, but I do not remember that. I am still a performer and I have studied acting, dancing, acrobatics and circus arts. I was in choir all through school but I am so horribly afriad to sing alone in public that I would never hope for a singing career. I have briefly made a living as an actor before, but I know I must be realistic and find a normal career. If I had my way though, I would still become a performer.
If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
I think it would all depend on what I need at the moment, for now, I would say some sort of full body mend potion. I have been very active all my life (acrobatics, circus arts, dancing, etc), therefore I have all sorts of muscle and joint pains and it would be nice to feel 100% again. Something like a chiropractor in a bottle that puts your body in the right order. I think I would call it the Wear Repair Potion.
If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
A Spider, definatly. I have been terrified of spiders my entire life, they are my one big fear (I swear, the things have a homing beacon on me or something). I have gotten better though, I can vacuum up the darn things...as long as there is a distance between me and the end of the vacuum. I am not sure that the roller-skates could have done away with my fear...its something about the body that creeps me out...I think I would have imagined a large foot stomping on it or a vacuum sucking it up.
What do you look for in a friend?
Someone who is honest and trustworthy and is always willing to be there for you when you need them, yet is not afraid to tell you what you need to hear. Someone who is understanding and treats people with respect.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
Nothing specific, I just wish to live the best I possibly can. I take things day by day and I just hope in the end I can look back and think that I did the best I could.
What trait most annoys you about other people?
Hmm...I thought about ignorence, but many a time that is due to environment and upbringing. I thought about stubborness, but then I would be a hypocrite. I think vanity would be the best choice. I hate people who are absorbed in themselves and their lives and refuse to think or experience things outside their little box. I do not like people who are obsessed with appearance or the monitary value of items. Yes, vanity.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
In no particular order:
*Sense of Adventure
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
*Self-criticism (I am my own worst enemy)
*I wear my heart on my sleeve
*I am horrible at taking compliments because I never believe I am worthy of them
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: The ability to deal with any trials or fears that may cross your path and still do what is right and what needs to be done.
Loyalty: Staying true to those who count on you
Intelligence: A combination of applying what you have learned and using common sense.
Ambition: Wanting something (or to be something) great and doing everything you possibly can to achieve or obtain it.
Destiny Froste
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
Slytherin, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Slytherin's, I have many friends who fall into this house, but I myself do not fit. While I do have my share of ambition, I think my other qualities far out weigh it.
Where did you find out about us?
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