If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? I would take a big pink eraser and get rid of hate. It causes so many problems (war is the main thing that comes to mind) and if we could just get rid of it, the world would be so much better. By getting rid of hate, there would be a chain reaction and the world would just be loads better.
What makes a person respectable? What makes a person respectable in my eyes is Self-Respect. If you have respect for yourself then you aren't going out and doing drugs, sleeping with everyone and their mom, or any other number of things that are generally seen as not-so-repectable. It also has to do with confidence in yourself, that you do not need to fit in.
What do you look for in a friend? Common interests (what good is being a friend if you have nothing to talk about?), being insane (ok, not really, but I'm a bit hyper and I don't want to hang around a stick in the mud.), Someone who can accept me for who I am.
What are your hobbies? One of my major hobbies, currently, is reading. It gives me an escape to a new world where I don't have to worry about whats going on in my life (I.E. stressing over college, waitressing etc.) and it makes you seem smart. I also run track and cross country for my high school, as I'm hoping for scholarships for those and its pretty cool to say 'Oh, lookit me! I can run three miles without stopping and I'm the only girl that will do. PHWOAR!" so bragging rights are deffinately a major perk for me. If I'm not reading or running (ha! two Rs, go me.) I'm usually on the internet, and basically that consists of being a dork and chatting like a loon.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? I would deffinately give money to the St. Jude Children's Foundation and/or Ronald McDonald House. Both are great organizations who work to save lives each day, and though they probably have loads of money donated each day (as they're two of the most well known foundations) they have helped people I love and care about, and I'm very thankful that they are here today, so I would love to give something back.
Who is your role model? My mom is my role-model, she's been through so much and has lead an interesting life, plus she's a bit older and still hasn't really slowed down. Its really neat and I hope to be alot like her when I grow up (not exactly, mind you, I want to be my own person, bwah.) Don't get me wrong, we fight alot but we still love each other. I have a very strong bond with her and I'm thankful that once puberty hit we didn't start hating each other.
What trait most annoys you about other people? Two-facedness is my major irk with humanity. If you're going to claim someone is your friend, then don't go behind their back and call them something cruel. Have enough courtesy and/or courage to say it to their face. Don't lead them on because thats really crueler than actually saying how you feel.
What do you want to do for a living? I really really really want to be an actress. Theres something about getting on the stage and being blinded by the spotlight thats just a huge adrenaline pump and its just something you don't get anywhere else. If that doesn't pan out, I think I'd like be a Librarian, since books are such a large part of my life and I love Lit so much. Maybe I can be an Acting Librarian?
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? If I could use magic I would wait until they had gotten a bit away from my friend, use a body bind curse, grab my friend and then get the heck out of Dodge. If there was no magic to be used, then I'm not sure what I would do. I'd like to imagine that I would jump in there gung-ho and save my friend's life, but I'm not sure that I would. I love my friends, I really do, but I'm one of those people who aren't really certain what they would do until they were right there in that situation.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? If it were an absolutely life or death emergency, then yes I would. Its one of those 'desperate times call for desperate measures' kinds of things. I don't think I would ever actually Avada Kedavara someone,but I don't think I would be above the Cruico Curse if I absolutely had to use it.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1.) I'm smarter than the average bear; or atleast I think I am. I'm far from genius, but on the same note I'm not running around with scissors and slamming my face into a fire pit just because "it looks fun!". I can be a bit ditzy, at times, but I think everyone has their moments.
2.) I'm sarcastic; I'll be the first to admit that I'm terribly snarky, but its all in good fun. Sarcasm is the spice of life (..or is that variety? whatever.) and it can lead to some interesting jokes, mostly of the inside variety.
3.) I have a good taste in books; or so I'm told. I read alot of Chuck Palahniuk and Neil Gaiman (you should all read "Invisible Monsters" [Palaniuk] and "Good Omens" [Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, respectably]). I probably shouldn't admit to this, but most of my wages (I waitress, yo.) go to books.
4.) I'm not your average Seventeen year old Girl; The stereotypical girl of my age tends to find boys more appetizing than food, pink 'like totally cool!' and the latest gossip a must have. Boys are pretty, but I'd rather have a large pepperoni and pineapple pizza, Pink is pretty, but I don't think I want all my outfits to be that color and while I find gossip interesting (yes, its a weakness, but shhh.) I can survive without knowing who's dating who. [by the by? if this applies to anyone, please don't take any offense, none was meant. ;D]
5.) I love music; Im one of those people who believes that Life would be so much better if it had a soundtrack.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1.) I lie; I think thats a human trait, and I'm trying to work on it. Its not like I'm a compulsive liar, and it isn't as if I do it all the time, but I'm working on being a more honest person.
2.) I don't deal well with stress. I'm not really sure why, but if you put me in a stressful situation I usually break down and freak out.
3.) I put sarcasm as one of my strengths, its also a weakness. I have a habit of saying things that I don't mean and sometimes it hurts people.
4.) I'm really loud; this is sometimes a good thing ,but not always. I sorta get on peoples nerves, but again, I'm working on it.
5.) Its impossible for me to keep my mind on one subject. I was diagnosed with A.D.D. when I was in the third grade, so I'm pretty sure that that is the problem.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: The ability to stand up for yourself, even to your friends. It takes alot to stick up for what you believe when people are putting you down.
Loyalty: Being there for someone no matter what, even if you think their ideas are idiotic. More or less staying with a cause through thick and thin.
Intelligence: A nice mixture of book smarts and common sense. If you know how to do biochemistry, what good is it if you think setting your hand on fire is a good idea?
Ambition: Doing anything and everything to get to the top of the ladder. No matter who you hurt or step on, just as long as you get there.
Age: 17
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
Where did you find out about us?
starrynights75 or Gabby as you may know her.