If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? The way that people treat each other. I'm in the middle of changing & growing up, and I'm starting to notice how terrible so many people that are close to me get treated. it's weird to think that so many people can go around treating others like crap and not even notice it. nobody's perfect, but if I could change anything, I suppose I'd make things a bit more fair.
What makes a person respectable? someone who isn't afraid to be themselves and to take chances. for some reason it really bugs me when people use fear as an excuse to get out of making decisions. I think that if you have the passion and the drive to want something bad enough, go for it! someone who also has traits like honesty - even if it has to be brutal. it's better to be totally honest because in the end lying only brings more pain into a situation.
What do you look for in a friend? I look for a lot of the same traits as other people do: honesty, kindness, respect, loyalty, determination, etc. I notice what people say and do, but even more so, I notice what they don't say and do. being a true friend is more than just saying "I'll be there for you" you have to mean it. I look for someone who holds true to this. someone who realizes that I'm not going to be all rainbows & sunshine all the time. you've got to take the good with bad, and there is nothing more that shows me that someone truly cares about me when they love me through my rough moments too.
What are your hobbies? my biggest thing is making graphics here on my laptop. I also love to draw using charcoal, reading, surfing [although I don't do much of it, it interests me] I like driving to the beach at night with friends, and of course, the girly-girl day of shopping.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? yes. I haven't before, but I'd really like to. If I was way more financially stable, I would donate to charities. I've been thinking that since Christmas time is rolling around, I should at least give my time to some shelters or to a that "Toys For Tots" drive. I feel good when I'm helping others, even if it's in a very small way.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? to be happy or at least really truly content with myself. I'm working on it. I want to wake up knowing that I don't need someone else to be strong for me. that I can do all of that on my own. I want to be able to be independent, grow up and have a family, and have a successful career.
Who is your role model? one of my friends. I haven't known them long, but since I met them, they have given me so much faith in myself and showed me that I can really do anything I put my mind to. it's so hard to explain - but this person has had such a big, positive influence on me already. and time will tell just how much more he affects me.
What trait most annoys you about other people? just one? =D I'd have to say people who can't back up what they say. it irritates me and disappoints me so much when someone gives me their word/makes a promise to me or has made some life-altering decision, and then they take it all back. I feel like saying to them "honestly, do you have no dignity?" there's so many more.. such as people who are liars and hypocrites.. I could go on forever..
What do you want to do for a living? a forensic scientist/crime scene investigator. ever since I was little, the whole CSI thing has always fascinated me [and yes I really love the show, too.] I think it'd be perfect for me. I'm great at noticing little details that most people miss, and I always knew that I wanted to have a career that would affect someone's life. when you help a family find the closure that they need when they've lost a loved one, that's enough for me. I didn't watch many cartoons as a kid. I was always tuned in to the Discovery Channel.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? help them! of course! I would jump right in there without any hesitation. I can honestly say I'd take a bullet for a few people in my life. I couldn't live with myself if I just stood and watched a friend of mine getting hurt in any way. I'd help as best I can - no questions asked.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? no no no. I have a lot of bitterness and anger built up for some people, but I don't think using something like this curse would help me sleep any better at night. it only would make me stoop to low levels. I don't like to stoop.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? compassion, understanding, boldness, respect, determination.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? I get jealous too easily, I stress out over little things, I blame myself for everything sometimes, I sometimes put faith in the wrong people, & I look into things too much.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: the ability to do what feels completely right in your heart and mind without hesitation. when you know what you want or what you need to do, and you just go for it. you say "damn the consequences" and you put your heart and soul into something, even with the risk that it could end badly and you could get hurt.
Loyalty: sticking by someone's side through thick & thin. someone who is a true loyal friend won't leave you when you're hurting because it's just a little hard for them to handle. when the going gets tough - if you're loyal, you don't get going. keeping your word & not breaking your promises is essential to that.
Intelligence: the ability to comprehend & act upon things that are much more in-depth than just academic book smarts. you can be smart as whip in school, but it's not going to do you much good if you don't have common sense. you have to be able to understand what's right & what's wrong to you, and to think for yourself instead of letting everyone else influence who you are or what you think/believe in.
Ambition: the absolute drive to do something. when you know exactly what you want, and you take the courage that it takes to jump over the obstacles to get to it.
Name: Kaycee
Age: 18
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? Slytherin. I don't have anything against this house, infact I like the determination that you find in most people who are Slytherin, I just simply do not see any of their characteristics in myself.
Where did you find out about us?