Edited - hope its long enough :o)

Oct 22, 2005 21:22

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? The value system we operate under. Specificaly change it so that we value and feel a connection to our environment, and also feel a connection to our fellow human beings regardless of race/gender/sex e.t.c. Basicaly I would foster a sense of harmony, community and sustainability. I don't like the way we go about being cruel to each other, seeing differences between people, instead of appreciating the diversity and the things we all share. I also think many of the problems today are because of our disconnection from nature, and yes from each other. We need to get back in touch with community and the rhythm of nature, we can't keep living like we are living for example *cough fossil fuels cough*
What makes a person respectable? someone with integrity who is compassionate, wise and ambitious. I respect people who are activists, people who are mothers or fathers, people who are striving to build community and make a difference in this world. Especialy when these people stand by their own beliefs, not just something passed down from their parents, or the status quo of the day. I respect people who have goals and who strive to achieve them. Especialy a person who feels passionately about their goals and ambition, but is flexible and open to other people's goals and truths.I also really respect people who are loyal, good friends.
What do you look for in a friend? someone who is intelligent, loyal, funny, different and caring. I tend to have different kinds of friends - I have close friends who are great for one-on-one conversation, who you can cry with and then laugh with, who you love like family. I also have a lot of friends who i connect with in a more shallow way, usually people who are witty and share my interests in film e.t.c. Overall i would say no matter what place a person holds in my life, I like them to be intelligent and funny (or they at least appreciate my sense of humor :P ). I also think loyalty is really important, someone who will stand by you, who will defend you and be there when you are depressed and when you're happy (though these people are hard to find!)And all my friends are a little (or a lot) bit different to 'the norm'.
What are your hobbies? reading, writing, being in nature, indie/international film, environmental and social activism, satirical and philosophical conversation, dancing, live music...I have always loved to read, being an only child growing up i I spent half my time inside with a book, and half outside climbing trees or teasing the cat :o). I read because I just love learning or just being lost in a good story, in another world. I have always written too, for as long as i can remember I have wanted to be a writer, I don't nessicarily have a lot of talent - but i have a lot of imagination! I need time on my own, but I love to socialise, to go out dancing, enjoy a few drinks, have a picnic e.t.c with friends. I also love music and film, rock music got me through a hellish high school experience! I spend as much time in nature as I can, and am a practicing Pagan, so i also spend a bit of time in ritual or reading my tarot cards :o)
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? I have given money and time to charity all my life, mainly to environmental organisations. I have volunteered in shops, beach clean-ups, rallies, written letters e.t.c. I am very driven in my activism/charity work other than my writing it is the most important and constant thing in my life and something I always plan to do.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? Being a famous author (writing in many fields, environmental and fictional stories). I have always written, and always wanted to be a writer.Through my writing I feel the need to make sense of my world,to share what I think and foster connection. However i do get really frightened, I don't hink its an easy industry to get into - but i've been told I'm very driven (and talented on occasion :P )so one day. And to cheat the other thing I have to achieve is to make positive change in this world, in whatever way I can whether through my writing, charity work, in education...
Who is your role model? Buddah. He believed in himself, taught, made a difference and preached compassion. I would like to be as calm and compassionate as him one day and to make a huge difference to people's lives.
What trait most annoys you about other people? Ignorance and cruelty. I hate cruelty to animals, pollution, road rage, and the general callousness in this world. It just hurts me, like its being done to me. I accept there's a certain ammount of suffering in this world, but unessicary suffereing I just hate and can't understand (eg.battery vs free-range eggs). Although I admit the other thing I hate is kinda-petty but i just hate really ignorant, stupid people. People who don't know anything about their lives, where their food comes from, why they believe what they believe, people who just seem to stupid to be able to care about the planet! And yes if i can't hold a good conversation with someone because they are just really stupid/don't listen e.t.c. I won't be mean but i'll be very annoyed. I just need people that are somewhat informed about the world and able to get witty jokes - not just jack-ass type material.
What do you want to do for a living? author/environmental activist/academic. Ultimately I'd live to be a David Suzuki figure, traveling around educating and inspiring people about our environment, teaching them how to live closer to the planet for its health, and our health. Also the fame and accalades for my writing would be nice (revenge on aforementioned people who made my high school years hell!)If that career doesn't take off, I'd like to work in the environmental field, for someone like Greenpeace, or with people in developing nations, helping with things like organic farming and education. I also think I'd like to do a stint as a uni professor, teaching english or environmental studies (grooming others for the envi activist life, or just being buried in writing and books mmmm books...)
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? charge and do my best to help. I am not very good at defending myself, but when a friend is in trouble something changes in me, a primal switch is flipped and I go into auto-pilot. I am more of a defense than attack person - but if push comes to shove I suppose I would do whatever is nessicary.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? I'd like to think I wouldn't but if faced with someone destroying that which i hold dear, and they would not listen to reason, then I'd probably fill with rage and do it! Intellectualy and moraly I don't think it would be the right thing to do, but in a heated life or death situation, having exhausted other options, i know I would use it.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? I'm compassionate and a good friend, determination, analysis, writing. People tell me I'm a good friend, because I am always the one there when someone is sad/drunk whatever! I actually do this to my detriment (can be a doormat) so I'm trying to be more assertive, but I still think its important to be supportive, friends are my family. I'm a scorpio so I'm intense and loyal, with me you make a friend for life. I would say I'm determined once I know what I want. I think my compassion is an important quality, its the #1 drive no matter what i'm doing whether considering whats most ethical to but at the supermarket or planning my career. I procrastinate badly, I find it hard to make a decison, but once I make one better get outta the way because I WILL get what I'm aiming for. As for the writing, like I said I think I'm not that fantstic, it needs work, but it is one of my better skills :S!And as any writer would say, one doesn't choose writing it chooses you. I'm also very good at things like history, and the whys and wherefors of peoples's problems, I adore analysing EVERYTHING from Buffy episodes to the meaing of life. My brain is very important to me lol.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? procrastination, lack of self-belief, constant ill-health, shyness, I bull-doze other's sometimes from my moral high-horse :P. I am such a bad procrastinator, which is sad becasue fo the aforementioned determination, so it really hampers me. I can also be very shy and have a lack of belief in myself, I'm always second guessing (and analysing to my detriment) situations and people until I want to run away to my room and hide. The ill-health kinda speaks for itself. As you may have assertained, I am someone with very strong beliefs and morals, with a conviction to change the world. I understand that change must start with oneself, and I truly believe that everyone deserves their truth *but* at times I can be very confronting when met with beliefs very different from my own, when people don't care about or condone violence to animals. I find it very hard to understand a lot of the cruelty in this world and when a person is involved in ignorance or cruelty I'm not alwatys very diplomatic about expessing my point of view (I'm a bit emotional *ahem*)
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: despite fear you face life/public speaking/standing up for what is right/dancing to the beat of your own drum. True courage is fearing something but having the guts to face it anyway. To follow your heart and your truth in this difficult world. I think parents are courageous - being responsible for another life, I think its courageous to literaly or figurativley to grab a parachute and jump outta the plane (despite a fear of heights)
Loyalty: you're always there when a friend or cause needs you. I respect people who are loyal, and I don't mean being there every second of every day to one's detriment, but standing by someone, remembering your friends birthdays :P, making an effort.Despite adversity.
Intelligence: knowledge, the ability to reason with relative ease. intelligent people question life, they are able to arguee their beliefs. I do think intelligence can be just 'head-knowledge' and not actual wisdom, which is gleaned from experience, emotions and logic, whereas intelligence is more of a book-thing, an ability to impress at parties or university, a wide-general knowledge, to arguee philosophy but not nessicarily follow it ( I'm not knocking intelligence, I find it *very* important, i just think it needs to be tempered with kindness and wisdom - Dumbledore is an example of this)
Ambition: goals and the determination to reach them. I think ambition is a good thing, i respect a person who is ambitious, i think they tend to be interesting, passionate people with a lot going on in their lives. I hate it when people lack conviction and vision, i have always had a lot of ambitions and goals (although achieving them is another thing altogether!)

What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
Where did you find out about us?esso, hufflepuff

term iii, sorted: gryffindor

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