(no subject)

Jul 27, 2005 10:30

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? You know, I've thought and thought about this one, and I honestly can't say that I'd change anything. If I changed one thing, who's to say that another wouldn't suddenly become much worse? I think we're much safer leaving the world as it is ...

What makes a person respectable? Firstly, for me to be able to respect somebody I have to know that they are willing to respect me, my views and my decisions. Other than that, I respect people with strong personalities and strong views who stick to their guns when others disagree with them. I may not like what they're saying, but I respect that they're brave enough to stand by their opinions.

What do you look for in a friend? First of all, my friends have to be fun, and they have to have a sense of humour. In my opinion, there is nothing more important in friendship than the ability to have fun and have a laugh. So a similar sense of humour (sarcastic, sometimes a little dark) is also a plus. In addition to this, they shouldn't take things too seriously. At times I can be a little prickly or nasty without meaning to be, so they should be able to treat me with a pinch of salt and not take the things I say to heart.

What are your hobbies? I don't have a whole lot of time for hobbies really, because I'm at university and I generally work pretty much full-time as well. I love singing. I sing solo and with a choir, and that's not too huge a commitment so I manage to keep that going even when I'm very busy. I write lots, and I spend a lot of time online reading fanfic and hanging out on LJ. I recently got into music - indie and rock mostly - and I went to my first festival this summer, which was amazing! I rent DVDs and go to the cinema as often as I can. So I'm a pretty sedentary person really.

Have or would you give time and money to a charity? I give money to animal charities as often as I can. I give money monthly to a charity that helps people with depression. I gave about £40 after the Asian Tsunami to various charities. I'm sure I could do more, but I don't feel guilty about this often enough to actually do anything about it.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? I know this is the most ridiculous and unlikely-to-happen wish ever, but I'd love to win an Academy Award. I've watched the Oscars since I was little, and I've always been obsessed with the idea of being onstage, accepting that golden statue. If I ever manage to save up enough money, I'd love to go to film school and study screenwriting.

Who is your role model? To be honest, I don't think I have one. There are traits in certain people, and certain fictional characters, that I admire, but I can't pick any particular individual as my role model. If I did have a role model they would be a strong, witty woman who isn't afraid to speak her mind and doesn't ever worry about what other people think.

What trait most annoys you about other people? Rudeness. I know that sometimes it's possible to be unintentionally rude - God knows I've probably done it enough - but there's no excuse for the awful way some people behave. I've worked in customer service jobs a few times, and there seems to be something about going into a shop or a restaurant that brings out the worst in some people. There is absolutely no excuse for most rudeness, none at all.

What do you want to do for a living? Well, I'd love to earn a living from my writing. Realistically I know this is unlikely to happen, so I'd like to do something that enables me to have plenty time in which to write. I can't stand the idea of having some nightmare office job where I work 70 hours a week and am constantly terrified of being fired. So I guess I'll probably end up working in retail, which I quite like, and writing in my spare time.

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? Well, something like this happened to me before, years ago. This mad dog lunged at my friend, and I stepped in between them without thinking about it. I can't see myself doing anything different if it happened again. Obviously if it was some nutter with a knife, I might think twice about doing that. In that case, if I didn't see any way of getting them away from my friend, I'd try and get help, and get on my mobile and call the police immediately.

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? Yes, I think I would certainly try, though I don't necessarily know if I would have the ability to really mean it, so it might not work. If I was in danger, or if I was angry or upset enough, I would try.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
-My sense of humour. I can almost always see the funny. This has diffused many an awkward or tense situation. It also seems to put people at their ease around me, so the first thing I say to somebody will quite often be very silly.
-I've always been really good at solving problems, and coming up with creative ideas. For whatever reason, I seem to look at things slightly differently to most other people. I've come up with really simple solutions to seemingly complex problems on a number of occasions.
-I'm not afraid to ask questions that are seemingly 'stupid', because I don't really care how people see me. Though this has the unfortunate side-effect of sometimes making me seem less intelligent than I am, it means I always have a clear idea of the big picture.
-I'm very critical. This is also one of my worst qualities, but it's definitely also a strength because it enables me to notice potential problems or weaknesses where other people might not. Fortunately I'm blessed with enough diplomacy that I can usually point these problems out without offending too many people.
-I'm smart enough that I can generally do pretty well without having to put in much by way of effort. This comes in handy around exam time, when I remember I haven't been to any of the classes. Though this may not necessarily be seen as a good quality by others, it's very useful for me!

What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
-I'm very critical. This comes out in random bursts of sarcasm, pedantry and nitpicking. I think I've probably fallen out with all of my friends at least once because of this, but they're mostly used to it now and just tell me to shut up. I'm also extremely self-critical, which can lead to all kinds of trauma and wibbling, so it's something I really have to rein myself in on when I notice it starting.
-I don't tend to trust people very easily, if at all. I had a very good friend spread gossip about me when I was at school, and it's hard to recover from something like that. This makes the leap from being 'friendly' to 'friends' with me extremely difficult.
-Laziness. Man, I can be so, so lazy when I think I can get away with it. I procrastinate, I lie around, I do as little as I possibly can, and then I feel horribly guilty about it. Fortunately I don't often have time to be lazy, as I have so many obligations.
-My self-discipline is not what it could be. I've never managed to stick to a diet, an exercise regime or a study timetable for more than a month in my entire life.
-I'm not the most consistent of friends. Sometimes I want to spend all my time with my friends, and other times I'll just make excuses and lock myself away for a week or so and write. Fortunately my friends know what I'm like and put up with me in good humour.

Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: Real courage is being scared to do something but doing it anyway.
Loyalty: Loyalty is standing by your friends and family through good and bad times, and doing your very best never to let them down.
Intelligence: Intelligence isn't just about being brainy. It can also be also about having common-sense, a particular skill, or an innate understanding of something.
Ambition: The overwhelming desire to change your situation, and to better yourself.

Name: Hannah
Age: 21
Where did you find out about us? A friend mentioned the community on her LJ.

term ii, sorted: gryffindor

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