If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
The world would be a happier place if people would smile a little more than they do now. I don't mean phony, forced, or those borderline smirks but genuine smiles that reflect true happiness. It's sort of farfetched considering how an overwhelming majority of people are pessimists. Optimism is a breath of fresh air in comparison.
What makes a person respectable?
In my opinion, a person who is able to hold their ground and stand firm to what they believe in despite of opposition but when it is to their best interest to step down, swallow their pride and compromise, they would be able to do so as well. This might sound contradictory to a certain extent but a person who is flexible when it comes to handling sticky situations is harder to find than one might think.
What do you look for in a friend?
Compassion, empathy, and sincerity. I want someone who isn’t afraid to be him/herself, but at the same time they should also sensitive to other people's feelings. It's mostly common sense. As the saying goes, do unto others what you want done unto you (the only exception here would be if you're sadistic, of course).
What are your hobbies?
Most of my hobbies revolve around the Internet. I simply can't live without the net as I spend hours daily chatting with friends, checking LJ and participating in various communities, and playing MMORPGs (Massive Multiplayer Online RPGs). On the few rare occasions when I'm not typing away at my keyboard I could usually be found reading a book on a couch or window-shopping at a local mall.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
My family had sponsored a child from a third world country (I can't recall the name of said country at the moment) a few years back. Personally, I have given to charities like UNICEF and bought poppies every year at Remembrance Day but that's about as far as it goes. I don't make a conscious effort to donate sums of money to the charity.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
A happy, stress-free existance. I don't want to be burdened with daily worries and minuscule details, such as whether to cook tomatoes or peppers for dinner, if I can help it. I prefer a more laid-back approach to a hectic one when it comes to lifestyle. Sure, I might not get as far as some, but as long as I attain what I consider success in my own standards, then it's fine by me.
Who is your role model?
I don't really have a role model per se, but my grandfather comes pretty close to it. He was a painstakingly honest man who cared deeply for his family. He was humble and displayed humility in everything he did. He was slow to anger and good-humoured.
He was everything anyone would ever want in a grandfather. I wish I could be more like him sometimes, though I don't exactly like the idea of being taken advantaged of.
What trait most annoys you about other people?
It's only human to have flaws, but personally I cannot stand people who befriend you for the sole purpose of gaining benefits and then disappear faster than the speed of light when you cease to continue to offer whatever they wanted in the first place. I consider such persons to be parasites and more specifically, leeches that drain you dry and leave you there to die.
What do you want to do for a living?
I've had a lot of conventional ideas and aspirations since childhood when it comes to future careers, ranging from a lawyer, to a doctor, to an archaeologist. At the moment I'd like to be a food critic of sorts. I am quite adventurous when it comes to new foods and being an English major in university, I thought it would be interesting to be able to experience different delicacies and utilize my education at the same time. It's almost like killing two birds with one stone.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
Come to their aid ASAP. I would do anything to the best of my ability to help without putting myself in danger. It's pointless to help others when you can't even help yourself.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
I don't think so. The only exception would be if there’s a life and death situation and my survival depends on the casting of the curse.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1) I am a good listener. If you have something to say, then well, you have an audience right here. I am respectful to the speaker (usually it's one of my friends; they like to rant their hearts out) and will usually refrain my comments until they're finished before I contribute my two cents.
2) Determination. If there's something (or someone) I'm really passionate about, I will go all out until I get what I want (or until I hit a brick wall).
3) Sense of humour. I like to take things easy and humour really does the trick sometimes. It eases off tension and brings people closer together through a good laugh.
4) I don't stay angry for long, even though it's easy to piss me off. I don't hold grudges usually.
5) I have a fairly good memory.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1) I am quick to anger. I usually swear like a sailor when I drive, and I cut people off and get pissed when they drive too slowly. Which brings us to my second flaw.
2) Impatient. I'm almost always the one that arrives at a gathering first because I hate to keep people waiting and likewise, I don't like waiting for people either. I just don't like to wait. Period. If there's something I really want and absolutely must have on display but I was told that the item would go on sale two weeks after, I would buy it right there anyway.
3) I can be blunt and obvious about how I feel at times. It either makes people feel loved or makes them feel like shit. It goes both ways, unfortunately.
4) I'm quite cynical. Though it adds to my worries, I can't help but feel that most people have a hidden agenda to what they do and I tend to dig out supposedly "hidden" meaning in things that sometimes might, but more often than not don't, have any hidden meanings to them. University education encouraged my cynicism even further by probing me to question anything and everything. This is preventing me from being as content as I'd like to be though I think it's a self-protecting mechanism. It had helped me in a few circumstances.
5) My pride. As a friend had pointed out to me and I have myself noted, I have a tendency to belittle things I have little or no knowledge of, simply because I don't want to admit that I need to be acquainted with that particular subject matter and that I'm not "in the know". That mentality is a definite barrier to me becoming more knowledgeable about different things.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: Standing your ground when faced with an adversity and confronting it appropriately. It takes a lot of courage to say sorry, as well. One doesn't have to be heroic to be courageous.
Loyalty: Sticking by your friends through thick and thin. Lend them a listening ear and support them along the way when they're troubled, and celebrate with them when they're successful.
Intelligence: A thirst for knowledge and a drive to familiarize oneself with diverse disciplines and expertise.
Ambition: Knowing what you want and exactly how you would go about getting there. Ambition comes with an expensive price tag but in the end it's a worthwhile sacrifice.
Name: Amanda
Age: 19
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? N/A
Where did you find out about us? My friend
magelet told me about the community.