If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Poverty in third world countries. It angers me so much for various reasons. Developed countries such as the US and UK never seem to take the issue seriously enough, this is going to be highlighed at G8 I am sure when once again not much will happen to solve the problem. Another thing is the fact that in these third world countries there are actually some incredibly rich people who could do so much to solve the problem yet they do not.
There is such a divide in the world between the developed and undeveloped countries and it only seems to be getting bigger; we need to change our methods for changing this.
What makes a person respectable?
They believe in themselves. I think that if you do not respect yourself then others will not respect you either. Having a positive outlook on life will reflect the way you seem to others. Everyone has faults but seeing past those and focusing on your qualities is really important.
What do you look for in a friend?
Honesty, even if they go againt me I want them to tell me about it. Overall I look for friends with shared interests. Yet most of all they have to be versatile - being able to have a laugh with them but also knowing I can rely on them if I ever need to talk about problems.
What are your hobbies?
Well mainly I am a internet junkie I just cant stay off it. But I do actually play quite a few sports: tennis, basketball and hockey. I also horseride and surf. Recently Ive got really into making graphics on my Paint Shop Pro programme; its really addictive. I also enjoy riding a wide variety of books and sometimes attempt to write my own stories.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
I have volounteered in a charity shop in the past and am involved with two charities; both are animal related. With the two charities I have helped at fete stalls, raffles and information stalls in town.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
Become a interior designer, I have wanted to make that my career for about eight years now. Im starting a new school in september where my subjects relate to this and hopefully can then go on to college to specialise in this area.
Who is your role model?
My grandmother; she brought up four children alone when my grandfather died early on in they're marriage. She had a part time as well and now she is just such a rock in mine and all my families lives. Her attitude is amazing; she has gone through so many tough times but still comes out smiling.
What trait most annoys you about other people?
Arrogance to an extreme level. Some people just seem to have to show off everytime they say something and I cannot stand it. Of course if you've achieved something then it is ok to mention it of course but randomly boasting about something for no reason I do not understand.
What do you want to do for a living?
As I said in the accomplishment section; be an interior designer. I love giving advice to my family/friends about how they could improve they're decor and when they listen to me it just gives me this great feeling. I planned my bedroom and pretty much everything in it and I just find it incredibly fun. To be able to do that is my career would be ideal.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
My instincts would be to attack this thing back even though this may not be the best idea. Of course if it were obvious fighting back was going to put us in even more danger I would try to trick the person/animal somehow and then make sure we both get out of there as fast as possible.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
I hope never to be in a situation where I would need too but if this thing I was against was truly evil and had killed many I would use Avadakedavra. Giving a Unforgivable Curse is something I dont take lightly, the circumstances would have to be extreme. So basically yes I would but I would find it dificult.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1. Loyalty - I always stick up for my friends and always keep they're secrets if they tell me them.
2. courage - I go after things I want even if it means doing something which is frightning to me.
3. Optimism - Bad things happen but I always try and see the bright side in them. I try and pass this trait on to my friends when they are down and usually I can get a smile out of them
4. Intelligence - I tend to understand problems very quickly and I enjoy debates and discussion in school about world issues.
5. Non Judgemental - I never judge people on face value, I accept life choices within reason and understand not everyone has the same opinions/lifestyle as I do.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1. Temper - I tend to get fired up too easily when someone/something annoys me
2. Rush into things - I seem to find myself rushing into joining clubs/activities and then wondering how I got there, I need to think more about things I do first.
3. Procrastination - If theres something I dont want to do I will put it off as long as possible
4. Opinionated - I have opinions on most things and voice them too much
5. Perfectionist - Always thinking I can do something better and spending too long trying to perfect projects and so on. Im always thinking "I could have done this better".
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: Not being afraid to follow your dreams even if there are obstacles in the way and the ability to stand strong against problems. Overall believing in yourself.
Loyalty: No matter what the situation you stand by your loved ones and friends, you may go against others but what is most important is showing your support for those close to you.
Intelligence: Being born intelligent is well and good but true intelligence is a mix of it partially being there all the time and hard work to do well and succeed.
Ambition: Having a plan to achieve goals and actively purueing them. Setting goals and not being deterred when things dont run smoothly but carrying on striving to achieve them.
Name: April
Age: 16
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
Where did you find out about us?Searching for "Harry Potter" in interests.