Here to be sorted :)

Jun 16, 2005 20:58

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? If I could change one thing about the world I would have all people see the value of human life. I'm not specifically talking about abortion or the like, but just the overall value of human life. I hate to see war with people killing each other without thought; I hate to see any sort of genocide. I think all people are valuable no matter who they are, and it’s terrible to see entire races being treated like animals just because they were born in a certain country or are a certain religion. I'm having trouble putting it into words but I hope it makes sense.
What makes a person respectable? Let’s see. A respectable person is one with genuine concern for others. A person with values who is determined to stand firm on his or her beliefs is respectable. A respectable person has respect for other people whether they agree with them on life issues or not. A respectable person will not push their beliefs on another, but has the ability to quietly stand for what they believe in.
What do you look for in a friend? I look for someone with similar interests and a similar outlook on life first and foremost. Then I look for someone who is funny and somewhat outgoing and completely genuine. I want my friends to be loyal and honest. I want someone who will let me know if they think I’m an idiot or I’m doing something stupid and not just go tell someone else how irritated they are with me.
What are your hobbies? I love spending time with my husband doing just about anything. I enjoy going to the movies...let's see...I LOVE to read, ever since I learned how, haha. I enjoy playing with our pet rats, Nutmeg and Oreo. I really enjoy cooking, and experimenting with food to see how it will turn out. I love to shop, but I don't get to do that very often.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? After the tsunami we (my husband and I) gave to United Way. Every year I work at an inner city camp for a weekend helping with general maintenance and getting it ready for the kids coming that summer. If a service opportunity comes around I really try to get involved even though sometimes I'm not really cut out for the work. I suppose its better to have willing, though maybe not very good help:) than none at all.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? My biggest aspiration is to have a great family. It might not sound that important to some, but I want my kids to be well-rounded and intelligent and be the kind of adults that can make a contribution to the world. I want to be the kind of parent that can raise healthy kids who make good decisions, and I want to be the kind of wife that my husband needs and not someone he views as a burden. I want to look back when I'm old and feel that my life was worthwhile and have very few regrets.
Who is your role model? Okay, I’m about to be cliché, but my role model is Jesus. Whether or not he was the messiah (I believe so, but that’s not my point here) he possessed many positive characteristics that I hope to possess. He was generous, kind, compassionate, full of love for all people and he put others above himself. He was also optimistic and able to see the good in people and didn’t focus on the bad. He also stood firm on his beliefs and didn’t let other people change him. Those are all characteristics that I try to possess and if ever I need a reminder of what a good person is, I look to him.
What trait most annoys you about other people? The trait that annoys me most is when the people around me are oblivious. People that just can't seem to grasp what’s going on just because they aren't paying attention or just don't care enough to figure it out. That type of person is the type that makes life more difficult for everyone else.
What do you want to do for a living? I want to be a speech pathologist. I'm in the process right now and hopefully within the next few years I'll be able to start doing that for a living. Speech has always interested me and I'm very particular about the way I speak, so it just seems like a natural career path for me to take.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? I'm the type of person that acts now and freaks out later. I would probably go into action mode and do whatever I could to stop the attack though I have no idea what that might be. I probably wouldn't even be thinking clearly, just acting on pure adrenaline and then once the situation was over I would fall apart and be terrified and wonder what the heck I thought I was doing, taking on "..."
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? That’s a really hard question! I want to say that I wouldn’t because they are illegal, but if it came down to it and someone was hurting someone innocent for no good reason and the only way to stop it was to use an Unforgivable Curse I think I would. I think I definitely would if someone I love was being harmed.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? I am definitely witty and able to make people laugh, which I love. I’m intelligent, that’s something I’ve always been proud of. I am incredibly loyal to the important people in my life and the causes I stand for. I am very logical, which is both a strength and a weakness in my opinion, depending on the situation. Tactful honesty is also one of my strong points. You can bet I’m going to be truthful, but I will not cause any undue pain. I am also able to be honest if I’ve done something stupid.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1. I can be judgmental…not a good quality, but one I possess nonetheless.
2. I am seriously hard on myself about anything and everything. I’m a perfectionist and I really get down on myself when I’m not living up to my own standards.
3. I can be too pushy when I’m trying to get what I want, and I know that turns people off.
4. I can be really stubborn when I want to be.
5. I don’t have enough self control. I spend too much money, I eat too much…its irritating.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: The ability to do what you believe is right, even when you are afraid and the odds are against you.
Loyalty: Standing for what you believe in and not letting others sway you or cause you to fall.
Intelligence: Being gifted in some way. It could be books smarts, or being incredibly logical, or being an amazing artist or any other of a million different gifts. A part of intelligence is having the courage to use your gifts though, and not be afraid of them or just too lazy to use them and grow from them.
Ambition: Working to get what you want and not letting anything get in your way.

Name: Debby
Age: 22
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) I don’t really feel that I would fit in Hufflepuff. I think I’m too stubborn and I think I like good-natured rule breaking too much to be in Hufflepuff.
Where did you find out about us? I learned about this community from my friend Megan who is in Ravenclaw, thanks Megan!

term ii, sorted: ravenclaw

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