If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Of course you have to start with the hardest question don’t you? I tend to think that the world’s ok as it is. I mean obviously world peace would be nice, and complete acceptance by everyone, no racism, no ignorance. However, think of what the world would be like with all that. It would be like the Stepford Wives, bland and completely perfect. All these bad events, help you to grow and to live. You have to learn to live with them because that’s what the world is like and because it helps make you the person you will become. Without the bad things in the world people would all be perfect, as would the world, and I don’t think I’d like that. Our flaws are what make us interesting. I hope that makes sense.
What makes a person respectable?
My definition of a respectable person is a person who tries to do the right thing. They can make mistakes and they do. They can hurt loved ones and they do. They can be disloyal and they are. But the bottom line is that they always have good intentions. They won’t intentionally hurt someone. They try to help people - not all the time, but whenever they can. They might not be the smartest people. They have a sense of compassion. They have a sense of right and wrong. They feel bad when they make mistakes and they try to fix them. No matter what they do, they try to do the right thing.
What do you look for in a friend?
I tend to be a bit more reserved so I like to have talkative friends. I like to have friends with a sense of humor, who make me laugh, and who I have inside jokes with. I look for friends who accept me unconditionally and don’t laugh at me if I do something weird. I look for friends who, while they do talk about boys , makeup and celebrities, also know about and discuss more intelligent things (books, world events, classes etc.). Obviously not all my friends are like this, I like making friends with many types of people, but this would be my ideal friend, I guess.
What are your hobbies?
I surf the web, obviously. I go on way too many Harry Potter sites, as well as Livejournal. I also e-mail and IM friends, etc and know a few facts about HTML and graphic design so I play around with those at times. Then I read. I’ve been a huge reader since I was little. I used to only read fantasy novels and I still love them, but lately my interest has also been swaying to mystery and real life/romance novels. Yes, only novels, I don’t read nonfiction. I find it boring. I also write, I love writing stories, poems, journal entries, or applications (like this one ) and I’ll just be writing and not realize the time. Teachers have said I have a writing talent, but I just love to write, I don’t really care if I’m good or not. So that’s what I’ll do if I’m home, obviously I also like hanging out with friends and other social activities but this is my definition of hobbies.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
I have given time, mainly because both my parents work in social work, what could be called charities. I’ve handed out things, made things, manned booths, etc. I wouldn’t want to work in a charity or social work organization, just because my parents do, and it doesn’t really seem like my thing, but I don’t mind helping out every so often. I can’t really donate money at the moment, due to my age, and the fact that I’m broke, but I sometimes read the things we get in the mail and wish that I could. I think the thing is, I’m not going to give them money if they don’t ask, because it just doesn’t cross my mind. If they ask me, I feel so compassionate for them that I feel I have to give them money. I feel really guilty if I don’t because I feel like I have it so much better than whoever the charity money’s going to.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
I’d like to overcome my shyness. It tends to hinder me in making friends etc. When I meet new people, I want to be the one saying hello to everyone and making people feel comfortable and not have people think I’m boring right away because I’m too shy to say anything. Once someone starts a conversation with me, I’ll talk away. I have passionate opinions about quite a lot of things, and while I’m usually reserved, can talk a lot at times. I hate when adults say, “Oh she’s shy.” It just makes me not want to talk to them. That’s the thing I’d like to accomplish about my personality, and as for things I’d like to accomplish in life I’m sticking those three questions down.
Who is your role model?
I don’t really have one role model but there are many people I admire. I admire my mother for her perseverance and hard work in everything. While I do work hard (usually) once I get started, I procrastinate, a trait my mother doesn’t share. Also like I said above she’s a social worker, so it’s not like she gets a huge reward (money wise), her reward is the human gratitude. I admire my father because he can always stay calm. My mother and I both get angry very easily, while my father, usually remains calm, and even when he’s angry, doesn’t yell. I admire my uncle and grandfather who can talk to anyone, strangers they don’t know. They’ll always make whoever they talk to laugh. I admire the writers of the past, and the strong woman (and men, I guess) of the past, who worked for what they believed in.
What trait most annoys you about other people?
Two kinds of people tend to annoy me. The first being quiet people. I am quiet myself and because of this I guess I just like being around talkative people. Around quiet people I’ll feel I need to talk and I will. I’ll babble on about some random thing. They won’t reply or will reply in a one word answer. I’ll be like…ok, then, bye. It just feels totally awkward, and since I’m quiet myself I shouldn’t feel this way, but I do. Secondly it annoys me when people pretend to me nice, but really have an ulterior motive. Like when they say something that would normally be nice, with a total sneer. Be mean or be nice, I don’t care but be proud of whichever you are, don’t pretend to be what you aren’t.
What do you want to do for a living?
I think I might like to be a nurse. A nurse in a hospital. The first reason is obviously that it would be helpful. Secondly however because of the varied types of work for nurses I wouldn’t get bored. I’d always have new patients and families to meet, something new to do. I’d get a lot of stories to tell. It would be fun, in some odd way. That might change, and probably will, before I’m old enough to actually have a career other than a lifeguard or a saleswoman but that’s how I feel now. On the side of whatever I did I’d also like to write. As mentioned above, I have a passion for writing, and I’d love to write a novel.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
I’d definitely fight it. If my friend was simply insulted or something of the like, I’d just tell them to ignore it, but an actual attack I would definitely fight for my friend. By that I don’t mean physically fight, I mean I’d use my wand and throw hexes at the attacker. I wouldn’t risk taking the time to get help if my friend was in real danger and if they weren’t I’d just want to defend my friend. This answer is mostly for a human attack, I’m not sure about an animal attack, I think the answer remains the same, depends on the animal.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
I have to sound yes. I probably sound like a murderer or something. However, if the situation was dire enough, of course I’d use an Unforgivable Curse. It would be my last resort, but I would use one, if I had to. The definition of ‘had to’ is if someone I loved or if I myself was being hurt, killed, tortured, etc.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
I answered this ages ago for H_E and when I think about it now, I’m really now sure. However, I’m going to attempt to answer this the best I can.
Creativity: I think creatively and love creative pursuits, like writing, doodling, drawing, photography, film etc. I used to make people cards every holiday, I still sometimes do. Also if I have a report with loose requirements I’ll try to do it creatively (write in journal form, add pictures, etc.)
Intelligence: This is going to sound really arrogant, but I “get” things. I can figure them out myself. For example I figured out Power Point when I was around ten, without anyone explaining it to me. I guess this partly comes from reading a lot of books. I get good grades in school, and usually don’t need things explained to me.
Passion(ate): When I like an idea, I get incredibly excited about it. I also have passionate opinions about world events, etc and I’ll defend them to the end. I’m loyal to causes and people. I also have very strong emotions, and like having strong emotions. It can be bad at times, but I like feeling, really truly deeply. I don’t know why. (Yes I do, it’s all due to my Scorpio Moon, cause the moon controls emotions and Scorpio is an emotional sign, sorry excuse that, I read an astrology book once and I can’t stop referencing it.)
Open-minded: I obviously think some things are weird, but not easily. I live in a totally diverse area, so I’m not racist at all. I have friends and people I admire of all races and cultures. I have a homosexual uncle, so I grew up thinking nothing was wrong with homosexuality, therefore I’m openminded to that. I mean, I live right near NYC, and take the train everyday, I see a lot and like to think I’m open-minded and accepting of all kinds of people.
Independence: If I don’t know anyone, I don’t mind sitting by myself. I don’t mind being different or unique. I’m not going to blast it to everyone, but I’m not going to worry about it either. I can handle things on my own, I like individual projects better than group ones.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
Shyness: This has all been explained above.
Procrastination: I procrastinate. Simple as that. Life would be a lot easier if I didn’t, but I do.
Anger: I get angry easily. This can be a good trait when it’s directed at a good cause but it tends to be a bad trait for me, because I get angry at the people I love the most. Not that I don’t get angry at enemies as well.
Believing: This is going to sound bitter. I am innocent to the degree that I believe people have good intentions or that they have some good in them. A lot of people just don’t and therefore can take advantage of the fact that I’m willing to sympathize with them. I actually like this in myself, and wouldn’t want to lose it, but it can be a weakness.
Lack of Coordination: This is not a serious one, but I’m not into sports at all and am horrible at them. It embarrasses me to some degree, I mean everyone seems to play some sport or other, but I’m just terrible at them. I know nothing about them either. I do like pingpong. And I can shoot a basketball. But I can’t catch or throw very well. I sound like a total dork, and am to some degree.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: Courage is the ability to overcome the fear inside you and just do something. You don’t have to skydive to have courage. You just have to overcome your own personal fears.
Loyalty: Never straying from the cause or person you are loyal to. Not betraying that person or cause ever.
Intelligence: Like I said above, getting things. However you can be intelligent in different ways. You can not get things, but be intelligent because work hard to understand them. You can also be street smart and intelligent about people.
Ambition: The need and want to do something with your life. It’s that simple.
Name: Beth aka. Bethie
Age: 14
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) Leaving blank, because it says optional and I don’t think I don’t fit in any one house.
Where did you find out about us? I searched for sorting communities. I love filling out these applications and seeing where I get put and why.