If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Conformity. I hate it more than anything else. I won't talk to people if I consider them to be a conformist. So I would change this, and get everyone to be their own person.
What makes a person respectable? I think a person is respectable if they are ok with themselves. If they have problems in their life and don't respect themselves at all, then I don't consider them respectable. It is a very confusing topic.
What do you look for in a friend? Well I have problems with this. Its hard for me to say because I am only 16 and have not really had a chance to live yet. There are only about 100 kids in my grade and I cannot stand most of them. I don't have a lot of friends. I try to look for people that are interested in the same things as me. However, I have never really found anyone like that yet.
What are your hobbies? I love to play on photoshop. I make icons and banners and layouts and stuff for livejournal. I also use photoshop for my art classes in school. I take photography classes and stuff like that and then I play with the pictures on photoshop. Its very fun. I love music a lot. I listen to a lot of rock bans. But the reason that music fits into this hobbies category is because I played the piano for about 5 years. I was forced to quit playing in the beginning of my junior year of high school because my mom got in a fight with my piano teacher because my piano teacher almost caused my death!!. yes. wow. Not that you care to hear the story. but hey maybe it will help you sort me. So I will tell you anyway. It all started when my older sister was driving me to the piano teachers house. On the way there I almost died because a truck wheel started to turn into my window. VERY scary. All the cars around us started honking to try to get him to stop. Thankfully he stopped right before crushing me to death. Thats not why my moms mad at the piano teacher though, that just happened to happen on the way there. Well anyway it was the middle of winter and the piano teacher did not plow her driveway. We did not realize this and we started to go up the driveway and we got stuck. So the back end of the car was sticking out into the road (with a speed limit of 55). My sister quickly jumped out of the car and ran a few yards away. I was not so fortunate. My car door got stuck. Cars were slamming on their brakes. So many had almost hit us. I quickly jumped into the drivers side of the car, and was able to get out of the car and ran before the car was hit. Scariest moment of my life. I don't think I breathed at all the whole time.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? I would not give time or money to a charity. This is because I am selfish. Very selfish. I don't have a lot of money and I will be keeping it all for myself. ALL OF IT. Then the time thing. Who has time to give away to a charity? Not me. Who knows maybe my views on this will change when I am out of high school and actually have a real life.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? I would like to accomplish college. I want to go to a 4 year school and graduate on time. And be able to start my life on my own. I would like to major in either graphic design, computer science, photography, or something else to do with computers. I haven't really decided on all the specifics.
Who is your role model? I don't have one really. I never really have thought about it. After having a family situation like mine, I learn to fend for myself and not rely on anyone. Some time in the future I might look up to someone, but right now in my life I don't have one.
What trait most annoys you about other people? I kind of already talked about this but, CONFORMITY. its the worst thing on this earth. I won't go off about it again though and bore everyone.
What do you want to do for a living? I want to work with computers in some way shape or form. I also want to do something with photography. I want to make a decent living so photography is probably out of the picture. Isn't that sad. It makes me sad that I probably won't be able to make a lot of money with the work that I want to do. And if I am not making money, then I will do something that I hate just to make more money.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? I would be to scared to stand up for them. If I was there when they were attacked I would probably run to get help. I am a very weak person in so many ways, I would not be able to help. I would try to get help though. I wouldn't just cry over their broken body.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? I would definately if it helped me to get what I want. Or if I wanted to protect someone I cared for. But at this point in time I don't care about a lot of people. If someone was trying to hurt me I would definately save my life over anyone elses though. I value my life above everyone elses.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? This is really hard. The first thing I think of is my cynical attitude. This helps because I don't let anyone walk all over me at all. Another quality I have is just being fun in general I think. I have a lot of fun with the few friends that I have. Sorry I can't think of anymore. Its really hard to pick out qualities in yourself. Its easier just to tell you stories and have you guys pick out the qualities in me. Wait I thought of another one. I am very caring towards animals.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? Cynical attitude is also a bad quality though, it makes other people not like you. Another bad quality I have is being an ass hole. I expect the absolute worse from people and because of this I act like an ass hole with out knowing it. The last one that I can think of is being extremely selfish. I value me and everything I own over everyone else.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: Not being afraid to fight for what you believe in. I can't say I have this trait at all because I don't really believe in anything at the moment. So I don't have anything to fight for.
Loyalty: The only thing I can link this towards is being loyal towards friends. This I do not have at all because I go through friends like underwear.
Intelligence: Being knowledgable in a certain topic matter. This however does not mean you have to be good at math or other school subjects. You can be intelligent in subject matters that you enjoy. For me this is computers and cameras and other technologies.
Ambition: This kind of means that you are driven to do things. For some people this means that you are driven to do well in what you are doing at the moment. For me this is school. I do in some ways have ambition to get through high school (although I hate it). But I want to get through it because I know that I can make it into a better phase of my life by getting through this one.
Name: Paul Frank Knox
Age: 17
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) I do not think I belong in hufflepuff. I always get put in hufflepuff. I do not think that any of my answers give off a hufflepuff vibe. I don't understand why people always think they do.
Where did you find out about us? i searched for a sorting hat