(no subject)

May 16, 2005 22:49

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? I know this is going to sound silly but I thought really hard about this question and all I could think was how things would be so much better if people could just laugh once in a while. Instead of becoming angry at situations or picking at other people and expressing all the negative emotions that plague the world, if everyone could just look at a situation that would under normal circumstances make them angry and laugh at it instead, everyone would be in a much better mood. The absence of such an excess of anger would lead to less hatred and negativity in the world.

What makes a person respectable? A respectable person is someone who stands up for what they believe to be true and right. They may not always do the correct thing, but their intentions are always good.

What do you look for in a friend? I always seem to be drawn to unqiue people. Most of the time I’m really outgoing and don’t have any problem approaching people and striking up a conversation, but then there are other times when I just want to be around my close friends, the close friends I’ve known forever who I don’t always have to be “on” to have fun with but the ones who without even saying more than a few words we know what each other are thinking and we’re still having a good time without doing a whole lot of anything except laughing at ourselves or inside jokes. As a whole, I like to surround myself with easy going people who like to laugh and have a good time. I have a lot of friends like this, but there are a few people I consider more than friends. We share a bond that I honestly think will last forever. I could share anything with them, and if I ever had to choose between the many people I have a few good times with or the few people I have many good times with I would pick my few real friends.

What are your hobbies? I absolutely love music. I do music promotion which has always been a hobby of mine, but I want to take that a step further and make it my career. Another thing I love is the beach. I find it so relaxing, laying in the sun listening to the waves. The perfect day to me would be going to the beach with friends during the day and then meeting back up and going to a concert that night. I also like to read. I have this goal to read all of the classic novels. I always have a book that I am currently engulfed in, and I’ve been known to shed a tear over a good emotional book (ie. GoF and OotP haha).

Have or would you give time and money to a charity? I have given both. I find giving my time more rewarding. It makes me feel more like a part of the process because I’m there helping people hands on. When my time is scarce which seems to be happening more and more, I give what I can which often happens to be money.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? If I could only accomplish one thing I would want to reach my maximum potential. I’m always striving to become a better person: to be more involved in charitable things, to be more knowledgeable, to be closer with my family and friends, to be closer to achieving all of my goals and cross ones off my list as I come to them. I don’t think I’ll ever actually reach my full potential, I don’t think anyone really does, but it’s the best thing I can aim for. I feel it makes me well rounded which I wouldn’t mind accomplishing either haha.

Who is your role model? I don’t have a role model. I don’t think anyone is perfect so there’s no one person I can look up to and say, “Hey, that’s exactly who I want to be like.” I think everyone is unique in their own way and everyone posseses some admirable qualities that would be desirable to have or work towards being more like, and likewise everyone has a few qualities that they could work on to become a better person. I’m a big believer in bettering myself, and although I advocate it I wouldn’t push someone to change themself.

What trait most annoys you about other people? Lying. I absolutely can not stand when people feel that they have to lie. I don’t understand it or the need to have to lie about something. More often than not the truth ends up coming out, so honesty in the first place would have been much better. This gets me in trouble though because sometimes I’m a little too gullible, hah. I don’t condemn all forms of fibbing such as those where you spare someone’s feelings, but unnecessary lying is just annoying.

What do you want to do for a living? I am going to school studying Public Relations. I love it. I would love to incorporate music into it and continue doing music promotion because I’m really passionate about it, but if I ended up promoting a product that would work too. As long as I’m not handing out free shampoo samples all day every day, I’ll be happy. I’ve also thought about being a teacher. I used to be an English major and I love literature and grammar. I’m a word nerd, haha. I plan on getting my Masters in PR so I have the teaching aspect to fall back on.

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? I would do everything I could to help them. My heart would start beating really fast and I would become a part of the fight. I would never be able to stand around and watch someone I care about being attacked by anything, and I can’t imagine leaving them to even get help. So I know I would suddenly think I was tough enough to take on the fight myself

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? I could see myself using it to protect myself and especially someone I love, but then I would feel guilty for having inflicted such suffering on another person. It’s like all those cases where people were forced into killing another person. I can see where it had to be done, but I know I personally would feel horrible probably for the rest of my life. It wouldn’t be something I could just forget.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? Outgoing- I love the fact that I don’t have any problems with approaching people and starting a conversation. I try to find something I can talk to people about, and the fun part about being outgoing is that sometimes I just make such a fool of myself and it’s so funny.

Easy going- I don’t let little things bother me and I find that I’m much happier that way. I’m not overly easy going either which I find to be really good. I still care which brings up to…

Caring- I would say I have a really good heart. I like to give and I genuinely care about people. With caring I find that understanding fits in well and that’s something I try to always utilize. I say “aww..” entirely too much because of this. Haha.

Funny- I love to laugh, and I love making other people laugh. It’s the best feeling. A good sense of humor is always at the top of my list, and funny has the word ‘fun’ in it so that includes having a good time and sharing those moments.

Spontaneous- I don’t like to be weighed down with planning every single detail of things. Sometimes leaving things open to spontaneity adds to the fun, and it keeps you on your toes. Things can never be boring if you’re not quite sure what to expect next.

What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? I have a tendency to let things go, which can be good in a way but then I let them go so that they build up and I reach a point where I break. Instead of dealing with things as they come along, I end up letting it snowball into an argument. I think that comes from a combination of being easy going and avoiding conflict.

I try to be a good listener. I wish I was a much better listener, sometimes I have what my family calls “selective hearing” and I only hear what I want to or parts of things.

I think at times I’m too optimistic. I don’t always admit to the bad parts of things or I refuse to acknowledge the potential of something dangerous or bad coming out of a sitution or decision. Everything will always just work out or it’s meant to be which in reality isn’t always the case.

I have a weakness for saying, “or whatever you want.” I’m not a pushover persay, but if someone comes up with an idea or a plan of action I could just as well go along with that. I think it stems from me caring about what other people think of me or my ideas too much.

I think my final weakness would have to be there are times when I find myself being too hyper or energetic and I think afterwards, what was wrong with me or what was I thinking. I’m never out of control but I’m sometimes over the top, to me at least. I always wonder if I was too much.

Define in your own words the following key traits:

Courage: Standing up for what you believe even though it may not be the popular thing to do or say at the moment.

Loyalty: Being there for someone or something, in all the times, good or bad and all those inbetween.

Intelligence: I don’t think intelligence necessarily means a superior grasp of a single subject but a firm hold of an eclectic array of knowledge.

Ambition: Chasing a dream and making it a reality.

Name: Melissa

Age: 20

What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? I don’t know. I guess if we look hard enough we can see a part of ourselves in each of them, so they all work.

Where did you find out about us?The infinitely interesting Michele,

term ii, sorted: gryffindor

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