
Apr 22, 2005 16:53

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
I would make sure everyone got a good education. I don’t mean simply learning geography and stuff like that, but learning how to read and write in their own native language and other practical skills for where they live. For instance, it’s more important for someone living in an area that was prone to droughts to know about irrigation and the like than the works of Shakespeare. Plus, when you give people the tools they need to work for themselves, it has a longer lasting affect on their over all well being and that of their children than simply giving them a handout. It’s like the old saying goes, give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him how to fish and he eats forever. Plus, as part as their education, people would be given the opportunity to learn a little something about other culture. With this increase of knowledge, I believe a decrease in things like tribal wars and age old ethnic grudges will be seen.

What makes a person respectable?
I would have to say simply being a good person regardless of what everyone else around you is doing. It’s so easy to not care about other people now days; especially when no one else seems to care and you have problems of your own to deal with. To me a respectable person does what they feel is right not because it’s popular or because they are in front of other people, but because they honestly feel that something needs to be done. When I was twelve, I and my little brother got caught out in the rain at a bus stop; after awhile it started to hail very hard. A man who was there with us gave us his umbrella. To me, that is someone to respect. He didn’t have to do that for us and we wouldn’t have been angry if he didn’t. Nevertheless, he was considerate enough to help us out.

What do you look for in a friend?
Compatibility issues aside, I need someone I can trust with anything I tell them. There is nothing that I can’t stand more that someone who can’t keep one freaking secret. It doesn’t matter how much we get along and how much we like each other, if I find out your talking about me behind my back, that’s it.

What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, discussing current events and what nots, cooking… I’m never good at making list like this so lets put it this way, anything that involves having a good time, I’m open for.

Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
Currently I volunteer as a writing tutor at school. While I do believe in giving money and what not, I try not to have that be my main form of giving back to the community - the fact that I don’t have much money also is a factor. I’m one of those people who think that giving someone soup is nice and all, but if I was really interested in helping someone out, I would try and help them find a job, or start a company that creates jobs. Being able to support yourself and your family has a greater impact that simply being given some food in the long run.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
Being a poor college student, at this point in my life, I would just like to know that all this hard work and money isn’t going to waste. In other words, I just want a job that would allow me to take care of myself and pay off students loans. Of course once that’s done, my next goal will be to become a powerhouse in the business goal. I’ve seen what CEO’s have and I want it. I may be a firm believer in charity, but I’m also a power hungry capitalist.

Who is your role model?
This is going to sound very snotty, but I don’t have any role models; I’ve never been one to look up to anyone. To me the idea of modeling yourself after someone interferes with the development of your own personality. When I was younger, I use to tell teachers that it was pointless to look up to other people or have role models because it’s not like they can get you out or trouble or anything; you’ve got to do that for yourself.

What trait most annoys you about other people?
Pretentious know it alls. There’s this guy in my English class that said rape would dramatically decrease if the university would relax its gun policy and allow people to carry fire arms to class. I told him that his theory wasn’t supported by what is currently known about rape, e.g. that it’s more common from someone to know the person raping them than not. He kept on going about how I was wrong. Now it’s not that he disagreed with me, but that he didn’t even take the time to counter my argument. Plus, he had the audacity to say that if we had a debate on the subject, he would win! I’m all for a good debate on things, but not with people who don’t understand that you have to counter your opponents’ arguments.

What do you want to do for a living?
I want to be CEO of something. It’s not about the money mind you, but the power and prestige that comes with it. Plus, I’m excited by the challenge of climbing the corporate ladder.

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
First thing first is getting my friend to safety. I would take precautions to make a note of every thing around me that could be later used as evidence against the attacker. If the attacker was an animal or something, then for the most part my concern will be mainly warning other people about the danger. If it was a person, from that day forward, their ass is so mine. I know this is mean but I would do everything in my power to insure that this person was punished to the full extent of the law.

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
Yes. Realistically speaking, life is never so black and white that you can’t ever do something. I’m not saying that I would ever consider it a good thing, but in times of war, you will have to get your hands dirty to get the job done.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
Loyalty, Witty (if there is one thing I can do, its turn a phrase here and there), Strategic, Hard Worker (when I push myself to do something, sometimes I’m amazed by the results), Ambitious (I’m willing to everything short of playing dirty and whoring myself out to get ahead)

What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
Procrastination (I admit it; it’s hard for me to start sometimes), I have virtually no control over how my face portrays my emotions, Stubborn (once something gets in my head, it could take years to get it out), Too Headstrong (I had met quite a few Snapes - one in particular wasn’t even a good teacher - in my life and as a result entered Jr. High unwilling to let any teacher push me or any other student around… If I had to do it all over again, I would pick and choose my battles better.)

Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: Not letting fear gets in the way of taking action
Loyalty: Keeping your promises even after you stop liking the person you gave it to.
Intelligence: Knowing that you have access and use a wide variety of knowledge; also being smart enough to realizes that you don’t know everything, thus never saying you’re the smartest person in the world lest someone prove you wrong
Ambition: Wanting something and going out to getting using the means available to you

Name: Patrice
Age: 22

What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
I honestly don’t know.

Where did you find out about us?

term ii, sorted: slytherin

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