Nov 22, 2010 16:05
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
Professor is out of the question. I can hardly stand kids now, having to deal with that many on a daily basis, you’ve got to be crazy. A job in the ministry could be fun, but than again… Sitting behind a desk never did excite me. Auror could be interesting, only I’ve never been a fan of the law. I could probably see myself working at Obscurus Books or something like that. I do have a strong love for books and reading, so I would most likely feel right at home there. Though I would have a hard time not sneaking away to read one of the books if it got slow.
- You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one Harry Potter character other than Hagrid and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you'd want with you.
If I had to go into the Forbidden Forest, with one other person, I would want Severus Snape by my side. I’d want someone that is good with the Dark Arts, because you never really know what you are going to come up against in the forest. Besides, I’d rather have an adult there, than one of the students. At least someone with skills that could handle anything in there. And with being a professor, he would have knowledge of the forest as well (at least I hope he would!). And I know that if I were stuck with anyone else, I would probably end up getting annoyed with them.
As for what I would take with me besides a wand, I would most like to take a bow with a quiver full of arrows. The forest is known for Centaurs, and they do not respect those with wands. At least a bow they would be able to respect, and if you’re actually skilled with one, you could kill whomever or whatever you need to.
- If you had the opportunity to live forever, but your family and friends did not, what would you choose? And if you did choose to live forever, what would you do with eternity?
That really isn’t a tough question, mostly because I have lost so many in my family already, and to be perfectly honest, there aren’t many friends that I would be upset over loosing. I’ll take door number one with living forever, thanks. Death is not something that I look forward to and, if I can, I would try and find anyway around it. The thing about living forever, you can do pretty much anything you want, though I think I would spend my time trying to figure out a way to bring those I do/did happen to love, back. I’m sure after a hundred or so years, I would have figured out a way to do so. Especially if I travelled around the world, learning about different cultures and their history. There would have to be some knowledge out there that could help in my quest to bring the dead back to life. And not just in a zombie, brain eating sort of way. Either way, I wouldn’t give up no matter how many centuries it took me. What’s time when you have an unlimited supply?
- If you could travel back in time to one point, when and where would you go? Why?
That is a very difficult question to answer, because I know that if I were to go back to the time that I want, and changed it in anyway, I wouldn’t be the person that I am today. However, I am a tad bit vain and have always wanted to travel back to the summer between my second and third grade year. I went away for the summer to visit my father, and my mother didn’t give me my medication to help with my ADD. Now, anyone that has been on Ritalin would know that sending a child away for the summer (no kids their own age mind you to play with) without their Ritalin, you’re just asking for trouble. My problem was I got horribly bored without anything to really do, so I ate instead. If I remember correctly, I gained a total of thirty pounds that summer and from then on I have had trouble with my weight. Yeah, went from a walking stick to a little dough girl. Let’s just say that my school days weren’t the happiest. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to put down the junk food and back away from it slowly. Like I said though, if I did that, I wouldn’t be the woman that I am now, and I have to say that I like who I am. Even if I may not happen to like what I see on the outside.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
Honestly? This may sound strange, seeing as how she isn’t that big of a character to begin with. But I can honestly identify with, Alecto Carrow. First of all, in the book she is described as being extreamly violent and pretty much torturing anyone that didn't see things the way she did. For that, I think she earns her name most aptly. Alecto was one of the three furies, her name meaning unceasing anger. Now I myself am a bit on the psychotic side, and not exactly normal in anyway, shape or form. Most people know not to piss me off, because I tend to go off on them and it’s never a pretty sight. For the most part, the only opinion that really matters to me is my own. That and I have one heck of a temper, and if I happen to hurt someone… Well, that’s too bad for them. I could really care less. But to those I actually love, the very few that is, I am deeply loyal to them, and at times a totally different person. I can see Alecto being that way as well towards Amycus. I could see it in the way he reacted to her being knocked out in the Ravenclaw tower. He was downright sweet (in my opinion at least) and I could see Alecto doing the same for him.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
If I were to look into the Mirror of Erised, I would see my father standing beside me. I didn’t know my father very well growing up, he wasn’t really in my life for the most part. When your parents divorce when you’re five years old, you tend not to see one of your parents very much. There is a lot of regret and a lot of questions that I still have, especially now that I know just how we are/were, and that I‘ll never be able to talk to him ever again. To see him, to see his smile, it’s the one thing that I want most in the world, and I know that the only way that I will get to see him, is if I look at an old photo.
- Do you believe that moral actions should be judged by the intentions behind them, or by the consequences they create?
For me, to answer this question, I have to try and shut off part of my brain. It’s pretty much the side of my brain that wants to kill those that annoy me, but doesn’t because I look horrid in orange. I really don't have a good sense of morals, mostly because I couldn't care less about anyone other than my inner circle. But I'll try and answer this question as best as I can.
When it comes right down to it, no one is perfect (no matter how much you wish you were) and we all make mistakes. Some are bigger than others, and some mistakes we make without even meaning to, or thinking of the consequences at hand. I think if more people were to think of the consequences before their actions, there would be no need of jails, and this would be a more perfect world. (Really now, where is the fun in that?)
Now, I have numerous thoughts of killing people on a daily basis, but I don’t actually do it. Should I be judged by those thoughts? My intentions are worthy to be locked away for life, but seeing as how I didn’t actually do anything, I’m still a free woman. Yet, if I were to actually go through with it, my consequences would lead me to live out the rest of my life in jail. Possibly even have a death sentence as well. (Again, I look horrible in orange and Death isn't my homeboy)
That is why I think, for the most part, you really have to go with the consequences of your actions, rather than the intentions. Because even if you have good intentions to rid the world of the idiots, the result of mass murder I suppose you should be punished. (Again, where is the fun in that?)
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
Do you even want to know how long I’ve been looking at this question with a raised eye? I haven’t been a kid in 20 odd years, so remember something like that isn’t exactly easy. I was never one of those kids that got excited about career day. Mostly because I never wanted to grow up and think about things like that. Peter Pan all the way! Now if only that were a real job. (I’m actually trying to be good and not make comments about a certain gloved one.) Sadly, I cannot remember what I may or may not have wanted as my ideal job as a kid.
When I got older, and graduation was looming in the distance, I did dream of becoming a photographer. I was already being told my photos were better than a professionals, and it made me want it even more. Unfortunately things didn’t exactly plan out the way that I expected. I did go to college, I did study photography, got my certificates and such. Had the equipment and everything to go with it. I could have started working at a studio, but I was bitten by the writing bug and that pretty much took over my life. Thinking about it now, I have always had a strong love for writing, and it’s what I do to actually tame the rage I sometimes feel inside.
ANYWAY! Truth be told, when I really sit down and think about it, when I was a kid I may not have had the “ideal job” in mind, but there was plenty of things that could have led into a potential career. One thing being my love of fashion. I’m still obsessed with it, still watch trends and see where things are going with each season. I worked in clothing retail for three years, and even though I currently am not working, I do wish to get back into it, because it is a career that I am in love with, and something that I am very good at. My ideal job now would be to be apart of a design team that decides what trends should happen for each season, or to be a personal shopper/stylist.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
There is a lovely spell that I thought up around 4 years ago or so. Not sure if it would actually exist or not, but it is one that I would be most fond of. What it does is attack the person’s heart first, almost like what you feel when you get heartburn, only it really does feel like your heart is on fire, and then it spreads slowly to the rest of your body. Attacking the major organs first until you feel as though you are burning from within. The great part about it, is that it really doesn’t burn anything at all. The excruciating pain of feeling your body burning, that is all in your head.
As for what I’d call it, you know I don’t actually know. I’ve never really thought of a name for it. I’d probably name it something like, Pectus aestuat. Which roughly translates to the heart seething with rage. It’s a spell that I would only use if I were really, and I am talking really angry with someone to the point where I see red. Usually that happens when I feel hurt or used, which would be why I’d want to attack the person’s heart first.
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
Seeing as how my greatest fear is death, I’m not exactly sure what a boggart would turn into if I were to face one. Maybe the Grim Reaper? But if that were to happen, I’d probably see Walden Macnair, and then I would have to stop myself from grinning like a fool. Maybe seeing my husband’s body on the ground, dead? Yeah, that would probably freak me right out, and I’d probably end up crying. I can just see myself now pulling a Molly Weasley and clutching his dead body, sobbing. Not a pretty picture. However if I were to manage the counter spell, he’d probably turn into a clown. As dark and twisted as my husband is, he used to be a clown, and seeing him in his costume always makes me laugh.
- What do you look for in a friend?
The one friend that has been dear to me throughout the years, is what I hope for in friends. She’s sarcastic, but not overly so where it becomes annoying. She has this sense of humour that can be dry at times, but I’m horribly in love with it. She may be good hearted, but she has a bit of evil in her as well, which I am slowly coaxing out of her more and more. She’s intelligent, fun, and overall loyal. If you can accept me for who I really am (selfish, cold-hearted, demanding, crazy as can be), I'm a really good friend; otherwise I could care less about you. Those tend to be qualities that I search for in most of my friends, but not everyone lives up to them.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
There are quite a lot of things that annoy me about other people, usually it has to deal with my days of working in retail. You know those shoppers that think that they are royalty, that they should get whatever it is that they want, even if it isn’t in stock? The shoppers that trash the store, because they think that the employees are their personal maids. The parents that leave their kids wandering around the store, expecting the staff to be babysitters. THOSE are the traits that annoy me the most. We are not your maid, your babysitter, or anything else you wish for us to be. We are associates of the store, and no matter how much you whine and complain about a certain shirt not being in your size, we cannot go to the back of the store to make you a new one. Get over it. Deal. Move on. Cross the bridge already.
And don’t even get me started on the parents that allow their kids to run around the stores, because they think it’s cute. And when the kid finds something that they want, they throw a royal fit until they get it, and the parent doesn’t even spank them or anything, they just give the kid whatever it is that they wanted. In my day, if I pulled something like that in a store, I got a spanking, and it wasn’t just a little pat on the butt either.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1. Persistent - Sometimes annoyingly so. My mother tends to get onto me a lot about this, though I still can’t understand why it is bad to be persistent. If there is something that I really want, I usually don’t give up until I get it. What’s wrong with that?
2. Dedicated - That can also go for things that I want most, or when it comes to certain people. It doesn’t happen often, but I can be dedicated to those that I consider friends. And then there are times when I’m dedicated in what I believe and what I want.
3. Quick-witted - This usually happens when I think about plot. I’m known for having epic plot bunnies, sometimes epic plot bunnies of DOOM. But, I’m able to think of things quickly and usually on the fly. It keeps things interesting for my husband to say the least.
4. Open-minded - The box is not my friend. I’m open to all forms of ideas, people and whatnot. However, even if I do listen to someone else’s thoughts and ideas, that doesn’t mean that I’ll change my own opinions. I’m just open enough to listen. But I’m also open minded enough to see the beauty in all forms of life.
5. Charming - So says my husband. I suppose I can be rather charming when I want to be. BUT that’s only when I want to be. I think that’s what he finds so charming.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1. HIGHLY jealous - The green-eyed monster does live within me. I’m an Aries, I have issues with being jealous. It’s never a pretty thing when I get jealous.
2. Easily bored - I have ADD, and my attention span is usually somewhat small, that is when it’s something I’m not really interested in. I really HATE being bored. Usually bad things happen to my characters when I am.
3. Quick tempered - Again, I am an Aries, and our tempers are known to being set off rather quickly. Sometimes it is hard to control my temper, which usually gets me into trouble one way or another.
4. Lazy - I think this also goes hand in hand with easily bored. There things that I know that I need to do (IE: Laundry, doing dishes, cleaning the house) yet I find myself sometimes lazy and not doing what needs to be done, simply because it bores me.
5. Clingy - Another one from my husband. I couldn’t think of a last bad quality to list, and that is when I was reminded of something that he has issues with. I can be horribly clingy. I am one of those people that needs attention and sometimes after spending ten hours with a cat, I cling onto him when he gets home from work. I am a housewife. I live with a cat. I think you would be a bit clingy as well if that is what you had to deal with on a daily basis.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: Standing up for what you believe in (even if it isn't the popular opinion), even if it gets you killed in the process.
- Loyalty: Being utterly devoted to what you believe in (whether it right or wrong), to which you never weaver in your convictions.
- Intelligence: Not only being book smart, but street smart as well. To know the obvious but to think outside the box as well.
- Ambition: Knowing what you want, and going after it no matter what it may cost. If you have to lie and cheat, so be it. You’ll do whatever it takes, and won’t stop until you have whatever it is that you truly want. And sometimes if you have to screw over your own friend… Well, you’ll figure out a way to cover your butt if they happen to find out it was you that ratted them out.
- Name: Heather
- Age: 26
- Where did you find out about us? calairiel & supersonicchica (They are both in a community I run on IJ - Semper Immortalis)
- Do you plan on being active in the communities once you are sorted? If not, you can kick me. Sometimes a good kick is all I really need. Yep.
term xviii,
sorted: slytherin