(no subject)

Sep 01, 2012 15:43

  1. What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
    I want to say Unspeakable for the constant challenges and the solving of riddles and exploring of mysteries. Not much is known about the profession, but I imagine it to be the type of job where you are free to structure and tailor it to your own preferences. Which is my favorite type of job, for obvious reasons (I imagine that would be most people's favorite type of job). I would probably be more of a eccentric-academic-type of Unspeakable as opposed to the dangerous-veil-jumping-type(I have to believe someone was investigating that thing). I enjoy working alone on a project, especially if there is a possibility to walk into a colleagues office and bother-bother-bother and inspire each other. I imagine the Unspeakables to be a pretty tight-knit group, and I like that.
    But really. Just imagine their Christmas parties. Who wouldn't want to be an Unspeakable?

  2. You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one Harry Potter character other than Hagrid and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you'd want with you.
    Why am I going into the Forbidden Forest? Alright, let's say I have a very good reason - like a loved one has disappeared. First of all I would never have considered Hagrid in the first place. Not the guy who realised that something was killing unicorns then immediately after decided that sending two eleven-year-olds off by themselves was a jolly good idea. Anyway, assuming that I'm a witch in this scenario, I would bring my wand. Assuming I'm my own age I'd probably be able to do a fair few things with it too! Aaaaaand let's assume I'm no expert in Dark Arts. So, I'll bring someone who are, but also a) not destroy-the-metropolis-evil or b) won't instantly crumble under pressure.
    Let's go with Severus Snape, assuming that he's got a solid reason for keeping me alive.

    I considered Dumbledore but decided against it. He's extremely competent, sure, but he's also got a great big perspective. And when you use that perspective, look at the "big picture" for long enough, well, sooner or later all the people start to look really... small.

  3. If you had the opportunity to live forever, but your family and friends did not, what would you choose? And if you did choose to live forever, what would you do with eternity?
    This is a hard one. Either way I lose the people I love, eventually. Bottom line, I like the person I am now and provided I get constant health and rejuvenation in the deal I choose eternity. Losing the people I love would break my heart but keeping the memory of them alive would give them a little piece of eternity too, in a way. I would make sure none of them were completely forgotten, and certainly never by me.
    Other than that, I love learning and I would probably spend a lot of eternity studying, investing money wisely and looking after my descendants. I love life and I love people and I think I just might be enough of an introvert to stand eternity.

  4. If you could travel back in time to one point, when and where would you go? Why?
    Providing there's no timetraveling butterfly effect and I don't return to a future where I have to ride a giant jellyfish to work after picking a flower in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, I would go back to the roaring twenties. I'm probably setting myself up for a giant disappointment - and I'm too curvy to pull off those straight dresses anyway - but I'm sold on the jazz age. The music, the women, the jewelry...
    But say that didn't work. Then I would indulge myself in all my Jane Austen-fantasies and go back to the 1800s and spend some time in a wealthy family, taking walks, writing, engaging gentlemen in conversation... *fans self*...

  5. What HP character do you identify with most and why?
    That’s a hard one. I can’t say I fully identify with anyone, but I do have a couple of character whose distinctive traits feel familiar.
    Narcissa Malfoy because of her devotion to family among other things. Like her I’m content with minding my own business in the background but if something threatens my family I’ll drop everything to help them (Cissa-style. No dramatic gestures that would get them all killed). Like her I recognize when it is time to compromise or sacrifice my own principles if I consider it worth it. And for the safety of my family I'd leave those behind without looking back.
    Luna Lovegood. Like her I’ve got my head in the clouds a lot of the time. I sometimes say weird things that make people stop and stare, but I think that has something to do with me being creative. I hope. Okay, and maybe a little weird. I also admire her for her ability to not care what other people think. I’d like to think I have at least a portion of that.
    And like her I am thankful for my friends; I love my close friends dearly and if it was esthetically possible I'd plaster their faces all over my ceiling too. You know when you take a step back and take a look around sometimes, ponder your current life situation and all that? When I do that now I find myself surrounded by a few close friends who would have my back no matter what, and that sort of humbles me.

  6. What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
    I see myself as a famous author, a horror writer right up there with H.P Lovecraft, Clive Barker and Stephen King. I’m sitting in a comfortable chair with my laptop perched on my lap. I’m working on my latest project. The walls are lined with bookshelves of which one is full with my own published works and the rest with my favorite books. There’s a warm glow from the crackling fire in the fireplace and my lover is sitting on the sofa with his/her own laptop, working on his/her own projects.

    And since it's the Mirror of Erised I would probably see Christopher Walken and Ron Perlman rubbing my feet while Jareth the Goblin King is busy giving me a neck massage.

  7. Do you believe that moral actions should be judged by the intentions behind them, or by the consequences they create?
    Both. If a kid pulls a prank that accidentally results in the death of five people, then you have to look at the intention behind the crime. Likewise, if a murderer fails to kill you, the intention to do that must count. However, the consequences must also be taken into consideration. Intentions matter, but you can't dodge the consequences. The kid must understand and live with what he did. I suppose I’m for judging mainly by the consequences but if we do not look at the intentions behind them Lady Justice is truly blind. It's difficult for me to have a solid opinion about this, since it varies so much from situation to situation. I see the world in shades of gray and I have yet to come across any black or white. And if we're talking about moral actions, as in, legal but questionable, then even more so. Right or wrong will always depend on your perspective, and most of it can be traced back to people being, well, people.

  8. What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
    As a kid I had all kinds of ideas. I wanted to be a lion tamer, I wanted to draw for Disney, for one afternoon I even wanted to be a banker (the one ray of hope I believe my Dad had for my future). Pretty soon I realized that I wanted to tell stories. I'm not too fond of the starving artist stereotype, so I never went for it a hundred percent. What if it didn't pan out? I loathe the idea of depending on someone else to support me. So I always invest time in making plan B, C, D, E and so on... I write, but until the glorious day when I can make a living out of it, I'm keeping my day job so to speak. And it's a good one.

  9. If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
    Hah, probably something like the "Munny Charm" or something. Yes, I would invent a short-sighted way to create money. I would use the money to live a comfortable life exactly the way I wanted it (probably writing in a cottage on the west coast of France) but I would also make sure my family and friends would want for nothing as well. Money don't buy happiness (I've never heard a person without money saying that, by the way) but it can solve a lot of problems if you know how to use it right. So yes, money can't buy happiness, but it can buy freedom. Freedom from constant worrying. Money worries breaks down relationships, people... and while I dislike the fact that it is so, I'm too fond of life's little luxuries to try to change the system instead of simply living in it.

  10. If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
    I believe a boggart changes all through your life, depending on what your deepest fear is at the time. For me it is fear of failure. My current job is incredibly stressful and the past month it has taken a turn for the worse and now I find myself as the sole Communications person for a big, global organization. I rely deeply on instinct when making decisions and I can wake up in the middle of the night wondering if I made the right one. My boggart would take the form of a screaming colleague, possibly from another region, informing me that my faulty decision has single-handedly ruined the entire organization and caused a media storm that would bring the apocalypse and-and-and..!
    I guess if I threw the counter-spell the person would shrink and his/her voice would sound like they had inhaled helium... until the person was tiny enough to kick out of my office. I won't kick house elves, but I will dropkick a boggart if given half a chance.

  11. What do you look for in a friend?
    Loyalty. True loyalty is rare. And then there's that elusive part that you can't put your finger on; it's when somebody just gets you. Not just accept, but really understand you, and love you for the person you are. That's where your closest friends become the family you choose for yourself, I think. Other than that, there's intellectual stimulation (I do love a good discussion) and a sense of humor. Actually, there is a Sex and the City quote that says it all:
    “Somewhere out there is another little freak who will love us, understand us and kiss our three heads… and make it all better.”

  12. What trait most annoys you about other people?
    I realize I'm a bit marked by the past here, but I can't stand attention-seeking drama llamas. They come in all shapes and sizes, but they annoy me equally. Everything from the Manipulating Martyr to the Narcissistic Borderline to the Self-Righteous Loudmouth. I have no patience with it and have zero tolerance for bullshit. Small disclaimer: I absolutely think that you should be allowed to voice your opinions. And also be there for your friends and people in need. But it is my sincere hope that you never need to venture out in the horribly grey area where some people will lie for attention and waste other people's time and energy to feed their own needs.

  13. What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
    1.Passionate/Driven - Two very related things. I would say that I'm passionate about writing and driven in my job. I've heard that sharks has to keep moving forward, otherwise they'll sink to the bottom of the sea and die; sometimes I feel like that. It's like an itch, but with enthusiasm attached. For example, some Machiavellian, cutthroat woman is sniffing around my department at work. Having analyzed the situation from every angle I have concluded that bitch-slapping her into another time zone is not the right approach. She's got too much leverage right now for me to play a simple strength card and putting my foot down. There's a couple of more shoes that need to drop, then I'll know where to put down my pieces. She's a bridge-burner and treating people like crap will not endear her to anyone in the long run - people won't be afraid forever. All I have to do is do a splendid job, smile a lot... and wait.
    2. Adaptable - The past six months I have realized that I'm much more adaptable than I thought. In the end of February I moved to the Netherlands from Sweden because of a good job opportunity. Six months with very little contact with friends and family, and surrounded by new things I've had very little to rely on but myself - and adapting to my new, very unsure as it turns out, environment. I'm a geek, a roleplayer, a comic book-collecting, horror-writing nerd - and yet during daytime I wear a business suit and battle seasoned CTBs.
    3. Sentimental - I put this here because being sentimental makes me happy. I tear up when I find an old Christmas Card in a drawer, or remember moment-moments with a friend or family member, or ahem... when I find a lollipop that smells exactly like a scented eraser I loved as a child, and consequently nearly shoved it in my friend's nose in my excitement. If you wonder, it was grapes-flavored.
    4. Diplomatic - I dislike rudeness, and I’m very rarely blunt. I will give you my honest opinion, but I’ll wrap it up in diplomacy before I hand it over. And no drama. Drama gives me hives.
    5. Creative - Writing is my life. I also paint and draw, and a few years ago I did comics. I love creating things and even do some jewelry when I feel like it. One thing I love to do with my closest friend for Christmas is just... making things. Silly fandom things. Anyway, I use my creativity in all aspects of my life. From making graphics and the other things mentioned above, and at work when designing documents.

  14. What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
    1. Indecisive - Sometimes I’m having a hard time deciding everything. From which flavor of ice cream I really want to what movie I want to see. Or even what I’m going to wear. Every little choice becomes the focus of intense analysis, like the day would stand and fall with whether I’d eat Rocky Road and Strawberry Sorbet. Give me too many options and I become a very sad little (insert proper house animal here). And it becomes crippling at work, where I have to push myself to make decisions all the time. I keep hoping that one day it will get easier.
    2. Introverted - I’m not a party person who stays out drinking and dancing all night(for that to happen I need to be in the right mood, and that is rare). Some people gain energy from hanging out with other people, but for every hour I spend in another person’s company I need two hours alone, by myself, undisturbed. I’ve come to accept that, even embrace that part of me, but it turns into a problem when I should network, or when new friends take it the wrong way. My close friends know me and respect my need for space and privacy. But well… the world belongs to the extroverts (gross generalization, but I think introverts know what I mean), and I’m tired of being misunderstood.
    3. Lazy - I’m lazy in an everyday fashion. I hate cleaning and I take the bus if I can. I wish I wasn't, I wish I could find comfort in everyday stuff like doing the dishes, letting my mind wander while I do it. Despite my best efforts I can't, it just feels like a giant waste of time - which I know it's not. So. Well. I'll just keep doing the dishes, watching Eddie Izzard on my ipad. House elves, schmouse elves... am I the only one secretly wishing for a curvy 50s housewife?
    4. Insecure - The least favorite of all my bad traits, simply because it's something that I don't ever want to associate myself with. I spend a lot of energy not letting it show. Maybe everybody has it, maybe everybody second-guesses themselves all the time, or has a tiny voice inside of them worrying about that the snickering kids behind you on the bus are snickering at you(even if you actually don't care about their opinions about anything). It's all about telling your inner demons to shut up and get out of the way. I'm not saying the inside of my head looks like the last 30 min of From Dusk til Dawn or anything... except maybe sometimes. Often. All the time. Right now.
    5. Holds a Grudge - It's not something I'm proud of, actually the mindset is a dark legacy from my mother's side, but it's there. In the back of my mind there's a list of people (in my defense it's a short one!). I happen to believe that living well is the best revenge, but living well can be so much sweeter if you could get in just one good kick... ahem. At least I've noticed that it's possible to train yourself not to dwell on the past.

  15. Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: A quality that allows you to do something despite being terrified of it, to face your fears. And to do it with a certain amount of confidence.
    • Loyalty: Loyalty meaning a person’s devotion towards a particular idea, object or person. If you’re loyal you will stand by your friend/family member through good times and bad.
    • Intelligence: Intelligence is the ability to learn, both from theory and from past experiences (your own as well as others’). I also include the ability to analyze and reflect upon a situation or issue in that ability.
    • Ambition: Ambition is a strong desire to achieve something. That something may be everything from wealth, success and influence, to smaller things such as… hm… a pet turtle. If your ambition is to get a pet turtle, and you work hard to reach that goal, then yes, by my standards you’re an ambitious person who probably have other ambitions that will eventually receive the same attention as the turtle.

  16. Name: Lova
  17. Age: 30
  18. Where did you find out about us? I'm a former member.
  19. Do you plan on being active in the communities once you are sorted? Hopefully!

term xxiv, sorted: slytherin

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