Nov 21, 2010 02:49
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
I actually have two ideas here, if it's allowed. First idea: I would be into politics, aiming for the position of minister of magic I think. I'm not that much of a healer, and I'm too chicken to become an Auror. Yet, I have ambition.... So politics would be a good job.
Second idea: I may become a teacher, possibly in Transformation or DADA I think. I love both topics, and I love teaching. Plus, at one point, I would hope to be promoted, to house-head then perhaps to headmaster/headmistress?
- You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one Harry Potter character other than Hagrid and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you'd want with you.
I would go with Firenze, because even though he's not welcome among his tribe anymore, he does know his way in and out of the Forrest. As for the object I would take, I'm thinking about a bezoar or the witch equivalent of a first aid kit. I would be in for the adventure, but aware also of what could go wrong in the worst case scenario.
- If you had the opportunity to live forever, but your family and friends did not, what would you choose? And if you did choose to live forever, what would you do with eternity?
I would choose to die. What defines life is its brevity, the fact that it won't last forever. What's the point of living forever, you will only see all your loved ones die. Nicolas Flamel lived for his research, but even he knew that never dying was not a choice. Besides, if i didn't get a deadline (no pun intended) I would never pursue my political/teaching ambitions, I would just procrastinates forever. So yeah, I'd die.
- If you could travel back in time to one point, when and where would you go? Why?
Real life wise, I think I would go back three years ago and enjoy my last day with my grandfather, knowing that it's my last, which of course, I wasn't aware of at the time.
HP wise, I'd go back in time to when Ginny was in Hogwarts, and have her take the class about Muggle, telling to pay close attention to the normal names people have, since it could come in handy later when she would have to name her children, lol. Though on a more serious note, I think I would go back to the first war, and try to help the Longbottoms escape Bellatrix. Their story always broke my heart, and no matter how much I love the characters who died in the last book, it's not them I would want to save, but Neville's parents.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
Ginny Weasley. She had a taste of darkness, and it remains inside of her. It affects her every day. It changed who she was. She has a strong personality, and she needs one to be heard in her family. I liked the insights we got in OoP, when Ginny would remind Harry that she knew what it felt like to be possessed, and I couldn’t help but think that this really was not just a one time deal. Once you had that guy in your head, you had to fight very hard to not give in. And when he has left your mind, you couldn’t blame him anymore for your dark impulses, you have to own them up. Ginny’s character was the most interesting to me I think, along with Draco Malfoy. I thought them to be very similar in some ways, each having a path dictated by their family, and being given opportunities to escape (with Ginny embracing the Dark Lord and for Draco to hide under Dumbledore’s skirt). Their choices had to be conscious ones or made under duress (Ginny when possessed, Draco when Marked). Why am I bringing up Draco now? Because he’s the second character I feel the closest to, but Ginny wins that round, since she’s a red-head, like me. (Yes, I’m shallow too).
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
I would see myself in a cool condo, a big one, with my computers, and on the bookshelves, you would be able to see some research I would have published, and the novels I've written. I hope I wouldn't be alone, that I would have kids and a husband, but I'm not too sure about that... I would be wearing fabulous clothes though, classy etc. I’m not sure I would see my family in there, maybe my dog (that’s really pathetic I know). On a more serious note, if the mirror of Erised shows me what I truly want, I really hope it will be this, academic and professional accomplishment. I would love to have someone standing by me too (like maybe Oliver Wood, a girl can dream), to have support, but I know what drives me, and it’s not really family, it’s fulfilling my capacities.
- Do you believe that moral actions should be judged by the intentions behind them, or by the consequences they create?
The roads to hell are made of good intentions, isn't that what the saying says? The consequences are what should matter. Someone with the best intention may do something awful and hurt so many people. Meanwhile you can't argue with consequences: if people died or were truly hurt, then they were, no matter what the person who did that to them was thinking.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a million things, like a lion tamer, and a magician. I also remember looking at books when I didn’t know how to read, and telling myself that I would one day be writing some of those. Now, I’m not gonna lie, if I could work with lions and tigers, I’d jump on the opportunity to live my childhood dream, but I think it would be a temporary fix. I need challenge in my life, I need goals. Right now, my ideal job would be to be teaching at uni, becoming a reknown historian in my fields while writing on the side novels. I would also love to work in an embassy or somewhere like that. I have so many things I want to be. I want to climb the professional ladder, and end up at the top, wherever I can. Not gonna lie, I may need more than one life to do everything I want to do.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
I would invent a spell that would force people to think. Too many people make stupid decisions, especially in the heat of an argument and end up regretting things after wards. Plus, some people are just morons who don't think, so I would invent that spell and call it "halta-moron". And I’m sure the universe would thank me for this. You know you would.
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
It would turn into an insect, any insect really. I don’t like spiders, but not as much as bugs. They give me the creeps and make me stop being smart. After using the Ridikkulus spell, it would become a puppy running after its own tail. Because really, how scary is a puppy? It’s not, it’s cute and fluffy (not like those nasty bugs).
- What do you look for in a friend?
Trust and Support. You can't be honest about everything sometimes, so I wouldn't ask for honesty, but trust is essential, and so is support. I don't need flighty friends, I need friends that will be there in the long run when something bad happen or when I'm just not in a good mood. I need friends I can be there for when they get depressed. And friends that would help me bury a body if I had to dispose of one...
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
Double standards and ignorance. I hate discrimination, any discrimation, based on gender, race etc... Ignorance goes hand in hand with this when you think about it, since discrimination can be either based on crass ignorance or on over intellectualized theory.I also hate people who waste their potentials and do nothing with their lives because they're too lazy to become someone.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
I have a great memory, like really great. I remember random things that will be of no use for me in my life, but I know them. I'm really smart too (and I’m not bragging, ask my teachers/friends etc…): I love learning, and I always want to use my knowledge and share it. I'm cunning, which goes hand in hand with my desire to become somebody. I'm a good listener, and I'm artistic, though it’s only with a pen or a pencil, and as far as drawings are concerned, you will never see my creations..
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
I don't trust people easily, borderline paranoid sometimes. I've got quite a temper, and it can be a really bad thing, as in I can be really mad one second and the bawling my eyes out in aww the next… (this is slighty overkill though, but it’s for my point to be understood). I'm too good a liar and the fact that being drunk doesn’t make me slutty but even more of a liar is another fault in that default. I dismiss people easily if they don't meet my expectations; I don’t give them second chances. It will take me a very long time to give them a second chance, and they will have to own it like they’re trying for an Olympic medal or something. I guess it makes me judgmental in some ways. I have self esteem problem, as I’m certain that I’m smarter than perhaps at least 85% of the world, but it doesn’t prevent me from feeling like shit all the time.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: It's the ability to do something bold, something that could be dangerous like becoming a cop or a fireman to help people. It's the ability to stop thinking for a moment about your own safety to do something for others, or to stand up to someone who's being a bully/an asshole etc...
- Loyalty: It's a knife with two edges. Loyalty is wonderful when it's real, when you're loyal to your friends, and they to you, but it's also extremely painful when you realize someone wasn't worthy of your faith. To me it's both a quality and a weakness I guess.
- Intelligence: It's a gift that shouldn't be wasted. You can be school smart and life smart. Ideally, you'll be both and not be a an asocial genius, or a high school drop out who ends up being the leader of a gang. Intelligence is essential, it's what makes the world go round, with ambition. It can bring catastrophic discoveries, but it still is a gift.
- Ambition: You need ambition, at least in my book. People need purpose, and becoming someone, doing something, having ambition to do so is important. Ambition is about wanting to do something with your life.
- Name: Ash
- Age: 27
- Where did you find out about us? A friend mentioned this place and I had to give it a try.
- Do you plan on being active in the communities once you are sorted? I really do want too. I’m really excited about this.
term xviii,
sorted: gryffindor