Surprisingly, they're actually both from Ken outfits. Dakota's had one with the gray surfer on it, and I cut up that shirt a bit, and took some sandpaper to the pants to rough them up. Jake's pants have no modification, but the belt is actually from a Bratz Boyz outfit.
The actual clothes don't fit very well on Taes, they actually fit pretty good on Pullips though, so if you have a tomboy girl, there ya go. Heh, the belts, thought snug, do fit on Taes ... with constant rearranging. I wish the Bratz Boyz stuff fit my Taes, that would rock my freakin' socks. Ken just does not have a large/nice enough wardrobe for all my dolly mens' needs!
Comments 6
I think you should make another photo entry with Sasha and it call be called "NO PANTS CLUB" 8D
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