Yesterday's trip to Rochester to spend some time with my brother turned out way better than I'd have expected. We arrived at the restaurant a bit early, having done a Jim-dandy job of avoiding traffic around the various shopping malls. The restaurant is lovely, and the mid-day buffet they set out is mind-boggling in its variety and size. They
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Comments 5
Also...that sounds like a really good buffet.
Oh - it's not high fructose corn syrup anymore. They found that people don't *like* high fructose corn syrup. It makes people think that it's highly processed (it is). So now we call it "corn sugar." That's much nicer, don't you think?
From the folks who brought you "Canola" because nobody's going to buy rape seed oil.
Yay for Em's new phone! What kind did she get?
Double YAY for new recipe's!
Thank you for your response. I frankly don't understand some aspects of alcoholism. As I reach for my glass of wine (just to show you how little I understand, hahahaha) I once again think that I didn't understand that not only would his memory for past events be affected, but also anything that occurred after he stopped drinking would also be vulnerable to the crap-shoot of whether he'd remember it or not. Oh my. I guess I need to read up on this. I simply find it too depressing to focus on.
Emily's new cell phone is... drumroll, waiting for Ray to look it up, Impact by Pantech. Honest to God, Terri, I don't recognize brand names anymore.
Yeah, I'm enjoying the old/new element of my writing.
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