What if I posted my episode reactions to this journal?

Apr 23, 2007 00:52

Excerpts from my latest:
Did anyone get the feeling that this week's episode started when Russell, Julie, Phil, and Helen were sitting around over Stellas and one of them said, "Hey, you know what? The Empire State Building looks like a DALEK." And then they all laughed uproariously and decided to write something about it. So that's great and everything, but I kind of wish, at least for the moment, that they'd put a little more effort into their television writing. I expect a lot from my heroes.

So the point of having a police public call box is that it's a disguise. It does come from something called a CHAMELEON CIRCUIT. And when I want to disguise something, I don't park it DIRECTLY UNDERNEATH THE STATUE OF LIBERTY. Just something to think about.

(How did it take the Doctor THAT LONG to recognize that the thing was from Skaro? If I were the Doctor, I would kind of have everything about Skaro memorized. JUST, YOU KNOW, FOR KICKS. BIGGEST ENEMY, ET CETERA.)

Annnnnnd, thank you, BBC. I now have a whole slew of sexual fantasies that involve David Tennant clapping his hand over my mouth and shoving me back into a dark alcove. Jesus. Jesus Christ.

Thank God Davros designed for genetic meshing that would allow fancy pinstriped suits and saddle shoes to remain unharmed. Forward-thinking guy, eh?

(Who is it on the writer's staff that has a pig obsession? Should someone be talking to them about this? It seems unhealthy.)

Poll Nina's Episode Reactions

I'd like you all to know that I resisted the very strong urge to add "kill a man with your bare hands" as an option. I'm pretty wild.
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