Title: The Painting That Never Happened
Part: 1 of 1.
ninamazing, or Nina
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Word Count: 1127.
Rating: R.
Spoilers: Through 1x20 "Sanctuary."
Characters: Richard/Kahlan.
Excerpt: It makes sense that it would happen with grass under their bodies and a cloudless sky above; Richard is a child of nature, and Kahlan revels in the
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Comments 46
the fic is awesomer. :D
I'm with everyone who loved →She learned long ago that there are two types of people, Confessors and others, and the others are at her mercy whether they are Confessed or not. They are less powerful. They must be protected. They, by nature, cannot be equals. and also →this is how it must feel, to be Confessed.
And all the little moments where you describe the scent of them and their surroundings. Epic and glorious and moody. THAT'S HOW I LIKE IT. Thank you and keep 'em coming! WE WANT MOAR!!!!
I felt like I couldn't touch the idea of Kahlan!sex without spending a lot of time thinking about Being a Confessor, and as it turns out it's pretty complicated. I am definitely not done thinking. It helps SO MUCH to know that my first attempt worked, though.
Thank YOU for such a lovely lovely lovely and detailed review! ♥
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