Title: Cwivic Dwooty
Author: plainapple
Rating: G
Pairings: Shawn/Lassiter
Warning: Abuse of spelling for comedic purposes
Disclaimer: This is fan fiction and not to be taken as canon or as an attempt to sieze control of copyright ownership for the network television show Psych.
Summary: This is a Psych drabble? Did I do it right? ADDENDUM: I did not.
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Comments 25
I mean that in a completely good way. Thank you for your kind feedback and thank you for the drabblecation!
Now, about that drabble thing: I should warn you, I am a drabble purist, so I think if it's more or less than 100 words, it's not a drabble. Personally, I would say that what you have is a "ficlet," but the terms of those are mose loosely defined (personally, I go for less than 2,000 words on those).
Whatever you call it, it's a damned good time. Nice work!
I had no idea the drabbling rules were so specific! I don't think I'll try a real one - communicating in less than 250 words isn't a real strong point of mine - but I will try to re-tag this story appropriately.
The rules aren't really super-strict. I prefer them super-strict, but I don't usually lose my mind over it (I will, occasionally, but the stories that set it off are usually also terrible, and yours is not).
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