Mega Sales Galore!

Apr 09, 2011 11:51

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slowbro, charmeleon, shuppet, regigigas, dewgong, seviper, exeggutor, tentacool, mawile, regirock, togekiss, spinda, jynx, poliwhirl, shelgon, crawdaunt, lairon, beedrill, cascoon, lanturn, wynaut, golbat, nidoking, vileplume, electrode, nincada, weedle, lucario, hypno, vigoroth, cresselia, krabby, pichu, electabuzz, parasect, meditite, horsea, koffing, clefairy, grovyle, phanpy, palkia, rhydon, nidoran, magnemite, minun, figures, kids, snubbull, flareon, wobbuffet, claydol, volbeat, buneary, mime jr., wailmer, scyther, kingler, armaldo, pidgeot, wartortle, castform, blastoise, rhyhorn, manaphy, prinplup, primeape, wurmple, salamence, swampert, togepi, cyndaquil, registeel, dragonair, mightyena, graveler, drapion, donphan, kakuna, seadra, beautifly, combusken, vaporeon, entei, latios, bagon, magmar, pikachu, whiscash, taillow, carvanha, cradily, staryu, vulpix, shiftry, farfetch'd, relicanth, groudon, lickitung, pidove, clefable, butterfree, machamp, persian, mewtwo, ninjask, ivysaur, blaziken, sceptile, exploud, sharpedo, magmortar, nidoqueen, kyogre, growlithe, pidgeotto, whismur, loudred, alakazam, anorith, kabutops, jirachi, chimchar, snorlax, illumise, cloyster, gastly, sales, poochyena, weepinbell, dusclops, starmie, zoroark, plusle, sealeo, venomoth, kangaskhan, meowth, clamperl, moltres, empoleon, sandslash, arbok, weezing, venusaur, camerupt, aggron, charmander, staravia, plush, surskit, roselia, chansey, gyarados

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Comments 127

cuddlefist April 9 2011, 16:55:37 UTC
how much would the red vappy and flare be to 30568?


cuddlefist April 9 2011, 16:57:43 UTC
oh and the blastoise kid?


kiiyame April 9 2011, 17:02:26 UTC
It'd be $10 even! If that's cool with you please send payment to crayonflames(at) with your username/what you bought in the memo section! Let me know if you decide to pass!


cuddlefist April 9 2011, 17:07:22 UTC
Sent :D! Thank you very much :3!


fizzycat April 9 2011, 16:58:59 UTC
dvd and 2 raichu postcards to the UK?~


kiiyame April 9 2011, 17:08:06 UTC
Well dang, DVD's are heavy apparently. >: Total would be $14.75. If that's cool with you please send payment to crayonflames(at) with your username/what you bought in the memo section. Let me know if you decide to pass!


fizzycat April 9 2011, 17:11:20 UTC
dah, didnt realise shipping would be so high :C I'll have to pass for now, sorry!


kiiyame April 9 2011, 17:15:13 UTC
S'cool no problem, thanks for letting me know!


kokicola April 9 2011, 17:01:22 UTC dragonair/slowpoke/mew postcard
Red flareon fig
tQuote to 55124 C:


kiiyame April 9 2011, 17:10:41 UTC
Looks like the Flareon sold. For just the postcard it would be $3.75. If that's cool with you please send payment to crayonflames(at) with your username/what you bought in the memo section. Let me know if you decide to pass!


kokicola April 9 2011, 17:17:08 UTC
Oh poo XD well I'll have to pass then ^^;;


kiiyame April 9 2011, 17:21:09 UTC
No problem, thanks for letting me know!


marshallgregson April 9 2011, 17:02:30 UTC
charmeleon, blastoise, kingler and krabby kids to 11790?


marshallgregson April 9 2011, 17:05:37 UTC
and horsea too :3


kiiyame April 9 2011, 17:13:08 UTC
The regular blastoise kid is sold, would you like the attack one insead? Or should I just calculate shipping for the other 4?


marshallgregson April 9 2011, 17:13:38 UTC
and mime jr? with that i am done! oh and regular (not clear charmeleon) and i'll take whatever blastoise the above poster doesn't want


dinictis April 9 2011, 17:09:25 UTC
Did you ship out my package for the Tyrani_zard GA yet? (I sent payment back a couple of days - a week ago.)
I'd like the Hexagon Cyndaquil Flat here:
It would be fantastic if you could toss it in together with the rest of my package!


kiiyame April 9 2011, 17:14:44 UTC
I have shipped it out, apologies! Did you want to get it separately? It'd be like $1.50 with shipping. xD


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