A Contest within a Contest! + New gets. ^___^

Aug 20, 2009 20:52


First off - my Diorama contest entry! It's... a Contest! 8D;

I certainly hope it's OK that 2 of the figures in the pic aren't Pokemon-related! o~o I didn't have enough trainers! D:

So, finally, after many weeks of wondering what the heck I was gonna do for this, it came to me this morning! It seems all my best ideas come to me when I'm in that 75% asleep/25% awake state. XD;

This thing took... oh, about 6-7 hours to do. XD


Just starting out~

Making the Judges' stand look pretty~

I based the Judges' stand on the ones from Platinum

Wow, this pic makes the banner look GOOD! XD

Working on the Center Ring~

The Ribbon is a super-spiffified Master Rank Cute one~

Random Close-ups!

Raichu, Coordinator Haruhi, and Announcer Kagami!

Our Judges, James, Jesse, and Misty!

Kagami again, with a better shot of the banner~

Coordinator's view~

Second, photos of (I think) all the things I've received recently. ^^

TOMYs I got from korth_dono. ^__^ I also got my lovely Judges (Jesse, James, and Misty) from korth. <3


More close-ups. Mew's extra-special, so it gets to be in both pics. <3

Korth sent the CUTEST drawing along with the packages! ^___^ This one came in today with Mew. ^____^

And this one came with the TOMYS I bought and the ones from the GA; it came in a few days ago. ^^

My first Clear Kids! X3 From jedi_amara, I believe. :3

I will be forever grateful to dionashi - he supplied me with not 1, but 2 of my Grails!! Vaporeon and Shadow Lugia Pokedolls!! X3 *long-distance hug*

That is all. Nickle over and out! *salutes*

dratini, seel, vaporeon, raichu, contest, nidoqueen, metapod, jolteon, butterfree, nidoking, mew, caterpie, eevee

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