Member Feedback Post

Jun 22, 2008 22:35


Here it is! The Member Feedback post. This is where you post feedback on users you have bought from, sold items to, or traded with. This way people know you are a trustworthy user and will be more willing to do business with you.

Credits!: Before we start, I would like to thank prguitarman for the idea. Also, credit to pokewifi since I ( Read more... )

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astralvulpes April 30 2008, 23:22:08 UTC
Feedback for scarsofsunlight goes here.


pheonixxfoxx May 9 2008, 22:02:59 UTC
Item bought: Various Pokemon Items...
rating: 5/5
Comments: My very first "Journal Shop" customer!!! Though "Poop Happened" in Scarsofsunlight's life at one point, she still followed threw with the transaction!! She has been a repeat, pleasant, and friendly customer!! Scarsofsunlight is welcome back at anytime!!!


juumou May 11 2008, 04:50:49 UTC
Items bought: Some charmanders
Rating: 5/5
Comments: SO SWEET, scarsofsunlight is amazing to deal with! I look forward to more transactions!


yaoi_queen May 19 2008, 21:07:25 UTC
It's(s) Sold: Large and medium Darkrai plushies
Rating: +
Additional Comments: fast payment and very patient. ^_^ Always a pleasure! :3 Glad your gf loved the plushies. ^_^


bureiru June 17 2008, 23:30:42 UTC
Item Bought: Charizard V-Chip figure
Rating: 5/5
Additional Comments: Fast payment, great communication. Welcome anytime. :)


rinkatink June 28 2008, 18:28:32 UTC
Item Sold: Blaziken Puzzle
Rating: 5/5
Additional Comments: Fast shipping, responsive, a great deal, and very friendly service! Thank you so much! ♥


ambertdd July 1 2008, 02:42:11 UTC
Item Sold: Bastiodon Clipping Figure and Charmander Stamper
Rating: (out of five; five being the highest) 5
Additional Comments: (on shipping, etc.) Paid quickly and was easy to get in touch with.


bureiru August 13 2008, 11:17:29 UTC
Items Bought: Pikachu line Pokedex figures
Rating: 5/5
Additional Comments: Prompt communication and payment. Always a pleasure to sell to. Thanks!


Fab!~ miss_fuu_chan September 22 2008, 10:24:08 UTC
Item Bought: Clear Metapod Kid
Rating: 5/5 :D
Comments: Paid really quickly - excellent buyer! ^_^


rinkatink November 3 2008, 09:50:51 UTC
Items Sold: Lickilicky Pokedoll
Rating: 5/5
Additional Comments: Quick on payment and a most wonderfully friendly and pleasant customer. Thank you for such a great transaction and again, apologies for the delay! D;


pheonixxfoxx November 25 2008, 01:22:44 UTC
Item bought: Various Groudons and Pikachus...
rating: 5 outta 5
Comments: Great customer as always!! Super duper fast payment too!! I always look forward to messages from Scarsofsunlight for I love helping her collection grow!!


rypeltajaroll January 31 2009, 13:03:35 UTC
Item bought: Charmeleon Bell plush
Rating: 5/5
Comments: Nice to do business with, rather quick payment, too! Thanks.


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