Pkmncollectors Moderator Application Post!

Aug 04, 2020 21:41

Hi Everyone!

We are here today offering a chance to join the Pkmncollectors Moderator Team!

We're looking for interested individuals to help us with day-to-day tasks around the community and helping to look after certain areas of the site. If you are interested, you should apply! Don't put this off because you only have until Saturday August 22nd to apply!

There will be 2 reminders about this position, just in case someone misses this post!

TO APPLY FOR THIS POSITION... Send the following stuff in a private message to this account pkmnmod with the subject being about the moderator position. We will reply within 24 h to let you know we got your message. If we don't reply -- we didn't get it! We will also check the spam inbox just to be sure.

Please keep in mind none of these have a right or wrong answer. Group Auctions don't occur as often as they have in the past, but we still need to know you are able to handle anything thrown your way. Even if you think it might be an automatic no -- for example the question below asking if you "prefer lurking to active posting" -- it is not the case. We just want to get a basic feel for how you like to operate on the internet and communities as a whole. Please answer honestly, with links if possible, when applicable!


1. YOURSELF: Write your LJ name, the nickname you most prefer to go by, how long you have been a member, and what country you live in!

2. YOUR HOBBY: From what age have you collected as a hobby (for example: age 6 with pokemon cards)? How long have you been a fan of Pokemon? Do you see yourself continuing to enjoy this hobby long term - beyond your 20's?

3. YOUR CREDENTIALS: Have you ever moderated or administrated/owned a community before? Whether yes or no, how many other communities do you actively participate in, and for how long? Do you prefer to lurk or post multiple times a day (if these places are forums)?

4. THE COMMUNITY: What do you think is the biggest problem we face here at PKMNcollectors? What do you think can be done to improve member's experiences here? Give us all of your ideas!

5. TECHNOLOGY: What skills do you bring to the table? Do you have experience running any chat servers? Are you tech savvy enough to create google docs or polls? Share any knowledge you have in this realm. There will be no penalties if you aren't technologically savvy.


Train A leaves Hiun City at 8:00 a.m., traveling at 55 mph toward Nimbasa City. Train B leaves Nimbasa City at the same time, heading toward Hiun City at 35 mph. If the distance between.... we're kidding.

#1) Buyer A requests item from sales post. Buyer B, who commented first, edits their comment after Buyer A's comment to request the same item. Seller sells item to Buyer B seeing their comment is first, despite the edit being second. What do you do?

#2) Buyer A feels they were overcharged shipping/their item was damaged due to improper packaging/the seller made some mistake. They leave a negative feedback -- contacting the seller. What do you do?

#3) A GA lost an auction despite the auction ending at less than the GA raised. What do we do?

#4) A member comes to you; they have a problem with another moderator who they felt was rude or handled a situation improperly or unfairly. They are too afraid to go to the moderator directly. What do you do?

#5) A member includes detailed descriptions of family problems, medical maladies or sensitive personal issues in their post. They are obviously having a very hard time and are very sad/upset. What would you say to them?

#6) Many different members have scolded Member A for a the same mistake multiple times in the same post. What would you say to them?

#7) A GA Host's claim for items in a GA is being disputed by other members (whether in the GA itself - not allowed - or in the Problems Reporting post - allowed). This can be for them claiming too many items, or claiming them for too low a price. What do you do about this?

#8) Please write your own community scenario different from all the above and your response/solution for it!


Again, send the above to pkmnmod, and you should get a reply shortly that we received it. We will not be replying again to say yes or no, we will just post the final outcome to the community. If you don't get the job, please understand many people will apply and this will be discussed by the current moderation staff together before we pick somebody.

Multiple messages are okay if you hit the 10,000 characters limit. There will be no penalty if you need to send more than one message to get your points and clarifications across :)

Good luck and have fun!


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