I've noticed SO many people doing really nice/special Pokemon enamel pins nowadays. I generally try to keep an eye out for any Mega Audino ones, but just like actual merchandise, it's pretty rare x-x
I had only found out about all these pin campaigns going on when I saw people making posts here with pins in their collection I didn't recognize and posts on Reddit plugging Kickstarter.
I saw a Mega Audino one in a Kickstarter a while back and then several months ago, saw a couple of people selling a Mega Audino pin so from then on, I've just started watching like... any Pokemon pin makers just incase.
There is one person who is planning to make a pin of every single Pokemon and also different forms/megas, though, it's through Patreon but you can also just... access the shop to buy any you missed. I keep checking in to see where they are progress-wise/who may be done next, but at the very least that's something for everyone.
Comments 5
I'm the same way with Maractus.
There is one person who is planning to make a pin of every single Pokemon and also different forms/megas, though, it's through Patreon but you can also just... access the shop to buy any you missed. I keep checking in to see where they are progress-wise/who may be done next, but at the very least that's something for everyone.
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