some quick sales

Aug 08, 2015 10:29

sales preview:

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slowbro, dewgong, mew, bellsprout, muk, slugma, shaymin, tentacool, dratini, psyduck, zubat, uxie, sunkern, omastar, espeon, poliwhirl, marill, quagsire, spinarak, hariyama, delibird, lanturn, wynaut, golbat, archeops, zapdos, nidoking, gabite, vileplume, stantler, smeargle, smoochum, tomy, electrode, corphish, deoxys, ditto, houndour, zangoose, kricketune, rattata, kabuto, tangela, electabuzz, doduo, parasect, meditite, arcanine, horsea, koffing, qwilfish, clefairy, phanpy, azumarill, rhydon, nidoran, politoed, machoke, sandshrew, metapod, ampharos, tauros, articuno, snubbull, tepig, golduck, remoraid, eevee, venonat, ekans, wailmer, scyther, gengar, togetic, sunflora, pelipper, xatu, budew, spearow, yanma, lickilicky, rhyhorn, ariados, absol, prinplup, tcg, tyrogue, thundurus, garchomp, cyndaquil, torchic, omanyte, poliwrath, noctowl, graveler, azelf, donphan, seadra, beautifly, goldeen, houndoom, misdreavus, seel, vaporeon, latios, jolteon, swellow, cleffa, pikachu, croconaw, yanmega, ambipom, taillow, crobat, drowzee, skiploom, magcargo, grimer, machamp, steelix, mewtwo, ninjask, gloom, flaaffy, hippopotas, paras, nidoqueen, magmortar, kyogre, corsola, slowpoke, growlithe, whismur, torterra, tentacruel, leafeon, kabutops, kingdra, aerodactyl, poliwag, munchlax, cloyster, gastly, poochyena, chinchou, marowak, heracross, slowking, magikarp, zoroark, fearow, mankey, venomoth, meowth, squirtle, clamperl, moltres, sandslash, shellder, machop, arbok, weezing, raichu, pokemon, seaking, voltorb, aggron, plush, roselia, chansey, latias, magby, hoppip, octillery, golem, staraptor, mareep

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Comments 9

m14mouse August 8 2015, 14:53:04 UTC
How much would the flaaffy tomy be?


I stephysanrio August 8 2015, 15:56:44 UTC
I think I have a new and open one which are you asking for? ^^


Re: I m14mouse August 8 2015, 16:06:10 UTC
The open would probably be cheaper. But you probably give me the price for both.


(The comment has been removed)

I stephysanrio August 8 2015, 15:55:45 UTC
It would be $7.35 including shipping and fees :-) if that's fine payment is to

Under notes I need your IG username and your address to verify its the same so I can print the label. Let me known :)


clicky797 August 8 2015, 16:05:18 UTC

Do you have Cloyster please or any divs from my Tomy wants list (can be found on my profile! :) Sorry I would link you to it but am on my phone so can't! :/)! In particular looking for last few Hoenn divs I need! :) Thanks! :)


DVD. victorsaurus5 August 9 2015, 03:39:25 UTC
For future reference I want you to know that the DVDs with cards have a sticker in the front advertising that it has a card inside.
Some stores had them and others didn't (ex some Walmart had the stickers and other WM didn't), the same thing as Inuyasha movie DVDs.
Unless they forget the sticker in the factory. You can delete this if you want.


Figures feraligatrdan February 8 2016, 06:08:48 UTC
How much would it be for delibird, both stantlers and cryogonal? I live in WA 98109.


Re: Figures stephysanrio February 8 2016, 14:28:16 UTC
Hello! Delibird is $19
I only have one stantler $16
Cryogonal $4

Shipping $2.54

=$41.54 (friends & family )

With fees = 43.35

if this is fine let me know and under notes write your "username LJ"

My PayPal is


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