Hey guys,
I wanted to make a short post about the Google April Fools'
#pokemonchallenge It was a fun minigame they launched on March 31st on the mobile Google Maps app, you were able to catch 150 Pokemon!
(actually 151, Mew was a secret pokémon you had to look hard for~)
I was part of the subreddit
/r/googlepokemon , the people there helped eachother locate as many of Mew's predetermined locations, and that helped me to catch Mew~
The admin of the subreddit had the great idea of sending out special badges she made to everyone who got all 151;
I wasn't picked in the raffle, but she said she was also going to sell them on her Etsy shop.
I looked, but they're currently no longer available... if they are sold again I'll update this post with a link!
Here's a picture of the
/r/googlepokemon Badge I received today!
It's a wooden badge that resembles the Google Maps logo, but with a Pokéball in the middle~
Google actually asked to send them where we found the 150th or 151st Pokémon on Twitter and Google+ before the 21st of April to receive a small token of their appreciation.
I got messaged by them today actually, so in about 4-6 weeks I'll be able to share what they sent! :D
- Mega Gardevoir