Updated Sales Post and Auctions!

Dec 19, 2013 22:27

Hi, I recently acquired some new stuff while collecting Lucario/Riolu~ Most of which are figures, including a RARE mightyena tomy figure. All of the items are available for shipping except for the figures that were previously in the sales post because I left them at school, and I won't be back until the first/second week of January.

I received ( Read more... )

ivysaur, blaziken, happiny, weavile, kyogre, cyndaquil, regigigas, finneon, torchic, mew, pansage, phanpy, shaymin, palkia, snivy, quilava, shellos, beartic, donphan, dialga, spinda, kyurem, zebstrika, sales, buizel, scolipede, dewott, zekrom, entei, mime jr., wynaut, nosepass, kangaskhan, piplup, meowth, arceus, empoleon, pikachu, yanmega, smoochum, scraggy, lugia, deoxys, chatot, budew, mamoswine, bonsly, zangoose, groudon, bulbasaur, audino, staravia, leavanny, latias, shinx, whirlipede, kricketune, infernape, mareep, electivire, pichu

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pkmnexcavation December 24 2013, 10:30:39 UTC
I've been looking for mime megabloks for AGES! <3 <3


kayeechu1993 December 29 2013, 06:20:14 UTC
Congratulations, you won the auction! Please send me your location to calculate the shipping and your total, thanks!


pkmnexcavation December 29 2013, 09:27:18 UTC
YAY! I am so glad. :D
I've wanted a Megablok for SO long, and have never been able to get any, and to get my FIRST as one of my favorite Pokemon is amazing. :')

My location is 96822! ^__^


kayeechu1993 December 30 2013, 00:56:37 UTC
Im glad you found something you've wanted for a long time! =) Your total is $8.07, please send payment to kayeechu0919@gmail.com. Please leave your username and what you bought in the memo please, thanks!


pkmnexcavation December 30 2013, 03:22:20 UTC
Yay! Thank you. :)
Payment sent!
Will you please remember to leave me feedback when I have left you feedback? A few sellers have not left for me and although they probably just forgot, I am still a newbie, and I need all the feedback I can get! ^_^ Thank you!!


kayeechu1993 December 30 2013, 04:06:09 UTC
Thanks for the payment, ill ship it out sometime this week. I already left you feedback, thanks!


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