Huge, monster, amazing, fantastic card sales! This post is 90% TCG cards and 10% Topps cards, Amada stickers, and misc flats! Things from every generation are featured, but do not despair! Finding your favorites is as easy as Ctrl+F!
I was grandfathered into sales permission with the start of the comm! Makes me feel kinda old!
-Paypal only
-No holds past 24 hours. I take this seriously!
-Shipping is from the USA. Insurance is optional, let me know if you want it.
TCG cards are sorted by evolutionary line, in rough Pokedex order! I do have some multiples of certain things, so if you see someone above you claim your desired card, it doesn't hurt to inquire if I have another. :)
All Topps cards: $1 each
All Topps cards: $1 each
All Topps cards: $1 each
All Topps cards: $1 each
All Topps cards: $1 each
All Topps cards: $1 each
All Topps cards: $1 each
All Topps cards: $1 each
All Topps cards: $1 each
Snap Cards: $1.50 each
Arcanine Amada stickers (1, 2, and 3): $2 each
Misc cards: $1 each
Fanart originals: $4 each
Charmander 1, 2, 3: 25 cents each
Charmeleon: 50 cents
Charizard: $3
Squirtle: 25 cents
Blastoise: $2
Butterfree: $2
Weedle: 25 cents
Kakuna 1: 25 cents
Kakuna 2: 50 cents
Pidgey 1: 25 cents
Pidgeot: $2
Rattata: 25 cents
Raticate: $1
Surge's Fearow: $2
Dark Arbok: $1
VS Arbok: $3
Pikachu 1: 25 cents
Pikachu 2: $1
Surge's Pikachu: 25 cents
Pikachu 3: 25 cents
Raichu: 50 cents
Sandshrew, Nidoran, Clefairy 1, 2: 25 cents
Vulpix: 25 cents
Jigglypuff 1: 50 cents
Jigglypuff 2, 3: 25 cents each
Jigglypuff 4: $3
Wigglytuff: $1
Zubat, Golbat: 50 cents each
Gloom 1: 25 cents
Gloom 2, Bellossum: 50 cents each
Paras 1, Paras 2: 25 cents each
Parasect: 50 cents
Diglett: 25 cents
Dugtrio: $1
Meowth 1, 2: 25 cents each
Meowth 3, Psyduck, Mankey 1, Mankey 2: 25 cents each
Primeape 1: 50 cents
Primeape 2: $1
Blaine's Growlithe 1: 25 cents
Blaine's Growlithe 2: 50 cents
Growlithe 1: 25 cents
Growlithe 2, 3, 4, 5: 25 cents each
Growlithe 6: 75 cents
Arcanine 1: 50 cents
Arcanine 2: $3
Arcanine 3: $1.50
Arcanine 4: 50 cents
Poliwag: 25 cents
Poliwhirl, Alakazam: 50 cents each
Machop 1, 2, 3: 25 cents
Machoke 1, 2, 3: 50 cents each
Machamp: $1
Bellsprout: 25 cents
Tentacruel: 50 cents
Geodude 1, 2, 3: 25 cents
Geodude 4, Brock's Graveler, Graveler: 50 cents
Golem, Ponyta 1: 50 cents
Ponyta 2, 3: 25 cents
Slowpoke 1: 50 cents
Slowpoke 2, 3, Magnemite: 25 cents each
Magneton 1: 50 cents
Magneton 2, 3: 50 cents
Doduo: 25 cents
Dodrio, Dewgong, Grimer: 50 cents
Muk 1: 75 cents
Muk 2: $1
Muk 3: 50 cents
Muk 4: 50 cents
Shellder: 50 cents
Onix: $2
Steelix, Hypno: $1
Krabby 1: 50 cents
Krabby 2: 25 cents
Electrode, Dark Electrode: 50 cents each
Exeggcute 1: 50 cents
Exeggcute 2: 25 cents
Erika's Exeggcute, Erika's Exeggutor: 50 cents each
Tyrogue 1: 25 cents
Tyrogue 2: $1
Hitmonlee 1: $1
Hitmonlee 2: 25 cents
Hitmonchan 1: $1
Hitmonchan 2, Lickitung 1: 25 cents
Lickitung 2: 50 cents
Lickitung 3: $1
Lickilicky, Koga's Koffing: 50 cents
Koffing 1, 2, 3: 25 cents
Weezing: 50 cents
Rhyhorn 1, 2: 25 cents each
Rhydon, Tangela 1: 50 cents
Tangela 2: 25 cents
Tangrowth, Kangaskhan 1, 2: $1
Misty's Staryu: 25 cents
Staryu: 50 cents
Starmie 1, 2: $1
Starmie 3: 50 cents
Mr. Mime 1, 2: $1 each
Mr. Mime 3: 75 cents
Rocket's Scyther: $3
Scyther: $1
Jynx: 75 cents
Magby, Magmar 1: 50 cents
Magmar 2, 3: 25 cents
Magmortar: $1
Pinsir 1: $1
Pinsir 2: 50 cents
Tauros: 50 cents
Magikarp: 25 cents
Lapras 1, 2: $1
Lapras 3: 50 cents
Ditto: $1
Eevee: 25 cents
Flareon: 50 cents
Porygon: 25 cents
Porygon-Z: $1
Porygon2: 50 cents
Kabuto 1:25 cents
Kabuto 2: 50 cents
Kabuto 3: 25 cents
Kabutops (damaged): 25 cents
Aerodactyl 1 (damaged): 25 cents
Aerodactyl 2: $1
Snorlax: $2
Dratini is gone
Mewtwo: $3
Chikorita, Cyndaquil: 25 cents each
Croconaw: 50 cents
Sentret, Ledyba: 25 cents
Ledian, Togepi: 50 cents
Mareep: 25 cents
Flaaffy: 50 cents
Marill: $1
Skiploom, Ambipom, Wooper 1, 2: 25 cents each
Yanmega: $1.50
VS Misdreavus: $4
Misdreavus: 25 cents
Unown FLASH, I: 50 cents
Unown U: 75 cents
Unown E: 50 cents
Unown D: 75 cents
Pineco 1, 2: 25 cents
Dunsparce 1: 50 cents
Dunsparce 2, 3: 50 cents
Gligar: 25 cents
Gliscor: $1
Snubbull: 25 cents
Sneasel 1: 75 cents
Sneasel 2, teddiursa: 25 cents
Ursaring: 1.50
Swinub: 25 cents
Piloswine: 50 cents
Remoraid: 25 cents
Octillery: 50 cents
Houndour: 25 cents
Phanpy 1: $1
Phanpy 2, Stantler: 25 cents
Raikou: $1.50
Entei: $1
Pupitar: 50 cents
Celebi: $2
Treeko 1, 2: 25 cents
Grovyle: 50 cents
Torchic, Mudkip, Poochyena 1: 25 cents
Poochyena 2, 3: 25 cents each
Ludicolo: $1
Seedot 1, 2, Nuzleaf, Taillow, Wingull 1, 2: 25 cents each
Pelipper 1: 50 cents
Pelipper 2: $1
Ralts 1, 2, Surskit: 25 cents each
Masquerain: 50 cents
Slakoth 1: 50 cents
Slakoth 2: 25 cents
Vigoroth 1: 50 cents
Vigoroth 2: 50 cents
Vigoroth 3: 75 cents
Nincada, Whismur: 25 cents each
Probopass 1: 50 cents
Probopass 2: $1
Skitty: 25 cents
Sableye 1: $1
Sableye 2: $1
Mawile 1: 25 cents
Mawile 2: $1
Aron, Electrike: 25 cents each
Team Aqua's Manectric: 50 cents
Manectric G: 50 cents
Minun 1, 2, Budew: 25 cents
Roselia: 50 cents
Carvahna: 25 cents
Sharpedo: 50 cents
Numel 1, 2: 50 cents each
Camerupt: 75 cents
Vibrava is gone
Cacturne, Seviper: 50 cents each
Corphish: 25 cents
Crawdaunt: 50 cents
Tropius: 50 cents
Spheal: 25 cents
Shelgon 1: 50 cents each
Shelgon 2, 3, Beldum are gone
Chimchar: 25 cents
Monferno: 50 cents
Piplup: 25 cents
Prinplup: 50 cents
Bibarel 1: 75 cents
Bibarel 2: 50 cents
Kricketot 1, 2, Shinx 1, 2: 25 cents each
Luxio: 50 cents
Luxray: $1
Rampardos: $1
Shieldon: 50 cents
Burmy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: 25 cents each
Wormadam 1, 2: 50 cents
Combee 1: 50 cents
Combee 2: 25 cents
Vespiquen: $1
Pachirisu: 25 cents
Floatzel: 50 cents
Cherubi 1, 2: 25 cents each
Driflblim: 50 cents
Bronzor: 25 cents
Bronzong 1: $1
Bronzong 2: $1.25
Bronzong 3: 75 cents
Bronzong 4: 50 cents
Lucario is gone
Hippowdon: 50 cents
Croagunk: 25 cents
Carnivine 1: $1
Carnivine 2: 50 cents
Carnivine 3: 50 cents
Snover: 25 cents
Regigigas FB: $2
Dialga: $3
Manaphy: $1
Arceus: $1.50
Snivy 1: 25 cents
Snivy 2: 25 cents
Servine 1: $3
Servine 2: 50 cents
Serperior: $2
Tepig 1, 2: 25 cents
Emboar 1: $3
Emboar 2: $2
Dewott 1: 50 cents
Dewott 2: 50 cents
Patrat 1, 2: 25 cents
Watchog 1, 2: 50 cents
Lillipup 1, 2, Purrloin 1, 2: 25 cents
Pansage 1: 25 cents
Pansage 2: 50 cents
Simisage 1: $1.50
Simisage 2: $1
Pansear 1, 2: 25 cents
Simisear: 50 cents
Panpour 1, 2: 25 cents
Simipour: 50 cents
Munna: 25 cents
Musharna: $1
Pidove 1, 2: 25 cents
Tranquill 1, 2: 50 cents
Blitzle 1, 2: 25 cents
Blitzle 3: $1.50
Roggenrola: 25 cents
Boldore 1, 2: 50 cents
Gigalith: $1.50
Woobat 1: $2.50
Woobat 2, 3: 25 cents
Swoobat: 50 cents
Drilbur 1: 75 cents
Drilbur 2: 50 cents
Drilbur 3: 25 cents
Audino 1: $1.50
Audino 2: 50 cents
Audino 3: 75 cents
Audino 4: 50 cents
Timburr 1, 2: 25 cents
Gurrdurr: 75 cents
Conkledurr: $1
Throh, Sawk, Sewaddle 1: 50 cents
Sewaddle 2: 25 cents
Swadloon 1: 75 cents
Swadloon 2, 3: 50 cents
Venipede 1: 50 cents
Venipede 2: 25 cents
Whirlipede: 50 cents
Scolipede 1: $1.50
Scolipede 2: $1
Cottonee 1, 2: 50 cents
Cottonee 3: 25 cents
Whimsicott: 50 cents
Petilil: 25 cents
Lilligant, Basculin 1: 50 cents
Basculin 2: 25 cents
Sandile 1: $1
Sandile 2: 25 cents
Krokorok: 50 cents
Darumaka 1, 2: 25 cents
Darumaka 3: 50 cents
Darumaka 4: 25 cents
Cacturne: 50 cents
Sigilyph 1, 2: 50 cents
Dwebble, Trubbish: 25 cents
Zorua: 50 cents
Minccino: 25 cents
Cinccino: 50 cents
Gothita: 25 cents
Gothorita: 50 cents
Ducklett 1, 2: 25 cents
Vanillite: 25 cents
Vanillish: 50 cents
Vanilluxe: $2
Deerling 1: 25 cents
Deerling 2: 25 cents
Emolga 1: $2
Emolga 2: 50 cents
Emolga 3: 25 cents
Emolga 4: 75 cents
Emolga 5: 50 cents
Foongus: 25 cents
Joltik 1, 2: 25 cents
Galvantula, Ferroseed 1: 50 cents
Ferroseed 2, 3: 25 cents
Klang 1, 2: 50 cents
Klink 1, 2, Elgyem: 25 cents
Beheeyem: $1.50
Litwick is gone
Lampent: 50 cents
Axew, Fraxure are gone
Special Snowflake: 50 cents
Shelmet: 50 cents
Stunfisk 1: 25 cents
Stunfisk 2: 50 cents
Mienfoo: 25 cents
Mienshao, Pawniard: 50 cents
Bisharp: $1.50
Bouffalant: $2
Rufflet 1, 2: 25 cents
Vullaby: 50 cents
Mandibuzz 1: $1.25
Mandibuzz 2: $1
Heatmor, Durant 1, 2: 50 cents
Larvesta is gone
Thundurus: $2.50
Eon Ticket: $25 OBO
Misc Growlithe card, Arcanine: $3 each
Growlithe, Arcanine Amada stickers: $2 each
Other stickers: $1 each
Gligar sticker: $1
Glittery logo sticker: 25 cents or free with order
Energy Search: 25 cents
Lucian's Assignment, Volkner's Philosophy, Pokedex: 50 cents
Energy Removal: 25 cents
Bianca, Dual Ball, Sage's Training: 50 cents
Potion: 25 cents
Beginning Door, Lucky Egg, Super Potion, Windstorm, Lost Remover, Great Ball: 50 cents
Dome Fossil: 25 cents
Cheerleader's Cheer, Holon Fossil: 50 cents
Ruins of Alph, Defender: 50 cents
Potion: 25 cents
Super Scoop Up, Full Flame, Ultimate Zone, Speed Stadium, Pokemon Reversal, Emcee's Chatter: 50 cents
Gambler, Switch: 25 cents
Energy Retrieval, moonlit hill card, Energy Exchanger, Miasma Valley, Old Amber 1, Old Amber 2: 50 cents
Mysterious Fossil: 25 cents
Basic energies (have multiples of fighting and fire): 10 cents each
Recover energy, Rescue energy, Rainbow energy: 50 cents
Basic energies: 10 cents
Darkness energy 1, 2, Metal Energy 1, 2, Double Colorless Energy, Prism Energy: 50 cents
Recycle, Max Potion, Pokemon Center, Pokedex, Super Rod, Crushing Hammer, Lost World, Interviewer's Questions, Junk Arm: 50 cents
Cute radio show card, Clefairly Doll: $1 each
Pokéball 1: 50 cents
Pokéball 2: 25 cents
Exp Share, Skyarrow Bridge, Professor Oak, Professor Oak's Visit, Clian: 50 cents
Holon Adventurer, Expert Belt, Ultimate Zone, Beginning Door: 50 cents
Helix Fossil: 25 cents
Interviewer's Questions: 50 cents
Battle City: $1.25
VS Seeker: 50 cents
Pokemon Breeder: $1
Revive, Super Scoop Up: 50 cents
Energy Search: 25 cents
Eviolite, Heavy Ball: 50 cents
List the cards you want by the exact name I use.
Give me your shipping location
Pay within 24 hours of my reply to you
And that's it! :D
PS: Has this summer been kind to Growlithe collectors, or what? I hope to post a long overdue collection update and general "the state of my collection, this is what I have" post soon. ^_^