Just finished opening 9 Dragon Exalted booster packs. No EX cards....and no Houndoom. O: So, I'm looking to trade for this card -
I'm looking for both RH and regular. And I'm also looking for an RH of the
Houndour card. I don't have a list of my available Dragon Exalted cards since I literally just finished opening the boosters, but if you give me a list, I can check if I have something you're looking for. :D
Also looking for other cards (including the last
Houndour and the last 5 Houndooms I'm missing). I wasn't going to post that list 'cause it's not entirely finished, but I decided to go ahead and include it here. For the ones that are "too many to list" or are "Not categorized yet," you're welcome to show me what you have of them and I can check.
Primarily looking for non-RH English unless otherwise stated. But might be interested in foreign language cards of Pokemon listed below even if the specific card is not listed...especially non-Japanese ones. Also might be interested in RH cards of these Pokemon even if the particular card is not listed.
****If card comes in holo and non-holo versions and I have not specified which one...I most likely need both. For some of these, I didn't realize they come in both versions.
Please note: Even if the image provided is in Japanese, that does not necessarily mean I am looking for it in Japanese...that was just the image available on Bulbapedia.
Also, The set name used is just the English set name provided by Bulbapedia, if there is a promo or a reprint of that card, I might be interested. I'm mostly just intersted in the image used on the card.
Skyridge - non-RH
+ Will also look at any foreign language Houndours.
Reverse Holos -
Expedition Base Set Aquapolis v1 Aquapolis v2 EX Team Rocket Returns v1 Ex Team Rocket Returns v2 EX Unseen Forces Great Encounters Legends Awakened Team Magma's Houndour v1 Team Magma's Houndour v2 Team Magma's Houndour v2 Call of Legends Dragons Exalted - getting in trade
Aquapolis - Holo
Dark Houndoom PRERELEASE + Will also look at any foreign language Houndooms.
Reverse Holos -
Aquapolis v1 (also need regular holo)
Aquapolis v2 Skyridge EX Dragon Team Magma's Houndoom EX Unseen Forces Great Encounters Legends Awakened Platinum Rising Rivals Eevee
Legendary Collection - RH only
Delta Species - non-RH
Pokemon Fan Club Promo - will probably never get - - only available in Japanese
Scramble - Does this card even exist? I've never seen it in anyone's collection pics. - - only available in Japanese
Will also look at any RH or foreign language Eevees.
Neo Discovery Aquapolis Holo and non-holo
Delta Species Undaunted Holo
Neo Destiny Unseen Forces POP Promo Sabrina's Espeon - only availabe in Japanese
Will's Espeon - only available in Japanese
Annie's Espeon - only available in Japanese
Legendary Collection - RH and Regular
Skyridge Holo and Non-holo
Sandstorm Delta Species Rising Rival - Non-RH
Delta Species v2 Power Keepers T Promo - only available in Japanese
Karen's Flareon - only available in Japanese
Majestic Dawn Majestic Dawn v2 - all versions except Burger King Promo ("Platinum" stamped) and possibly the holo deck version (mine is mint on front but non-mint on the back so might want replacement)
Majestic Dawn v3 Jolteon
Legendary Collection - RH and Regular
Neo Destiny Skyridge holo
Unseen Forces Delta Species Power Keepers T Promo - only availabe in Japanese
CoroCoro Promo - only available in Japanese
Jasmine's Jolteon - only available in Japanese
Majestic Dawn - getting in trade
Majestic Dawn v2 Umbreon
Neo Discovery Aquapolis Skyridge Holo and non-holo
Majestic Dawn non-rh
Call of Legends non-rh
Unseen Forces POP Promo McDonalds Promo - only available in Japanese
Karen's Umbreon - only available in Japanese
Legendary Collection - RH and Regular
Skyridge - holo
Sandstorm - non-rh - might be getting in trade
Unseen Forces - non-RH (mine has "Unseen Forces" stamp)
Majestic Dawn Rising Rivals - non-RH
Legendary - holo
Delta Species Power Keepers T Promo - only available in Japanese
Platinum Land Platinum Sky non-rh - getting in trade
Platinum Land v2 Black Star Promo Sky Unleashed Sky Next Destinies Full Art National Beginning Land - only available in Japanese (right now)
Mew - too many too list. Please link me and I will see if I need any you have.
Prerelease Jumbo Card - - only available in Japanese(?)
National Beginning Set - only available in Japanese (for now)
Will also look at any RH or foreign language Victini.
Legendary Collection - RH only
Bulbasaur Deck - only available in Japanese
CoroCoro Promo - only available in Japanese
National Beginning Set - - only available in Japanese (for now)
Will also look at any RH or foreign language Meowths.
Legendary Collection - RH and Regular
Base Set 2
Legendary Collection - RH only
Vending Promo - only available in Japanese
McDonald Pack Promo - only available in Japanese
Base Set 2
Legendary Collection - RH and Regular
Expedition Base Set Call of Legends - non-RH
Dragon Frontiers Hidden Legends +Dragons Exalted Japanese promo listed below
None currently. Except RH and Foreign language ones.
EX Power Keepers EX Ruby and Sapphire Legends Awakened Platinum Crystal Guardians Poochyena
None but will look at foreign and RH cards.
EX Ruby & Sapphire Team Magma vs Team Aqua Holon Phantoms Movie Pack Promo - only available in Japanese
Base Set 2
Legendary Collection - RH and Regular
Vending Promo - only available in Japanese
Squirtle Deck - only available in Japanese
McDonald's Promo - only available in Japanese
CoroCoro Promo - only available in Japanese
Base Set 2
Legendary Collection - RH and Regular
Aquapolis Holo and Non-holo
Skyridge Holo and Non-holo
Neo Destiny Legend Maker Supreme Victors Non-League Stamped
Squirtle Deck - only available in Japanese
Great Encounters Non-RH
Supreme Victors Emerald Supreme Victors v2 Non-League Stamped
+ Dragons Exalted listed below
BW Promo - only available in Japanese (for now)
Skyridge Holo and Non-holo
Unleashed Unseen Forces Clair's Politoed - only available in Japanese
Misty's Politoed - only available in Japanese
Minun and Plusle
LaRousse Minun - only available in Japanese
LaRousse's Plusle - only available in Japanese
Pichu and Raihu
Not catagorized yet.
Pidgey line
Not catagorized yet.
Gastly line
Not catagorized yet.
Need to add - Keldeo, Lillipup line, Purrloin line, minccino line, and Emolga.
2012 McDonalds
Dragons Exalted (in order of importance)
RH Houndour getting it trade
MewMew Fullart Japanese Ninetales PromoBraviary - non-RH
Possibly - Ambipom, both Gabite, both Hydreigon, Gothorita, Gothitelle, Seismitoad, and Sealeo. And EX and shiny cards but I know it's not worth looking for those. lol.
Freeze Bolt/Cold Flare (in order of importance)
(Japanese obviously)
Purrloin Liepard (I think I have Purrloin but need Liepard)
Blitzel ZebstrikaAnd others but these are the most important.
Need to add Plasma Gale Wants
Definitely need Purrloin though
~ Risha