This made me a little teary. I can't believe what a weenie I am.
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I've got an idea. How about those people who are denied the right to marry and extend benefits to their significant others just don't pay any more state taxes? How can you tax someone who does not receive the same benefits that every other (hetero) taxpayer receives? I think this is a legitimate question. And this situation - just one social issue of many is why I'm so thankful that Obama was elected. For the past eight years, this country has stagnated and at this point, I feel that we will either go forward or go backward. And I think I speak for just about everyone when I say that I never, ever want to go back.
I have become, lately, so incredibly intolerant of people who eschew another person's right to happiness simply because it doesn't agree with whatever interpretation of the bible they've chosen to believe in. There's a new rep in our office who seemed mild-mannered and a fairly decent human being and yet just last week I heard her say to her co-workers 'Oh, my best friend is gay, but I don't believe in gay marriage'. First of all, I'm offended that she's so stupid as to make such a statement to a group of people that she barely knows. Beyond that, gay marriage (or any social issue for that matter) is not something you 'believe in'. You either support it or you don't. And whether you support it or not, what makes you think that your uninformed, narrow-minded opinions matter to anyone other than you? The self-righteousness and the entitlement of the citizens of this country makes me sick. My biggest issue is the nature of the statement she made. How can you care about someone and yet feel completely justified in letting them know that they are below you in terms of rights and/or happiness? I wonder why she thinks her opinion regarding an issue that she has no personal stake in matters at all.
Do religious people ever stop to think that maybe enlightenment is the purpose of life? I mean, is it so far-fetched that we shouldn't even consider it? -_-
I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm going to hurt this girl's feelings today. And not accidentally.