Saturday Night Boysmut

May 03, 2008 21:10

Title: Dirty Little Secret
Rating: R
Summary: Noah's brother keeps shady company.

a/n ~ Original characters, implied incest, wide-eyed younger brother getting a little more than he bargained for. I have no idea what this is - I was just blanked tonight and I had 45 minutes to kill. :| Now I'm going to watch some Aqua-Teen.

The front door was unlocked; Noah didn't bother knocking. Inside, there were empty pizza boxes and mangled beer cans. The shades were drawn, keeping out the early morning sunlight, and Noah was careful where he stepped. The house that his brother shared with Aiden - or that no-good out-of-work bum. as his mother liked to refer to him - was never really clean, but rarely did it look this bad.

He wondered where Brighton was and whether or not he'd spent the night alone. The possibility that he might not have was, truthfully, the reason Noah stayed away so often. His brother's friends were loud and a bit on the wild side; they made Noah uncomfortable. Their parties made him nervous and the idea that his brother might be the ringleader wasn't anything that Noah wanted to think about.

This morning, however, there were no half-naked guys passed out on the floor. No broken furniture, no sleeping cats with taped up paws or drugs on the coffee table. Noah felt safe enough.

Music played, the volume turned down low - Bend me, break me, anyway you want me,
all I want is you - and Noah lay his bag on one of the kitchen bar stools. By the time Brighton or Aiden woke up, he could at least have the kitchen looking halfway presentable.

He couldn't have said that he cared about the state of his brother's house, not really, but in the year that Brighton had been rooming with Aiden, Noah had seen less and less of him. Being away from him unsettled Noah, probably more than it should have, and it wasn't anything of which he could pretend to be unaware. Not when he thought about him so often and missed him so much.

He threw away cans and bottles and stacked the empty pizza boxes on the stove, stopping once to wipe his hands and push his sleeves up past his elbows. Growing still when he heard footsteps in the hallway, Noah glanced toward the door and was surprised to see his brother sleeping soundly on the sofa. It had been easy to overlook him, buried under blankets as he was and Noah smiled, pausing where he stood to watch him for a moment. Only his hair - long, black, straight - and the several tiny hoops laddered up along the curve of his ear were visible beneath the blanket and, unable to resist, Noah bent to rub silky strands of Brighton's hair through his fingers.

"Hey, what are you doing?" someone asked, startling Noah. He stepped away from Brighton, as though he'd been caught doing something he shouldn't have, and crossed his arms over his chest.

The girl in the hallway stared hard at Noah, eyebrows drawn, pale lips pursed in disapproval. "Are you deaf?" she asked, one hand on her hip, and Noah looked away quickly.

"No," he said, voice barely a whisper and he cleared his throat once, though he didn't plan on speaking to her again.

Her jeans were tight and she'd seemed to have misplaced her shirt. Her bra was blue. Noah kept his eyes averted.

"I'm Brighton's brother," he told her, staring at her toes so he didn't have to look in her eyes. "I didn't know he had company."

"He doesn't," Aiden said, yawning when he emerged from his bedroom. "She's not company," he winked at Noah, scratching his belly and hitching his baggy shorts lower on his hipbones. This time, Noah didn't look away.

"Screw you, Aiden," she spat, picking around the room as though looking for something. "Where's my shirt?"

Shrugging, Aiden opened the refrigerator and rummaged around for a moment. "Dunno. Your panties are hanging on the bathroom doorknob; make sure you take 'em with you."

Glaring at him when she stalked past, she shoved at his back and murmured, "Asshole."

Laughing to himself, Aiden popped the cap on a Mountain Dew and took a long drink. He wiped his mouth on the back of his arm and offered Noah a half-smile. "What are you doing here, kid?"

"Just thought I'd stop by," Noah said, moving closer to the counter in case the girl came back - he didn't want to be in her immediate line of fire. "Since I missed the party last night."

"Yeah," Aiden said, setting down the can and ruffling his short, blond hair. "I was thinking we'd see you last night."

Noah shrugged, stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I was busy."

"Busy doing nothing," Aiden said, rubbing his jaw. Noah watched, fascinated. Aiden needed to shave.

"Whatever," Noah said, used to his teasing and knowing better than to take it to heart. "Why is Brighton sleeping on the sofa?" He wanted to know.

"Dumb whore passed out in his bed last night," Aiden said, glancing sideways at Noah. "You gonna stick around awhile?"

"I guess so," Noah said. "Why?"

"'Cause you might want to boil your brother's sheets."

Fully dressed and looking no more forgiving, the girl was back, bracing one hand on the wall to slip her shoes on. "I hate you, Aiden," she said.

"Try to remember that the next time you're bouncing on my dick," he returned, smiling pleasantly, and Noah turned away, busying himself with wiping the countertop.

He didn't look up until the girl left, slamming the door behind her. The tips of his ears were red.

"What's the matter, kid? She make you nervous?" Aiden asked, toying with the drawstring of his shirts. Noah scrubbed harder, determined not to look.

"No," he lied.

Aiden laughed, moving behind Noah to pluck the multi-colored knit cap away from his head. Straight, dark strands spilled over his forehead and he swiped them aside, glaring at his brother's roommate.

"You look cute in that hat," Aiden told him, tossing the cap on the counter when he leaned in lazily.

Noah blushed, glancing up at Aiden from the corner of his eye.

"You look cuter without it," Aiden said, quiet now when he hadn't been before. Touching Noah's hair, he tucked a few strands behind his ear, stroking his earlobe.

"Stop," Noah said, shrugging his shoulder. He did not, however, move away.

"You got a boyfriend, Noah?" he asked slyly, fingertips grazing the nape of his neck. "You're old enough, right?"

Embarrassed, Noah looked up - dark eyes flashing. "Stop messing around," he said.

"Who's messing around?" Aiden asked, somehow able to appear entirely innocent when he slid one hand down the middle of Noah's back. "I'm just wondering if you have somebody to faithful to, that's all."

Anger dissipating, Noah snuck at a glance at the sofa where his brother still slept soundly.

"Besides him," Aiden murmured.

"What?" Noah demanded, heart feeling as though it had frozen inside his chest.

"I see the way you look at him, you know. Never seen anything like it."

"Fuck you," Noah hissed, stepping away from Aiden to glare at him.

Aiden merely shrugged, seemingly not offended. "Hey, it's no biggie. He looks at you, too. Just stating a fact, is all."

When Noah didn't answer - had no idea how to answer - Aiden smiled at him again. "You guys ever fucked?"

"What? Are you crazy?" Noah asked. "Of course not."

"But you want to," he said.

"N-No," Noah said, unconvincing and blushing when he lied. "He's...he's my brother."

Aiden laughed - nothing seemed to bother him, to shake him up. "Bright don't like girls, either. No matter how hard they try. It's kinda funny."

Sneaking a look at his brother, Noah attempted to process his information, wondering if Aiden were lying just to toy with him. "How do you know?" he whispered.

"I just know," Aiden said. "I live with the guy."

When Noah didn't answer, heart pounding now, Aiden said, "You're his priority. Don't you know that?"

Shaking his head, Noah could only stare at his brother, holding his breath when Brighton shifted to stretch out on his back. With one arm draped over his head and his feet hanging over the side of the sofa, he shoved at the blankets to bare his neck and shoulders. Noah didn't want to look away.

"I can't believe it," Aiden whispered, resting his hands on Noah's hips, gripping hard when Noah shifted as though to dislodge him. "You'd really do it, wouldn't you? Your own brother?"

"Let go of me," Noah said, pushing back against Aiden but quickly falling silent when Aiden pulled him flush against his groin.

"It's kinda fucked up, I guess," he said, rubbing the front of Noah's pants with the flat of his hand. "But you're making my dick hard."

"Get your hands off of me," Noah demanded, jaw clenched tight.

"Come on, kid," Aiden said. "I'll get you off while you look at your brother - don't tell me that doesn't sound good to you."

Noah didn't answer and Aiden popped the top button of his pants. "I won't tell," he whispered, breath hot against Noah's ear.

Wanting to resist, wishing he had the self-control, Noah's eyelashes fluttered and he bit his lip when Aiden slipped one hand into his underwear.

"Oh," he breathed, both hands flat on the counter before him. With Aiden's fingers snug around his cock, Noah paid no attention to the way his pants loosened, gapped.

"You like that," Aiden murmured, shoving one-handed at his own shorts to rub his cock against the small of Noah's back. "You must not get this often, hm?"

"Shut up," Noah whispered, losing his balance when Aiden nudged his feet apart. He leaned against the counter, braced on his forearms, and sucked in a breath when the blunt tip of Aiden's cock nudged his bottom. "Don't," he warned.

"Relax," Aiden said, leaning over him, pressing against him to hold him close when he began to jerk Noah's cock. "I don't want your cherry, brat. Too messy."

Glaring over his shoulder at Aiden, Noah lost his train of thought when Aiden shifted behind him. Lips parted, breath hitching, Noah stared at his brother - barely daring to breathe - and held fast to the counter when Aiden rocked against him. Thrusting shallowly between Noah's legs, Aiden rubbed his balls each time he rolled his hips.

"Fuck," Noah hissed, eyes squeezed tight when Aiden jerked him faster.

"I'm gonna come," Aiden told him, breathing fast and shoving hard between his thighs. "God, I think I could fuck you, kid."

It hurt, the way Aiden pulled back to nudge his balls, but Noah didn't say a word. His dick was hard and he was going to come and his brother was less than ten feet away, sleeping soundly and looking exactly the way he did every night in Noah's secret, shameful fantasies.

He moaned, quick to stifle the sounds he made, and arched his back when Aiden spread his buttocks apart.

"Shit," he swore. "This is better than that bitch I had last night. And I'm not even in you, yet."

Lips parted, Noah panted fast, hard, and Aiden's grip on his cock tightened. "Don't stop," he whispered.

"Don't move," Aiden whispered back. "Fuck."

I'm coming, Noah thought, staring hard at the line of his brother's jaw - at the soft curve of his mouth. Aiden pushed insistently against him, his cock slipping to nudge between Noah's buttocks and Noah's cock jerked. Eyes rolling back, he came hard in Aiden's hand, dripping over his fingers and onto the cabinet he leaned against. Aiden's dick was hard against the back of Noah's thigh, the tip wet and sliding in the path of his own release. They'd come close - too close.

"Move," he said, shoving weakly at the heavy body behind him. "I'm wet."

Aiden didn't budge, didn't respond and Noah looked up. He paled, features slack when he met his brother's sleepy gaze.

Brighton was awake.
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