Special pre-orders for Arena tickets + GacktJOB Blogs + Tsutaya ONLINE cm

Feb 16, 2009 14:36

Special pre-orders for Gackt's Tour Arena tickets~!

Please note that this pre-order is only for members of the community site and Dears Fanclub.
Public sales as stated previously should commence from 05/09 onwards

Community Site members
Tickets will be selling from 3/19 15:00hours ~ 3/23 12:00hours
Results will be announced 3/27 12:00hours ~3/29 23:00hours
All tickets purchased via the community site are priced at 7,800yen (No premium tickets?)
and limited to 4 tickets per respective concert night per member
Payment can be made via credit card or payment upfront at Lawson stores
and the payment method has to be specified at the time of pre-ordering.
Once again, the tickets will be delivered at a later date. More details will be in the members-only page ^^;

Dears ]

現在行われている『GACKT VISUALIVE TOUR 2008-2009 Requiem et Reminiscence Ⅱ ~再生と邂逅~』に続いて、アリーナツアーが決定しました。オフィシャルメンバーズサイトではこのツアーのチケット特別先行予約を実施します!

Dears Fanclub Members
For official Dears members (entered the fanclub before 01/15) you'll be receiving details via
a post-card that will start dispatching from 02/17 onwards.
Should you not receive your DM, you may call Dears from 02/23~02/26 to enquire.
(sorry I had previously mis-read the information. So I corrected this line above XD; )

Extension for members who join at a later date
This preceding reservation of tickets was originally meant for members
who were admitted into the fanclub before 02/15 but an extension has been decided.

For members who are admitted between the period of 01/16 and 03/15,
you can apply during the 2nd round of pre-orders for the premium seats and Fanclub regular tickets.
A corresponding DM (postcard/leaflet etc) will be sent out to this group at a later date.

[ Gackt.com ]

Ju-Ken the Bass

Ju-ken loves the seafood from the Kochi prefecture XDDD
The Saba-sashimi and the fry of Anago he ate 'last night' was "my tongue was so moved I teared". lol? ^^;

And when he entered the Kochi prefecture, he was reminiscing on the previous time he went there during a tour,
and when he surfboarded with stage director Ike-san and Stylist Rocky. XD
The waves back then were warm and powerful. He hopes to come back again to surf some day :)

Also, stocks for the pick-set that Ju-ken is selling isn't sufficient to cover mail order and on-site sales.
So more batches are being made in the factory right now. It will take some time before the pick-sets are ready
so for those who ordered and cannot wait till then, an immediate refund will be made.

Jun-Ji's Blog + Photoalbum

[ Jun-ji Photoalbum ] hahahahaha. Jun-ji took a picture of "Super dancer" Kazuya
while they were travelling noisily on the Shinkansen XDDDD

For those who find the name "Kazuya" familiar, he blogged on the gackt-and-dears staff blog
for a short period of time while Gackt was filming for BUNRAKU in Romania

09.2.9 Gacktツアー(・∀・)ノシ

[ Jun-ji Blog ] I was laughing pretty hard when Jun-ji said the aeroplane
was shaking pretty badly and added this emoticon -> (:∇)| ̄|_
He also wrote about how everyone immediately went to have a meal
upon touching down, and that he ate really delicious sashimi :P



飛行機ちょ~揺れたっす(:∇)| ̄|_







Tsutaya ONLINE cm-s

Tsutaya ONLINE is 4th in the list of favorable/likable commercials for the period before 2009.02
Tsutaya ONLINE didn't make it into top 10 when they released new cm-s back in 2009.08 and 2008.06
So I'd like to think Gackt definitely plays a part >:D

[ cmdb.jp ]
2009年2月前期  銘柄別CM好感度TOP10

順位企業/商品名オンエア作品数CM好感度 1 ソフトバンクモバイル/SoftBank 全6作品 121.3‰ 2 NTTドコモ/NTT DOCOMO 全8作品 80.0‰ 3 クレハ/クレラップ 全2作品 72.7‰ 4 ツタヤオンライン/ツタヤ・ディスカス 全1作品 60.0‰ 5 KDDI/au 全11作品 36.0‰ 6 ダイハツ/Tanto 全2作品 33.3‰ 7 江崎グリコ/OTONA GLICO 全3作品 32.7‰ 8 ユーキャン/イメージアップ 全14作品 30.0‰ 9 ダイワハウス/イメージアップ 全3作品 28.7‰ 10 フジッコ/おまめさん 全1作品 28.0‰ ※同一好感度の場合、好感度要因・購買意向度のポイントが高い方が上位にランクインされます。



For those in Japan and would love to watch Gackt's PV on tv again (lol)
GHOST PV will be airing on the following programme ^___^
Unfortunately its only airing in Kanagawa ^^;

[ Infoseek ]
日時 曜日 局 開始 終了 番組詳細 2月17日 (火) tvk
0:45 1:15 プリン・ス2
KinKi Kids


tsutaya discas, gacktjob, tour, blogs, dears_only, rankings, ghost, ju-ken, arena tickets, r&rii, gackt, cm, jun-ji
