stagesoflove: Doctor Who: Doctor/Rose; Theme: Morning

May 31, 2008 20:10

Title: A New Day
Author/Artist: Pixie
Theme: Morning
Rating: G
Author's Note: This one is very much unbetaed, so all mistakes are mine. Takes place some time in the future of series 4.


It was morning when she arrived. Well, morning insomuch as it wasn't long since everyone in the TARDIS was stirring from much needed slumber; everyone that was except the Doctor. He couldn't remember the last time he'd slept, and he was so very glad that he was fully awake for this.

Rose. His Rose, returned to him.

He was alone in the control room, the others having gone off to find breakfast. She must have snuck in through the door, as he hadn't heard it open. He had just suddenly felt someone's eyes on him and when he turned to look down the ramp, there she stood.

His eyes raked over her, drinking in every aspect. She'd barely changed; maybe a little older looking, but still the same Rose. She wore jeans, a snug top and a light blue leather jacket. Her hair was a bit longer, but it was becoming on her. The only worrying thing was her expression: uncertainty. It gave him pause and he shoved his hands into his trouser pockets, trying to hide that they were shaking. He hesitated in speaking for fear he'd make it worse and she'd run off.

Instead the Doctor decided on one of his more tried and true methods, hoping that she really hadn't changed all that much. His hearts beating rapidly from the anxiety, he smiled widely. Within seconds her previously uncertain expression shifted to match his, causing his hearts to beat a happy rhythm and the unease he had felt was gone.

An instant later Rose ran full tilt up the ramp and into his now open arms. He picked her up and flung her around like he had so many times before; like he never thought he'd have the chance to again. She giggled madly as they spun and he laughed with her. It was such a beautiful sound to him, one he'd replayed countless times in his mind and he was giddy with happiness to hear it ringing in his ears.

He finally stopped spinning them, but he didn't let her go. He could stay like this all day: the two of them wrapped in each other's arms, her head on his shoulder, the wonderful scent and feel of her pressed against him, intoxicating his senses. And she didn't appear to be complaining either.

It was a new day, a new start.

End of first stage

doctor/rose, stages of love, fic, doctor who

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