Been a while since I played Sims and thought I'd share some random photos/videos I managed to capture recently. Brian/Justin, of course. Also, I apologise because for some unknown reasons, my videos have no sound. I'm not too sure what happened. I dont think I changed the sound settings? Oh well, I'll check the settings again later! I hope you guys will enjoy them anyway. :D
Unfortunately, the boys did not get attracted to each other at first sight omg how wrong is that?! I had to work my way through to make them like each other(there were LOTS of negative signs during their conversations LOL). The first video below is their first hug, first flirt and first crush! Yay!
Next, the boys stole some kisses at some community lot and surprisingly, Brian wasnt too pleased when Justin tried to well, actually I cant remember what Justin tried to do but the point is, BRIAN DID NOT WANT JUSTIN TOUCHING HIM! BUT he let Justin kiss him. Oh, Brian. What is wrong with you?! Poor Justin. :(
But it's ok because the boys finally got to make out in public, no less. ;)
On another random occasion, here's Brian looking oh so hot, even as a Sim.
And here's Brian looking oh so HOT(literally), after getting electrocuted from trying to repair the PC. He was fully dressed when he started repairing the PC, of course.
LOL it was HILARIOUS! I didnt get to video the whole electrocuted process but I managed to capture the last few seconds and what happened next. ;)
Dont you just love how Brian is able to walk right through the book shelf? LOL. OMG Fireman!Brian to the rescue! Well, not really..
It only took 2 seconds for the real fireman to put the fire out. Also, in the midst of everything, Brian being Brian, decided to check the fireman out but I guess he wasnt too impressed since he was practically trying real hard not to gag at the sight of the fireman. And I know I'm mean but I made him finish up the repair work even after his near death experience. He can swear and curse all he wants but I'm the one playing God here. ;)
Ok, I'm gonna end this entry with another random video. Justin's first attempt at diving into the pool.
EPIC FAIL OMG HAHA. Well at least he got his +500 aspiration points. LOL.
I hope you guys enjoyed all that randomness! :)