tcg_exchange trade logs

Nov 12, 2007 21:55

Let's play spot the broken links! /o/

Activity Log

10.20.07 - Starter pack, got bite17, possess06, count08, switch02, king18, exorcist01, money04, cocoa01, summon17, light19, loveless11, and necro14.
10.21.07 - got airhead20, beloved11, boots15, peace09, and short06 for mysterious reasons (signing up at manga_battle) ☆ got apple01, bite06, catcher03, plan14, and possess18 for similarly mysterious reasons (jr and senior league voting.)
10.21.07 - got april12, bite01, bite15, guardian07, king20, liek05, light17, otaku10, possess10, possess14, tactics13, and wishes19 for deckmaking assistance.
10.25.07 got magician04 for being vaguely useful.
10.26.07 got sms04, sms10, and dual02 for being slightly more useful ☆ got blitz16, count18, light09, magician15, phobia15, and warrior19 for doing modly deeds.
10.27.07 got rookie04, rookie14, rookie16, curse01 and curse04 for image donation/deck names/volunteering to go through large stacks of images because I was procrastinating.
10.28.07 possess05, possess15, kakumei08, lucky04 and otaku07 for voting @ manga_battle, but you don't know that.
10.28.07 got fuku07, liek14, and C certificate for level up. ☆ got bure09, dolls15, revenge08, rookie17, shark15, april06, dual 19, wishes15, ideals06, archer20, brother16, and Lynx 08 for mysterious reasons that can probably be easily guessed.
11.01.07 got cat 14, nano 07, nano11, and nano14 for being helpful.
11.02.07 got pyro 11, pyro 14, pyro 19, and sight 03 because black cat.
11.03.07 Mod pay: cocoa 05, doujin 20, food 05, puzzle 19, souen 13, and souen 22.
11.04.07 got possess 12, woobie 04, possess 06, cat 10, possess 20, idiot 08, and bite 13 for voting in manga battle.
11.06.07 got bite 16, iris 05, kuso 11, wings 07 and a c certificate for anime lims related things.
11.08.07 got shoulder09 from new decks ☆ got tail 14 from freebies ☆ got lynx 09 from fairy no.1
11.10.07 got witch 10, black 02, wishes 05, souen 03, armor 17, pitcher 15, strahl 20, strahl 19, gekidasa 01, co-host 10, and spirit 07 for modpay ☆ card trade in: sms 04, sms 08, sms 10, sms 16, sms 20 became phantom 12, phantom 13, phantom 04, phantom 05, phantom 20. emo 02, emo 03, emo 09, emo 13, emo 16 became cat 11, cat 01, cat 02, cat 06, cat 03. exorcist 01, exorcist 18, ideals 06, lucky 04, puzzle 19, split 16, summon 17, thunder 04, thunder 09, thunder 18 became archer 15, gemini 18, ashes 18, airhead 12, count 05, co-host 20, doujin 05, peace 20, sight 10, left 03. ☆ level up: necro 14, pluto 18, archer 13 and a choice certificate.
11.11.07 got possess 09, possess 13, protect 05 and pitcher 13 for manga battle voting
11.12.07 got april 04 and kakumei 17 for anime lims voting. ☆ got liek 17 for faicontest special category ☆ got possess 03, demon 12, nobodies 12, drill 03 for faicontest submissions and voting. ☆ got possess 17 for videogame_lims voting ☆ got 10th 12, despair 19, and a b certificate for tales of battle voting ☆ got phantom 08, phantom 17, summon 06, and gene 10 for possess mastery.
11.13.07 event get: 50 trades, got a cert, rekka 13, and bite 19. ☆ event get: first mastery: possess. got prodigy 07, fashion 05, prodigy 11, airhead 14, half 17, nano 17, thunder 02, souen 37, wank 16, and sight 20.
11.18.07 Redeemed A cert for shoulder 10 and cat 20.
mod pay: nun19, firearm06, loveless20, oresama20, blood11 and warrior06.
Shoulder mastery: got cat 15, cat 18, gemini 15, and woobie 09.
talesof_awards voting and submission: Hosts 06, Objection 14, and chopin 20.
11.18.07 event: first mastery shoulder: design 20, magic 17, ougi 06, shark 02, and souen 30. ☆ Level up to 4: nun 13, cat 09, crimson 20, heart 19 and b certificate ☆ Image search: sos 11, cynic 13, cynic 11, esper 12, alien 05, alien 17, time 17, extreme 12, and extreme 06
11.20.07 Colonel 09, Job 03, and Cat 12 from teishoku_battle voting. ☆ sight 14 from tenipuricon voting. ☆ not as planned 03 and knight 03 from manga battle voting and dm
11.21.07 got nun 02 from freebies
11.21.07 got demon 08 from freebies ☆ got apple 16 and 10th 9 from faicontest submission ☆ got cynic 15 and alien 12 from faicontest voting
11.24.07 got cat 05 from videogames_lims voting ☆ got prince 05, report 06, ideals 02, cynic 09, and witch 06 from mod pay. ☆ claimed puppet 20 from the freebie round.
11.25.07 claimed spirit 17 from the freebie round ☆ got pokedex 52 from the newspost ☆ got phantom 01, phantom 15, prodigy 15 and madamada 11 from Cat Mastery.
11.26.07 got rank c certificate from animelims voting ☆ event badge cat first mastery: pokedex 46, black 05, exsphere 14, jailbait 06, dual 14. ☆ event badge: possess no certs: phantom 02, phantom 18, kibouhou 03, gene 01, sos 08, and plan 19 ☆ got phantom 19 from videogames_lims voting
11.27.07 got lunar 04 for kkm_itest voting ☆ got curse 12 and dual 17 for kkm_itest submission ☆ level up to 5: Lucky 06, Seventh 04, Booty 01, Plan 16, shark 19, and a B certificate ☆ Phantom Mastery: Hostess 11, Booty 07, Cynic 05, and Cynic 16 ☆ Kibouhou Mastery: Phobia 03, Guardian 18, Cynic 02, and Cynic 14
11.28.07 event: phantom first mastery: pokedex 88, despair 20, heartless 02, ideals 15, locket 08 ☆ event: phantom no cert mastery: smile 08, smile 05, cocoa 08, cynic 06, cynic 12, nishiura 06. ☆ event: kibouhou first mastery: esper 09, despair 17, tactics 14, pokedex 122, duck 11 ☆ event: kibouhou no cert mastery: guardian 14, cherry 11, rekka 30, logic 04, logic 20, ow 06. ☆ redeemed two b certificates for seisen 21, purple 10, purple 11, and catcher 14. ☆ tenipuricon voting: book 02 ☆ ouran_lims voting: emo 11, revenge 12, and money 14 ☆ level up to 06: pride 19, memory 16, wank 06, seisen 27, ravn 16, silent 20 and a b certificate
11.29.07 icon_tournament: pokedex 05, esper 02, colonel 13, and cynic 08 ☆ the_lbms: pokedex 10, pokedex 116 and cynic 17 ☆ mastered cynic: pyro 01, pyro 10, pride 02, and empathy 12 ☆ first mastery cynic: pokedex 141, chopin 11, time 15, seisen 11, and ow 04 ☆ no cert mastery cynic: pyro 03, pyro 07, ow 03, prodigy 01, kuso 18, and crimson 05
12.01.07 Mod pay: Siberian 01, Sister 15, Job 03, Pizza 18, Pokedex 09, Esper 07, Short 04, Jailbait 11, Esper 06, Sugar 14, and Time 18. ☆ Teishoku battle, final voting 1 & 2: Pyro 13, Idiot 13, Archer 06, Objection 05, Heartless 11, and Unsent 10
12.03.07 animelims voting: tactics09, pokedex 20, and otaku 06. (Yes, I shouldn't have chosen the tactics card, but I like black mages, stfu.) ☆ tenipuricon voting: zero 16 ☆ icontournament voting: Switch 04, Flame 15, lynx 13, and crimson 11 ☆ ouranlims voting: lolicon 15, logic 11, and flute 18.
12.06.07 talesof_battle booty 16, 10th 03, Sky 09, and bure 05.
12.07.07 faicontest submission: lynx 15, oresama 19 and disney 14 ☆ faicontest voting: lolicon 17 and heart 07 ☆ talesof_awards submission: 10th 13 and tactics 07 ☆ talesof_awards submission: pyro 06 and bite 08 ☆ kkm_itest voting: rain 09 ☆ faicontest special category: fuku 03 ☆ Pyro Mastery: Tactics 04, Black 18, Lynx 16, Lynx 18. ☆ Lynx Mastery: Rekka 13, Witch 12, Logic 05, Logic 12. ☆ redeemed B certificate: emo 13, emo 16.
12.08.07event: Pyro mastery: Woobie 15, dual 04, exorcist 13, kibouhou 04 ☆ event: pyro no cert mastery: pride 14, fiance 06, whip 18, >9000 04, >9000 09 ☆ event: lynx mastery: seal 14, souen 23, perfect 04, ruins 07, colonel 08 ☆ event: lynx no cert mastery: nano 04, chopin 16, tail 03, ow 05, ow 08 ☆ event 200+ trades: s certificate, gurren 14, raven 07, objectin 02, ice 04, broom 12 ☆ level up 7: pokedex 11, smile 17, bomb 19, locket 13, lancelot 13, whip 04, extreme 17, and a rank certificate ☆ mastered ow: left 17, ruffles 11, lolicon 11, lolicon 19
12.11.07 Mod Pay: data 05, disney 16, wife 10, peace 06, perfect 04, reverie 04, necro 13, design 20, ashes 03, berry 15, switch 10, blood 04, writer 05, locket 13, cherry 04, and book 01
12.12.07 naruto_lyrical voting: boots 05 ☆ icon_tournament voting: Serial 01, Gekidasa 16, Lolicon 10 and Lancelot 07 ☆ talesof_awards voting: pokedex 64 ☆ tenipuricon voting: fuku 09 ☆ kkm_itest voting: objection 20 ☆ hc_icontest voting: tensai 19 ☆ exchanged: woobie 15 and perfect 04 for logic 10. (getting rid of doubles \o/)
12.14.07 mastered lolicon: gay 02, lynx 11, logic 03 and logic 17 ☆ mastered logic: puzzle 16, pokedex 81, gene 05, and gene 17 ☆ event: first master lolicon: pokedex 31, abyssinian 03, and lunar 07 ☆ event: first master logic: demon 07, abyssinian 20 and report 19 ☆ event: no-cert master ow: purple 20, heartless 14, and >9000 10 ☆ event: no cert master lolicon: albhed 13, zero 06, and >9000 03 ☆ event: no cert master logic: oresama 11, seisen 39, and >9000 06 ☆ event: mastered 10 decks: heart 14, eye 20, thorn 11, curse 11, guardian 06, locket 07, nano 17, souen 15, booty 11, right 13 and rank a certificate☆
12.17.07 Mod pay: flower 13, willow 09, report 17, data 09, madamada 07, loveless 17, empathy 18, spirit 14, pizza 18, and zelda 02. ☆ certificate redemption: 1 a cert and 1 c cert for solar 02, extreme 01, idiot 05 and souen 08 ☆ card shop: traded tactics 04 for magic 06 and magic 20 ☆ image donation: cheezburgr 08
12.19.07 kkm_itest voting: liek 18 ☆ talesof_awards voting: knight 03 ☆ icon_tournament voting: gene 07, bure 09 and horse 10 ☆ xxxholic_still trivia: whip 06 ☆ xxxholic_still voting (week 66): demon 08 ☆ xxxholic_still submission (week 66): nun 08 and solar 15
12.23.07 Mod pay: hyoutei 12, hyoutei 10, lynx 10, branch 16, plan 07, liek 17, dual 09, wife 01, locket 16, and pokedex 143 ☆ certificate redemption: One S cert and One A cert for Ice 01, Co-host 01, Lost 01, Dies 01, heart 12, heist 03, sketch 13, and gene 14
12.26.07 Redeemed 115 santa points for Santa, Sandy, Reindeer, Gift, Antonio, Pokeball, Superball, Ultraball, Masterball, Balls, Cactuar, Infocards, pedobear, and an additional 8 Antonios.
01.01.08 xmas mastery: gene 12, oathkeeper, nano 02, berry 12, boots 12, firearm 04, silent 16, kuso 11, freak 14, blitz 16, forget 06, lucky 03 white mastery: gene 16, cheezburgr 16, bedtime, funshine red mastery: alien 04, alien 08, infocards, ass, infocards, purple 02, memory 03, kuso 20, thorn 02, moon 03, pokedex 109, report 13, alien 20, clow 13, and nobodies 02
01.29.07 mod pay: money 09, curse 02, nun 13, switch 13, stalker 09, guardian 12, april 09, sight 13, axeman 17, and wishes 08.
01.04.07 redeemed rank S for justice 02, Justice 03 and two rank c's.

Trade Log

10.20.07 - Traded money04 for possess11 with temperamental ☆ Traded necro14 for april09 with neonclover ☆ Traded count08 and switch02 for bite09 and possess02 with technological ☆  Traded loveless11 for king19 with neonclover.
10.22.07 Traded beloved11 for possess19 with mobiuswolf.
traded plan14 for bite20 with first_tears ☆  traded airhead20 for switch19 with automode
10.25.07Traded April 09l 12 for kibouhou07 with mobiuswolf. ☆ traded cocoa01 for king01 with mobiuswolf ☆ traded apple01 for switch07 with ishtar_vr
10.26.07 traded dual02 for possess08 with co_raptor ☆ traded count18 for bite16 with irisamergin ☆ traded peace09 for count16 with warwolves ☆ exchanged light09 and blitz16 for smile14 and catcher13 at the card exchange.
10.27.07 traded liek05 for possess07 with chiisana_sora
10.28.07 traded phobia15 for sms20 with shiina_nozumo ☆ traded switch07 for count11 with irisamergin
10.28.07 traded light 17 and warrior19 with the card shop for thunder04 and thunder18.
10.31.07 traded liek 14 for count 15 with chiisana_sora ☆ traded april 06 for count 04 with mobiuswolf ☆ traded magician 15 for possess 01 with wolf_crossbreed ☆ traded magician 04 for lynx 19 with akivaria_chan ☆ traded archer 20 for shark with bakaelf  ☆ traded dual 19 for bite 05 with co_raptor
11.01.07 traded dolls 15 for rookie 09 with mobiuswolf ☆ traded guardian 07 for despair 08 with neonclover ☆ traded brother 15 for thunder 09 with bakaelf
11.02.07 Traded Fuku 07 to the card shop for exorcist 18 and sms 08
11.03.07 Traded curse 04 for phantom 03 with mosquetera ☆ Traded doujin 20 and otaku 10 for ougi 10 with the card exchange. ☆ Traded count 15 for phantom 16 with Iris ☆ Traded shark 15 and shark 20 for kibouhou02 with fireflylantern ☆ traded boots 15 for emo 02 with bakaelf ☆ traded ougi 10, kakumei 08, food 05, light 19, and souen 13 for bure 07, emo 03, emo 13, kuso 12 and switch 18 with neonclover
11.04.07 Traded light 19 and Souen 22 for switch 02 and possess 04 with stuffedpanda ☆ traded woobie 04 and tactics 13 for switch 20, pyro 15, and ginryuu 19 with technological
11.04.07 Traded sms 16 for catcher 13 with redone ☆ Traded idiot 08 for lynx 05 with neonclover ☆ Traded short 06 for despair 01 with orlando girl ☆ Traded revenge 08 for split 16 with togekid ☆ Traded curse 01 and smile 14 for king 15 and bite 03 with strawberrychan ☆ Traded bite 16 for count 19 with redone
11.04.07 Traded ginryuu 19 for emo 16 with mobiuswolf ☆ Traded cocoa 05 with cat 17 with saluchna
11.04.07 Traded king 18 for rekka 39 with demonfaerie15 ☆ Traded wing 07 for phantom 13 with kaorien
11.09.07 Traded otaku 07 for rookie 02 with orlandogirl ☆ Traded sight03 and tail14 for iris 07 and flower15 with the card shop.
11.10.07 Traded wishes 15 and wishes 19 for emo 09 and woobie 07 with the card shop.
11.11.07 Traded Souen 03 for Emo 03 with stuffedpanda ☆ Traded black02 and gekidasa01 for logic08 and logic13 with saluchna ☆ traded wishes 05 for bite 11 with shadow_desires ☆ Traded Iris 07 for Gene 13 with kirikaito
11.12.07 Traded rekka 39 for lynx 01 with strawberrychan ☆ Traded bure 07, ashes 18, and necro 14 for lynx 12, phantom 09, and mafia 16 with ishtar_vr ☆ Traded co-host 10, co-host 20, and airhead 11 for shoulder 03 and lynx 19 with temperamental ☆ traded flower 15 for phantom 06 with knightless ☆ Traded gemini 18 for cat 09 with mobiuswolf ☆ put bure 09 into the card exchange and got ougi 05 out of it.
11.13.07 Traded archer 13 and archer 15 for shoulder 05 with bakaelf ☆ traded april 04 and protect 05 for shoulder 06 with red_melisandre ☆ traded Phantom 13, Kuso 11, Kuso 12, Pitcher 13, Switch 08, and Switch 19 for Cat 08, Cat 16, Cat 19, Shoulder 07, and Rookie 20 with technological ☆ traded prodigy 07 and strahl 19 for rookie 06 and pitcher 09 with strawberrychan ☆ traded prodigy 11 for gene 20 with kaneha ☆ traded tenth12 and mafia 16 for switch 08, report 18, and pitcher 12 with shiina_nozumo ☆ traded pitcher 09, pitcher 12, and report 18 for logic 02, logic 14, and pyro 02 with technological
11.13.07 traded airhead14 for count12 with resonancy ☆ traded iris 05 for woobie 14 with nyantan ☆ traded despair 01, despair 08 and despair 19 for kibouhou04 and flower 06 with neonclover
11.14.07 traded ougi 05 for necro 19 and flower 04 with the card shop ☆ traded liek 17 for logic 01 with resonancy ☆ traded wank 16 and left 03 for shoulder 04 with nailbat
11.15.07 traded rekka 13 and souen 37 for shoulder 02 with togieduo ☆ traded strahl 20 for gene15 with mobiuswolf ☆ got emo 04 from the more obnoxious of the two card fairies
11.16.07 traded b certificate and two c certificates for shoulder 01, shoulder 08, and phantom 07 with akivaria_chan ☆ traded flower 04 for magician 05 with knightless ☆ traded fashion 05 and necro 19 for nano 05 and pyro 12 with Trish.
11.17.07 traded half 17 for gene 19 with strawberrychan
11.18.07 traded drill 03 for logic 06 with co_raptor ☆ traded ougi 06 for kibouhou10 ☆ traded shark 02 for lolicon 02 with temperamental
11.19.07 traded extreme 06 for cat 07 with wolf_crossbreed ☆ traded souen 30 for lynx 20 with darkenedsakura ☆ traded hosts 06 for nun 03 and crimson 16 with card shop ☆ traded crimson 16 and crimson 20 for kibouhou 05 with bakaelf
11.20.07 traded esper 12 for nano 18 with darkenedsakura ☆ exchanged blood 11 and witch 10 for cat 04 ☆ traded chopin 20 and oresama 20 for bite 14 and nun 17 with kaneha ☆ traded extreme 12, time 17, bite 03, 05, 11, 14, and 20 for lolicon 03, lolicon 06, plushie 02, plushie 11, plushie 15, pyro 08 and liek 11 with technological ☆ traded job 03 for rookie 03 with bakaelf ☆ traded colonel 09 for cynic 01 with kaneha
11.20.07 traded bite 19 for pyro 18 with kaorien ☆ traded knight 03 for cynic 04 with warwolves ☆ traded liek 11 for logic 15 with enacting
11.23.07 traded count 11 for cynic 18 with saluchna
11.24.07 traded 10th 09 and demon 12 for SOS 14 and nano 12 with enacting ☆ traded bite 01 and bite 13 for Kibouhou 08 with resonancy ☆ traded warrior 06 for cynic o7 with mobiuswolf ☆ traded bite 09 for plushie 18 with kaorien ☆ traded design 20 for cynic 20 with saluchna ☆ traded bite 17 for phantom 14 with chiisana_sora ☆ traded cat 09 and king 20 for cat 13 with shadow-desires
11.25.07 traded apple 16 for nun 01 with ishtar_vr (YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO NOTE THAT I WROTE BETH'S USERNAME AND CORRECTED MYSELF) ☆ traded prince 05 for phantom 10 with first_tears ☆ traded objection 14 for cynic 10 with redone ☆ traded ideals 02, bite 15, and bite 16 for lolicon 16, alien 03, and rookie 12 with resonancy ☆ cynic 03 for gemini 15 with temperamental ☆ traded notasplanned 03 for kibouhou 06 with darkenedsakura
11.26.07 traded rookie 03 for pyro 16 with demonfaerie15 ☆ traded bite 06 for sos 08 with kaorien ☆ exchanged nobodies 12 for tactics 09 with card shop ☆ Neon loves me: kibouhou 01, pyro 05, pyro 20, plushie 04, nano 19 and plushie 13 ☆ traded madamada 11 for nano 06 with cori_finn ☆ traded plan 19 for pokedex 133 with enacting
11.27.07 exchanged doujin 05 and witch 06 for phantom 11 ☆ Dropped off at Neon's: curse 12, lunar 04, puppet 20, and reverie 16 ☆ traded tactics 09 for kibouhou 09 with technological ☆ traded plan 16 for pokedex 56 with enacting ☆ traded shark 19 for sight 09 with temperamental ☆ traded thunder 02 for sos 10 with digimax@139
11.28.07 traded phobia 03 and seisen 21 for logic 16 and gene 18 with neonclover ☆ traded spirit 07 for pyro 09 with resonancy ☆ traded rekka 30 for pyro 04 with temperamental ☆ traded purple 10 and purple 11 for lolicon 09 and gene 03 with bakaelf ☆ traded catcher 14 and nishiura 06 for cynic 19 and tactics 09 with technological ☆ traded book 02 and booty 01 for ow 01 with ishtar_vr ☆ swapped money 14 for forty minutes of amusement and gene 02 with Card Fairy Lost Soul, who REALLY LIEKS MUDKIPS. ☆ traded emo 11 for bite 18 with itsplashes ☆ traded pokedex 46 and pokedex 56 for nano 02 and logic 09 with warwolves ☆ traded memory 16 for lolicon 18 with cruxis ☆ traded wank 06, bite 18, report 06, and sos 08 for gene 04, 11, demon 11 and flower 19 with technological
11.29.07 traded emo 03 for pyro 17 with itsplashes ☆ traded seisen 27 for nano 08 with stuffedpanda ☆ traded king 15 for sight 07 with knightless ☆ traded heartless 02 for nano 03 with kirikaito ☆ traded tactics 14 for sos 01 and sos 13 with technological ☆ traded demon 08 for plushie 12 with enacting
11.30.07 traded colonel 13 for plushie 20 with kaneha ☆ traded prodigy 15 for sight 01 with redone ☆ traded pluto 18 for lolicon 07 with eeveelyn ☆ traded duck 11 for esper 08 with itsplashes ☆ got ideals 07 from mr. "i liek mudkips" ☆ traded seisen 11 for plushie 09 with akivaria_chan ☆ traded cherry 11 for lolicon 05 with kyliemuffin ☆ traded Pokedex 05, 10, 88, 122, 141 and pride 02 for Lynx 03, 04, 06, 10, 14 and sos 16 with neonclover ☆ traded sight 14 for lunar 14 with hitomik ☆ traded crimson 05 for alien 02 with bakaelf ☆ traded silent 20 for lynx 02 with orlandogirl ☆ traded king 01 and king 19 for ow 07 with princess_dexter ☆ traded count 16 for colonel 07 with redone
12.01.07 traded lunar 14 for pokedex 53 neonclover ☆ traded job 03 and Siberian 01 for blitz 04 and Alien 19 with technological ☆ traded sugar 14 for Alien 01 with knightless
12.01.07 traded idiot 13 for Alien 07 with cruxis ☆ traded pokedex 116 for gene 08 with warwolves ☆ traded sight 14 for lunar 14 with hitomik
12.02.07 traded unsent 10 and blitz 04 for ow 02 with digimax ☆ traded revenge 12 for rookie 13 with mmrobutussin
12.03.07 traded seventh 04 for report 01 with crazy_kuroi ☆ traded esper 02 for nano 15 with darkenedsakura ☆ traded objection05 for plushie17 with redone ☆ traded zero 16 for plushie 16 with temperamental
12.04.07 swapped guardian 18 and pride 19 with the card shop for mafia 11 with card shop ☆ traded report 01 for plushie 14 with technological ☆ traded heartless 11 for pokedex 50 with blowsquirt ☆ traded loyal 01 for spirit 17 with resonancy ☆ traded smile 05 for flower 13 with shiina_nozumo ☆ traded locket 08 for flame 19 with bakaelf ☆ exchanged hostess 11 and firearm 06 for logic 19
12.05.07 wingdance gave me gene 14 ♥ ☆ traded ideals 07 for time 07 with crazy_kuroi
12.06.07 gifted sky 09 to wingdance ♥ ☆ traded bure 05 for switch 13 and flame 02 ishtar_vr ☆ traded demon 11 for time 01 with enacting ☆ traded raven 16 for pokedex 124 with azurial ☆ traded bite 08, 10th 13 and rain 09 for lolicon 01, loyal 15 and lolicon 04 with kaorien ☆ gifted disney 14 to enacting ☆ traded sight 07 and emo 04 for nun 16 and gene 09 with hitomik ☆ traded empathy 12 for lolicon 13 with stuffedpanda ☆ traded emo 13 and emo 16 for lolicon 08 and lolicon 14 with itsplashes ☆ Traded flute 18 for lolicon 20 with redone
12.08.07 Traded witch 12 for lolicon 12 with wingdance ☆ traded crimson 11 for pokedex 65 with bakaelf ☆ traded otaku 06 for senpai 13 with orlandogirl ☆ traded ice 04 for alien 13 with princess_dexter ☆ traded black 18 for with temperamental ☆ traded chopin 16 for siberian 06 with strawberrychan ☆ traded rekka 23 for pokedex 06 with stuffedpanda
12.08.07 traded whip 04 for alien 14 with crazy_kuroi ☆ traded heart 07 and heart 19 for sight 19 and pokedex 08 with nyantan ☆ traded lucky 06 and bomb 19 for nano 20 and esper 13 with saluchna ☆ traded lancelot 13 for judge 02 with blowsquirt ☆ traded rekka 31 for logic 07 with mobiuswolf ☆ traded disney 16 for liek 16 and flame 05 with mmrobitussin ☆ traded left 17 for time 19 with enacting ☆ traded booty 16 for pokedex 105 with first_tears ☆ traded prodigy 01 for pokedex 19 with crazy_kuroi
12.08.07 traded boots 05 for logic 18 with bakaelf ☆ Traded ashes 03, necro 13, and book 01 for mafia 14 and sight 17 with ishtar_vr ☆ traded guardian 14 for flame 03 with resonancy ☆ traded gekidasa 16 and lancelot 07 for liek 14 and plushie 08 with resonancy ☆ traded siberian 06 for liek 12 with technological
12.14.07 traded pokedex 11 and pokedex 65 for alien 09 and alien 20 with darkenedsakura ☆ traded ruins 07, broom 12, and black 05 for esper 03, esper 05 and sos 12 with princess_dexter ☆ traded pokedex 20 and pokedex 65 for >9000 08 with warwolves ☆ traded data 05 for switch 15 with saluchna ☆ traded time 12 for cocoa 08 with nyantan
12.14.07 traded madamada 07 for flame 18 with itsplashes ☆ traded jailbait 06 and jailbait 11 for >9000 02 with enacting ☆ traded writer 05 for sos 06 with losers_day ☆ traded report 17 for sos 17 with whitelilies22 ☆ traded esper 09 and esper 13 for cheezburgr 11 with shannonsu
12.19.07 traded lunar 07 for gene 06 with mmrobitussin ☆ traded sight 01 for horse 15 with hitomik ☆ traded souen 15 and empathy 18 for cheezburgr 05 with darkenedsakura ☆ traded sight 09 for magic 07 with crazy_kuroi
12.23.07 traded pokedex 31 for time 20 with darkenedsakura ☆ traded booty 11 for heist 13 with shannonsu ☆ traded raven 07 for loyal 11 with akivaria_chan ☆ traded data 09 for time 17 with saluchna ☆ traded horse 10 and horse 15 for cheezburgr 03 with resonancy</i> ☆ traded <i>judge 02</I> and <i>eye 20</i> for <i>cheezburgr 18</i> with <lj user= ☆ traded dual 09 and branch 16 for time 11 and flame 04 with itsplashes ☆ traded abyssinian 03 for plushie 10 with technological
12.25.07 Donated: albhed 13, archer 06, armor 17, catcher 03, chopin 11, design 20, despair 17, dual 04, exorcist 13, exsphere 14, guardian 06, ideals 15, kakumei 17, locket 13, loveless 17, loveless 20, lynx 10, lynx 11, peace 06, perfect 04, pitcher 15, pizza 18, pizza 18, plan 07, pride 15, puzzle 16, reverie 04, right 13, rookie 02, rookie 04, rookie 06, rookie 12, rookie 13, rookie 14, rookie 16, rookie 17, rookie 19, rookie 20, serial 01, serial 14, smile 08, smile 17, tail 03, woobie 07, woobie 09, woobie 15 for 49 santa points ☆ donated: fuku 03, fuku 09, gay 02, bure 09, kibouhou 04, tatics 07, tactics 09, got 14 santa points ☆ secret santa: gave gave: abyssinian 20, co-host 01, dies 01, extreme 01, gene 14, heart 12, heist 03, ice 01, idiot 05, sketch 13, solar 02, solar 15, souen 08, pokedex 06, purple 20, zelda 02, hyoutei 10, hyoutei 12, flower 13, short 04 got 52 santa points ☆ secret santa get: Cheezburgr 01, cheezburgr 02, cheezburgr 10, cheezburgr 11, cheezburgr 13, cheezburgr 17, cheezburgr 19, cheezbugr 20, heist 14, and an s certificate ☆ total santa points: 115 ☆ traded prodigy 01 for sos 03 with rashiea ☆ traded oresama 11 for alien 16 with xx_lotus_xx
12.26.07 traded berry15 for heist01 with corilynn
01.13.08 traded booty 07 and pokedex 81 for magic 03 and sos 05 with warwolves ☆ traded sight 10 for heist 07 with crazykuroi ☆ traded fiance 06 for time 09 with akivaria_chan ☆ traded pokedex 50 for sos 04 with eeveelyn ☆ traded curse 02 and curse 11 for plushie 07 and sos09 with little_krahe ☆ traded sight 13, sight 18, sight 19, colonel 08 and lucky 03 for cheezburgr 06, cheezburgr 15 and time 08 with hitomik ☆ traded objection 20 for sos 07 with enacting ☆ traded oresama 19 for heist 11 with xx_lotus_xx ☆ traded axeman 17 for sos 19 with lj user="azurial"> ☆ resonancy gave me esper 11 and loyal 08 ♥ ☆ traded zero 06 for plushie 06 with cruxis ☆ traded nun 08 and nun 16 for sos 15 and switch 16 with rashiea

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