Title: In the Shadows
Author: Pixelmayhem
Summary: McCoy has been noticing some extra attention lately.
Rating: PG for some cussing
Warnings: girl-Kirk. Possibley triggery content. Highlight to view. Stalkers and allusions to possible previous assault
Word count: 571
Pairings: pre-girl!Kirk/McCoy
Notes/Disclaimer: I don’t own them. I just
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Comments 11
Will give you this:
test test test
(Oh McCoy!)
Oh McCoy for sure! *huggles him*
as far as I can get is just a very lengthy summary of what I would write
*flails* I'm glad I'm not the only one. Haha.
You are definitely not the only one. I have half fics written with the scene that started the whole shebang and the rest is written in parenthesis like "then they go to the barn and Jim says 'you're so awesome' and Bones says 'well, duh, I already knew that' and sex or something happens. Maybe I dunno." It's pretty failtastic. This is also how I write notes for fics I actually am going to finish, lol. My fics when they first start are such a mess.
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I may take you up on that. ;D But after I get the next one out before it strangles me. It's all wind, and passion, and adrenaline and I'm not sure I can do it justice. But it's insisting. Plot tribbles...bah.
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Yes! It's coming along. I can't wait for brainstorming.
You know me! I totally wouldn't mind listening to you about your tribbles.
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