The Person Below Me... Alien Edition!

Mar 15, 2011 17:13

This event is OVER! With the announcement of the next event that feeds on from this one, we're closing this one to entries.

You can OF COURSE keep posting the sims you have made if you're not yet done so, we're sure the people who's briefs you have will be VERY excited to see what you do.

We hope you've all had fun! :D :D

Similarly to the last two times ( general and manly man), the rules are as follows:
  1. Person one starts by commenting on the original post with, for example, "The person below me will make a carefree, forest loving alien, with elf ears, big green eyes and a green thumb to match"
  2. Person two comes along, comments on the OP with a NEW brief, and makes a sim according to Person one's specs.
  3. Person three arrives on the scene, comments to the OP with yet another brief, and makes a sim according to Person two's stipulations
  4. Lather
  5. Rinse
  6. Repeat

When you post you MUST at least specify at least one genetic trait (eyes/skin/hair - they can be non-natural colours etc, that's fine), a defining facial feature of the sim, and something about their personality, as per my example. ALL SIMS MUST BE ALIENS!

This doesn't mean they're all green skinned with black eyes, however, alien is how you personally define it - just look at Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who or even the recent Aliens Are ~Fairies~ episode of Supernatural! :D

Reply directly to the original post, not to anyone that has commented. Whoever you end up under is the sim you're making. :D

You can do this TS2 OR TS3, either is welcome and encouraged. CC is also welcome (and dependant on some briefs, necessary xD), though we GREATLY encourage you also include non-cc versions. If you make sims with sliders for TS3, please ensure you list which slider hacks you use.

» » » As a fun extra, this challenge is going to FEED INTO ANOTHER EVENT! YEAH!
So the fun will not stop here :D « « «

Post your sims to the collection post we've made for this purpose (it worked so well last time :D) either directly or with a teaser back to your own journal. Your choice.

PLEASE remember to say who's description you're doing, and HAVE FUN!

SO, as I mentioned: "The person below me will make a carefree, forest loving alien, with elf ears, big green eyes and a green thumb to match"

!person below me, !mod post

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