The Pixel_Trade Group Uglification Challenge (PTGUC)!

Aug 22, 2008 09:07

Some of you might be wondering what my previous post in the community was about. Others probably have suspected that I might be up to something. Well, there's the thing: I WAS. Something BIG. And something I've been wanting to do for a long time.

Ever since I saw some of the great "ugly" sims up for download here at Read more... )

!sim breeding, !ptguc, !mod post

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Comments 55

scarred_id August 22 2008, 19:47:55 UTC
Oh, you are evil. I was part of the original GUCCI and it was a crazy amount of fun. But I have 2 legacies still to finish already! *cries* Not to mention there is a P_T event on the backburner already and I really should only allow myself one or I will forever be starting things.

OMG, I must stop scrolling up to the founder pics and thinking I want to name the boy Roo >.< *is weak of spirit*


dragancaor August 22 2008, 20:20:06 UTC
I already rolled a natural one on this. Basically the moment it was mentioned I threw up my hand to join in =P
I have wayyyy too many projects already - I think I may be a glutton for punishment.

[offers you cookies to join in]


xel_squirgle_ox August 22 2008, 20:30:26 UTC
I already had a bunch of projects too. My asylum and Immortaql Beloved are nowhere near done yet. But this was just BEGGING to be done again.


xel_squirgle_ox August 22 2008, 20:24:22 UTC
Why yes, I take pride in my evilness! DOOO ITTT. Name that boy Roooooo... You know you want to. :P


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xel_squirgle_ox August 22 2008, 20:26:44 UTC
No, there is no deadline. Just do it at your own pace. If there were deadlines, I most likely wouldn't make them either. :P

OF COURSE UGLY SIMS IT IS AN UGLIFICATION CHALLENGE! If it weren't, it would be called a legacy. XD


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xel_squirgle_ox August 22 2008, 20:46:08 UTC
Oh, I know you were right. Two really attractive sims can make an awkward looking child sometimes. But technically that's not really the point of this one.


redqueenofevil August 22 2008, 21:56:29 UTC
This looks like fun. I missed out on the original GUCCI challenge too.

So what about some of the uglier maxoid townies? It's a Pixel Trade only challenge? Or can we slip in some of those crazy looking fellows somewhere down the line? I'm thinking of that Marcel from the Secret Society for example.


xel_squirgle_ox August 22 2008, 23:20:34 UTC
This is a pixel_trade only challenge, meaning you can only use sims downloaded from other people. BUT- If somebody actually breeds the ugly maxoid sims together and posts their offspring, you could probably have some of their genes put into your challenge. I was actually going to breed a few to put them up for download myself.


qualanqui August 22 2008, 23:50:38 UTC
Well, if we can't use Maxis townies, then I guess I had better make some more uglies to use so everybody has a lot to choose from!


xel_squirgle_ox August 22 2008, 23:53:27 UTC
YES, YOU GO DO THAT! Oh and by the way, is simPE still not working for you? I've been dying to get my hands on Jehovah.


skittlebox August 22 2008, 22:42:15 UTC
I might actually try this, for a change from regular legacies XD I have a couple of sims to add, I just need to find their files...


xel_squirgle_ox August 22 2008, 23:23:40 UTC
Yay! I'm sure doing something like this will make people appreciate the "less pretty" sims in legacies more, and the complaining about "fug" is getting really annoying.

I'd love to see your sims!


skittlebox August 23 2008, 00:40:43 UTC
I've just extracted some sims out of my first legacy and I'm putting them in my test hood to make sure they're ugly enough (they have Maxis faces in them lol) and then I will upload them.


sawcat August 23 2008, 00:28:36 UTC
I want to do, but not sure if I have time to do it when you start. I want to get atleast 1 of my 3 done and finished before starting anything new. I will definitely see who can be extracted for us though from my game.


xel_squirgle_ox August 23 2008, 00:41:01 UTC
That's fine! You can start whenever you are able to- there's no rush.


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