Speaking of the Founder Collection, this month's collection was a roaring success with a very wide range of genetics and facial structures up for the taking and 22 TS2 + 4 TS3 founders being shared. With the 2 founders per person rule in action, its an impressive effort for EVERYONE involved.
For future reference, in months to come the 2 sims per person rule will be restricted to game. Thusly if you feel like submitting four you can completely feel free to submit two ts2 sims and two ts3 sims. :D
Perhaps the beginning of February is still not for builders? The Build a Neighourhood Challenge continues to sit dormant. Poor thing. Perhaps its like a bear, and slumbers for the US winter? Thought its pretty GROSSLY HOT down under too so I'd say it's probably smart to sleeping the summer away, too. xD
Shared Sims:
Downloadable sim updates from the last week include:
Sims 3 Sims → sailor_dani has made one their first sims 3 sims available, Colin Wakefield. They've put a call out for help on where the CC that he's pictured with is from, as they're not 100% on everything. → chillyzgrrlsims sharing a selection of born-in-game Sims
Downloadable Updates: Have you got new sims (or even old sims you haven't ever shared links for here at pixel_trade?) Post links back to the post(s) where you've made your sims ready for download - no images or anything necessary. :D
All sims submitted to the Update Post are listed in the next week's !update post and then go into The Master List - when bondchick_nett gets time to do it which she hasn't had for a while now but HASN'T FORGOTTEN!!!