Untitled #26 (Gen, PG)

Apr 29, 2009 11:29

Title: Untitled #26
Rating: PG
Category: Gen oneshot
Word Count: 1060
Characters: Dean and Castiel
Spoilers: None
Summary: Dean shops and Castiel observes.
Author’s Notes: From here. For astrothsknot who asked for something where Dean goes shopping. Castiel comes too. Dean resists the urge to kill him.
Disclaimer: The following characters and situations are ( Read more... )

supernatural, oneshots, prompts, fanfiction, untitleds

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Comments 25

legoline April 29 2009, 15:41:50 UTC
This. This. *flails* This is brilliant. Brilliant. I love your Castiel here. He kind of reminds me of Brad Pitt's character in "Meeting Joe Black" :D Poor Castiel being all clueless.

"I sense that you are growing agitated with me."
I laughed out loud at this. This is gold :D


pixel_0 April 29 2009, 16:07:02 UTC
Hee, yeah, that's kind of who I was thinking of while I was writing this. But, I decided not to have Castiel develop an odd fascination with peanut butter here. ;)

Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it! :D


legoline April 29 2009, 16:28:14 UTC
Hee, yeah, that's kind of who I was thinking of while I was writing this.


Aw, now all I can think of is Castiel trying peanut butter. *melts*


Hee! Dean is eating pretzels on your icon! (I ate the most expensive pretzel ever in San Francisco. These things cost next to nothing over here. I never imagined they could be sold as something so special and overpriced O_O)

*is busy interpreting WAY too much in the use of the Welch farm in the pilot episode*


pixel_0 April 29 2009, 16:41:49 UTC
Whee! :D

Haha, okay, so somebody should write "Meet Joe Black," but with SPN characters, yes? *looks around* Anybody...? Anybody at all?

Yup! :D (Was it from a street vendor? I think sometimes that food can be more expensive than just regular grocery store food. But, I hope it was good for as much as it cost! :) )

Oh? Finding anything interesting?


mimblexwimble April 29 2009, 16:37:00 UTC
This is all kinds of awesome. Castiel is so matter-of-fact and clueless, Dean is so Dean (sorry, there's just no other word good enough)! I love this. :)


pixel_0 April 29 2009, 16:42:59 UTC
Haha, Dean is both an adjective and a noun! ;D

Thank you very much! :D


_sapphiredreams April 29 2009, 18:26:19 UTC
Dean is both an adjective and a noun!
Sounds like an icon. Lol.


pixel_0 April 29 2009, 18:43:23 UTC
Haha, yes! :D


_sapphiredreams April 29 2009, 18:25:23 UTC

"I sense that you are growing agitated with me."

"You sense right,"

My favorite lines. I also love the healthy food section. Ha! I love Castiel.


pixel_0 April 29 2009, 18:44:34 UTC
Yay! I feel like I'm better at the dark and dramatic stuff, so I'm always especially happy when somebody finds my writing funny! :D

Castiel's great. He's quickly becoming my new favorite character. :)


_sapphiredreams April 29 2009, 19:49:10 UTC
Well, I assure you that I laughed actually out loud two or three times. :D

Castiel has made himself a home right up there with Dean for me. Demonic!Sam has been falling down my list. Maybe now that he's lost some demon blood he'll get a little back to normal for a little while. Who knows.


pixel_0 April 30 2009, 14:42:42 UTC
*does a happy dance* Thank you! :D

Me too. :) As for demonic!Sam, I have a feeling that the season finale is going to hit us hard. I haven't read any spoilers, but just with the depth they've been going this season, I've got a feeling we're not done with demonic!Sam yet... :/


tigriswolf April 29 2009, 20:57:57 UTC
Oh, *sporfles* This is wonderful.


pixel_0 April 30 2009, 14:41:27 UTC
Yay! Thank you! :D


layne67 April 30 2009, 07:23:40 UTC

Love this. And I'm thinking that Castiel would have a LOT more questions if this were a wincest story. Like, what is that lube for, Dean? :P


pixel_0 April 30 2009, 14:48:37 UTC
Ha, I did think of that option. One of the exchanges in my mind for a Wincest version would be Dean buying condoms.

Castiel: "Condoms? You have chosen the lubricated brand. What are these used for?"

Dean (annoyed): "You wanna know what they're used for? They're used for fu--"

Sam (jumping in, embarrassed): "Fu..fun! FUN. They are used for FUN."

(Dean shoots Sam dirty look. Sam facepalms.)

Haha. Maybe I'll have to do the Wincest version of Dean and Castiel go shopping...

Thank you for reading! :D


layne67 April 30 2009, 14:57:36 UTC
Yes, please!! A wincest version would be awesome. I could see Dean discussing the merits of the different types of condoms. Hee, poor Castiel! And poor Sam!


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