Prompt Response

Mar 23, 2007 17:56

Well, Dru, because yours is all Wincesty it gets its own little post over here.

You requested something related to the little red airplane icon and soap on a rope.

Well. I cheated. Remember all those informal memes you've been posting this week about pet names, hot spots and kinks? Yeah, I sort of stole some of your favorites and added them into the story. The lil red airplane doesn't get nearly as much storytime as it deserves.

Also, this is a "Pix tries to write sex without a beta" piece. You've been warned is all I'm saying...

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Even with limbs so weak, it feels like it’ll never enough, and Sam reaches for Dean again. “Dean,” he whispers, and Dean murmurs lazily in response.

Sam touches Dean’s face, runs his fingers over Dean’s forehead and down the nape of his neck where Sam has left bruises to claim as mine; Sam spreads his hands flat over Dean’s chest and abdomen with the come sticky wet and cooling to dry, but still Dean does not respond. Slowly, Sam touches Dean’s limp cock, runs his thumb over the head, and tugs a bit hesitantly.

“Sammy…c’mon…gimme a few more minutes,” Dean says with a sigh.

“You’ve had a few more minutes,” Sam replies. He keeps one hand on Dean’s cock, thumb tracing the sensitive slit at the top, and he moves his other hand to his own erection and jerks himself quickly, eagerly.

Dean rolls over, from the bed and out of twisted sheets that smell like spunk and sweat from the hours-days-with each other, and he makes his way to the bathroom. “I need a shower,” Dean mumbles, rubbing his eyes with the corner of his fist. Sam remains on the bed, watching his older brother’s ass as Dean walks into the bathroom. Dean may be ready to stop, but Sam’s not. Climbing out the bed, Sam heads to the bathroom where Dean’s left the door open and the water running hot. Already, billows of steam roll out from inside the room.

Sam pulls the curtain aside, and Dean looks over his shoulder as Sam steps under the shower with him. “It’s been a few more minutes,” Sam tells him. Dean says nothing as Sam comes to him and grabs Dean’s ass, pulling them together. Despite all his protests, Dean’s already hard against Sam’s abdomen, and eagerly, Sam snaps his hips up, sliding their cocks against each other.

“Sammy…” Dean breathes, closing his eyes as he reaches out a hand to steady himself against the back wall. His other hand fists itself in Sam’s hair as Sam thrusts up against Dean. Needing, wanting, cannot get his fill of his brother.

“C’mon, Dean, c’mon, I want…I want it again.”

The water above them is blasting hot, pounding against their sensitive skin, and Dean has his head tilted back, exposing his throat. Sam leans forward, sucking on the curve of Dean’s neck, tasting the water and Dean beneath his tongue.

Dean stumbles back a bit awkwardly as Sam pushes forward needing more, needing it harder and faster, and Sam pins Dean against the wall. No escaping now. Dean moans when Sam increases his pace and slips a finger, then two, between Dean’s legs, pressing inside him.

“I thought you wanted a few more minutes?” Sam whispers, trying to breathe, but he’s so close now that it’s hard to speak.

Dean’s caught between thrusting up alongside Sam’s cock and back onto Sam’s fingers. “If you stop,” Dean pants, “I’ll kill you…”

Sam chuckles, low and throaty. He presses another finger in with his other two and pushes forward. When Dean cries out, Sam knows he’s found it.

“Feel good?” Sam smirks breathlessly.

“Asshole,” Dean hisses.

Sam comes first with a low moan, and Dean breaks apart, curling into Sam, not long after. As they stand there, trying to catch their breath beneath the shower, Sam looks down at Dean. “So,” he asks, “you ready to take it to the next level?”

Dean shakes his head, water droplets falling in his eyes, dripping off the darkened ends of his mussed hair. “That,” he replies, pointing up to the showerhead where a red piece of soap in the shape of an airplane dangles from the pipe, “is the closest we’re ever getting to joining the mile high club.”

“Someday,” Sam whispers, kissing Dean again, “we’ll get there.”

Dean only laughs. “In your dreams, dickwad.”

supernatural, prompts, wincest, fanfiction

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