Of High School and Hair Dye (Gen, PG)

May 23, 2009 22:09

Title: Of High School and Hair Dye
Rating: PG
Category: Gen RPF oneshot
Word Count: 1250
Characters: Adam, Danny, Kris and Allison
Warning: None
Summary: Because Danny finds more pictures than the ones featuring guys and glitter.
Author’s Notes: So, this came about after a late night of surfing Adam Lambert sites where I ran across this.
Disclaimer: Everything here is fiction except for the names, which are used without permission. I claim only what is mine, and I make no money off what is theirs.

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Adam's on his bed, eyes closed and music streaming through the headphones in his ears. He's not quite asleep yet, but he's comfortable enough that it'd take a hell of a lot of money to get him to move. First quiet moment in a long while. He sighs, content, as the playlist changes to a new song.

"Hey! Hey, Adam, there's a new picture of you on the Internet!" Somebody pats his shoulder. "Hey!"

Lazily, he opens his eyes to see Danny standing by his bed, laptop in his hands.

"Were you sleeping?" Danny asks, peering down at him through those geek-chic glasses of his. Of all the fashion trends, that's one Adam's not quite gotten. But, hey, to each their own. After all, he is the guy with silver eyeshadow in his suitcase.

"Not really," Adam mumbles, pulling the earbuds out and pausing his player. He moves over on his bed so Danny can sit down as he clicks through some opened windows on the computer. "What now?"

"New pictures of you. You didn't tell us about these!"

"New pictures?" Kris echoes as he exits the bathroom that he shares with Adam. Fresh from a shower, Kris is toweling off his hair, his t-shirt damp on his shoulders. "Of who?"

"Adam," says Danny.

Kris looks from Danny to Adam. Even though Adam's only known the guy for a few months, he's got a pretty good idea of what Kris is thinking because with he and Kris, things have just clicked that well. More of those drag pictures, hm? Kris is probably wondering. More sparkles and makeup, Adam? More of those photos where your tongue is down that guy's throat? Of course, Kris wouldn't say it in that sort of snarky tone. Kris doesn't do snark. Shit. Kris barely does sarcasm most days. But, still, his thoughts are probably somewhere in that range all the same.

"Yeah?" Adam says. "Let's see 'em."

Danny clicks on a tab in the opened Internet browser, and instantly, a photograph that Adam recognizes all too well pops up. Adam can't help but smile.

"This is the best you've got?" He punches Danny playfully in the shoulder. "And here I had my hopes up for something good and scandalous. You suck at this game, man."

Kris leans over Danny's shoulder, still towel-drying his hair. "Is that you?"

"Yup." Adam grins. "Changed a bit, didn't I?"

"A bit?" Danny says. "Try becoming a whole different person. It's like Dr. Frankenstein got to you. Transformed you and all that." He gives a quick glance at Adam, as if checking if there is still any resemblance between the guy who sits by him now and the young teenager in the photograph.

While Danny and Kris stare at the picture of Adam from his high school days, Adam shakes his head, still smiling to himself. There's a young kid in that picture, freckled with short, blonde hair barely spiked in the front. Proper suit coat, gray tie and gray shirt to match. So, maybe the picture was taken several years ago or so. Not all that long, but yeah, it really does seem like a lifetime ago.

"That's you," Kris says. It seems as if both he and Danny are unable to wrap their minds around that idea.


"Wow," Kris says.

"What made you change?" Danny asks.

Adam, sprawled out on the bed, shrugs and crosses his extended legs. "Why not?" he says. He's not avoiding the question, really. Not like he avoids all those questions from the reporters wanting to know the kind of company he'd prefer to keep in his bed. It's just that, well, he changed. Shouldn't be that big of a deal, right?

Danny gives a small laugh, but it's good-natured and easy. "This guy," he says, pointing to the computer screen, "just seems too normal to be you!"

"Well, you don't think I popped into this world wearing these, do you?" Adam asks. He lifts his hands and dramatically wiggles his fingers, making sleek, black nail polish and big, jeweled rings catch the light.

Danny and Kris both laugh along with him.

"Really, though, what made you change? Not trying to pry, but, well..." Kris gives a little shrug. He looks almost ashamed to be asking, but hey, Adam can't blame him for the curiosity. They're like different species that have been shoved together in this weird, freak experiment of American Idol.

Kris has his guitar and the Southern twang that comes out when he gets too sleepy or talks to his wife too long on the phone. When someone tells a dirty joke too loudly, he looks down, embarrassed, and he still blushes like he's twelve when someone compliments him on his song for the week. His stuff in the bathroom is limited to a razor, shaving cream and hairbrush. Adam couldn't even count all his own bathroom necessities if he tried.

"I didn't want to be that guy anymore," Adam says. He's not sure how better to explain it. "So, I said, 'Well, let's try this for today and see how it feels.' And I liked it, so it stuck. It wasn't like it was all at once though. Just a little here and little there." He shrugs, thinking back on what people said when he first started dressing differently, first started showing up wearing eyeliner, first time he wore leather pants...so many firsts there. "I don't know," he admits. "I guess, y'know, life's too short, so why not try as many different outfits on as possible?"

Danny and Kris look at each other. Adam can see that this concept has never occurred to them. He supposes that's what happens when you're from a small town that's not in California. Briefly, he wonders what would have happened to him if he'd been born in their towns instead of his own. He decides he'd still be that strawberry blonde, freckled kid...and probably still trying to convince himself that there wasn't even a door that would let him come out of the proverbial closet.

"If you guys want," Adam suggests, "I'm sure we can go downtown and pick you up some black dye for your hair. See how you like it." He smiles as Kris' eyes widen and Danny says, "Oh no way, man!"

At Danny's outburst, Allison peeks her head into the room. "What are you boys talking about?" she asks.

"Hair dye!" Adam says. "You want to help me in getting Kris and Danny new colors?" If anybody in this house understands his love for the dye, it's Allison.

Allison grins and hurries into the room. She leaps on top of Danny, looping her arms around his neck. "Purple for you!" she cries.

While Danny screams in mock horror, Allison laughs much too wickedly for a kid her age. Kris shakes his head and smiles. He picks up his towel and goes back into the bathroom, probably retreating before anyone can convince him that blue dye really would bring out his eyes.

Adam chuckles and looks at the photograph of himself still on Danny's computer. So, he changed some, yeah. For the better, for the worse, whatever. But, it got him here. It got him to this place where he can sing his heart out for all of America while staying in a house with some of the most talented people he's ever met, so he smiles and figures that all those changes couldn't have been that bad after all.


oneshots, adam lambert, rpf, american idol, fanfiction

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