
Apr 01, 2010 19:03

Hey guys. Don't forget that starting this Sunday, April 4, a bunch of bus routes are either getting discontinued or altered! Be sure to check the PAT website for details, or look for pamphlets on some buses.

Posted via LiveJournal.app.

via ljapp

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Comments 15

andorus April 1 2010, 23:44:16 UTC
Hey, I'm not sure if you realized this, but whatever app you were using has pretty much posted your address (at the time of posting, anyway) publicly. If that was unintentional, you may want to edit that.


sleepsong April 2 2010, 00:01:58 UTC
Wow, my GPS was so off it didn't even give the right address for the bus stop I was standing at... Thanks for the heads up, though! Fortunately I was grocery shopping when I saw a big change-of-service announcement sign.


andorus April 2 2010, 01:26:05 UTC
No worries. :)

I found out a week or so ago because I was at Forbes/Murray and a guy walked up with a bunch of pamphlets...I started bracing myself, assuming he was an evangelist, but the first thing out of his mouth was, "Do you want a new bus schedule? I'm with the Port Authority." (It was really amusing watching people avoid him after that, making the same assumption I did. More people accepted them than avoided him, though.)


jessieknits April 2 2010, 01:19:23 UTC
downloadable PDF documenting all changes : http://www.portauthority.org/paac/portals/1/tdp/RoutesApril4Final.pdf

vaguely useful new service map divided into pop-up windows by geographic area : http://www.portauthority.org/paacmaps/servicemap.aspx


talldean April 2 2010, 02:29:22 UTC
RidiculouslyWell Done Map by someone who has no actual affiliation with PAT. Weird.


jessieknits April 3 2010, 01:15:37 UTC
Wow! This is fabulous!

Totally the antidote to the one put up by the port authority, that I can't really sort out ... at all.


sleepsong April 2 2010, 13:31:55 UTC
Thanks for posting these! I didn't want to try dealing with linking to PAT on my iPhone, so I'm glad someone else did.


darkstorm_ April 2 2010, 04:20:02 UTC
Wouldn't you think PAT could have waited until people got to their Easter services before screwing with the Sunday bus schedule? What harm is there in beginning the changes on Monday, instead of Easter Sunday?

Edit: deleted the first and reposted due to spelling error.


gentlehum April 2 2010, 10:02:00 UTC
Not everyone is christian. It's a quasi-governmental public agency. Deal.


sleepsong April 2 2010, 13:34:44 UTC
Because more people go to work than go to Church? I don't think they chose "Easter Sunday" so much as "First Sunday in April."


je_dors April 2 2010, 15:46:37 UTC
Boo friggin' hoo. Religion has no place in Public transit.


diesel_driver April 2 2010, 04:35:11 UTC
On a completely unrelated note...
Nice avatar. I love "Look Around You".


sleepsong April 2 2010, 13:35:21 UTC
<3 brown iron <3


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