Try using Google Transit to look up the bus schedule. It's a lot easier to use than the PAT site. Just google Google Transit (or I think just transit brings it up.)
You can't count on the buses here at all. You have to be out there at least 10 minutes before because the buses will just go by anyway. I've never had a problem after it gave me a time if I was there with enough time to make up for the horrible way this city's buses run most of the time.
if you can get off somewhere close to century 3 mall,i dont know the buses in or around castle shannon,but i do know that 55m will take you directly to the campus,you would need to transfer
There is also a Fitness place, I want to say Extreme Fitness or something like that in the Ice Castle building right at the Willow stop you had mentioned. A friend of mine belongs there and loves it.
Comments 13
I frequently would get perscriptions come back filled with the doc's name Cyril tho. That used to irritate me. I am NOT dead.
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