Title: A Darker Shade of Love
Fandom: LJS: VD
Spoilers: VD
ljs100 challenge: #071-Gifts
Disclaimers: Characters and world belong to LJS; the drabble is mine.
'Hate is an attracting force, just like love'
- Terry Pratchett, The Colour of Magic
Big brothers are guardian angels, Mother told me as his tiny hand clasped my thumb. They show the path to their siblings, make them strong. So I did. I taught Stefan how to hold his liquor, how to dance, how to dare. I taught him about women and politics and money, and the lack of difference between the three.
I turned myself into a villain so he could be the hero. I endured his anger, his disgust, his cloying morals. I accepted his hatred like a gift, because it is proof that I succeeded, that I have made him strong.