Title: The Misbegotten, Chapter 3
Author: Piratelf
Rating: R (for strong language)
Fandom: Gilmore Girls and Supernatural crossover inspired by, but in no way a part of the
whatwekeep 'verse.
Disclaimer: Gilmore Girls and Supernatural belong to their respective owners, bought and paid for. I am not one of the owners, more's the pity. The AKB 'verse was
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Comments 7
I had to love Bobby after Dean arrives, at his wit's end, trying to figure out what to do with him. And the Master and Lord and Sir... *g*
I'm interested to find out more about why Dean was put in Remands and what John's going to do once he sees him.
Keep up the good work, my friend!
I'm so glad you're reading, thank you!
I had to love Bobby after Dean arrives, at his wit's end, trying to figure out what to do with him. And the Master and Lord and Sir
Every time he lets that damn Winchester into the house he drags him into some kind of mess! ; )
I'm interested to find out more about why Dean was put in Remands
There'll be a few more more hints before it all comes out, I think.
and what John's going to do once he sees him.
That's coming soon!
Keep up the good work, my friend!
Thank you very much! I really appreciate your comments!
Thank you!
Thanks for letting me know about your update and please keep on writing.
Thank you for the encouragement! Would you like me to continue sending you messages, or would you like to friend the journal? Either one if=s fine, just let me know.
Glad to hear you like John.
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