I *knew* that Tara was your favourite character, but then I suddenly remembered your Anya mood theme and impulsively and foolishly clicked on that one. I hate myself.
I was getting e-mails up until a few minutes ago about quizzes I took and who had done my quiz, but I haven't yet received an e-mail telling me that I took yours. Maybe there's a temporary glitch.
Hey, don't feel bad! I'm sure some of those opinions have never been aired in public, so it's not really a fair quiz. And Tara may be my favorite character, but the other three were my second, third, and fourth favorites. So come to think of it, that was hardly a fair question either. Don't hate yourself!
I still haven't gotten any emails. Maybe I typed my email addy wrong. Hmph.
Wow, I suck. But you know what's weird? Even though I got the questions totally wrong, your first-ever Buffy episode and first-ever Angel episode are the same as mine.
Really? Nifty! Did you get into the shows the same way I did - start watching BtVS in Season 6, get hooked, and then decide to watch Angel from the beginning unspoiled?
No, that's more logical than my version. :) I saw "City Of" when it first aired, as a total fluke. Then years later I got hooked on Buffy season six, and I had to start over with both from the beginning.
Comments 13
I am getting entirely too much enjoyment out of these quizzes. Enjoyment and pain. Mostly pain. Hee.
And have you received any emails yet from the quiz website re: your results? Because I haven't, and I didn't know if it was just me.
I *knew* that Tara was your favourite character, but then I suddenly remembered your Anya mood theme and impulsively and foolishly clicked on that one. I hate myself.
I was getting e-mails up until a few minutes ago about quizzes I took and who had done my quiz, but I haven't yet received an e-mail telling me that I took yours. Maybe there's a temporary glitch.
I still haven't gotten any emails. Maybe I typed my email addy wrong. Hmph.
Heh, the Anya mood theme influenced me too.
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